Break Into Another World

Chapter 1160: If you have the ability, don't be defensive!


Divine Emperor Mojiang stepped onto the **** battle stage with a grim expression: "Very good, enough courage! It's a pity that the most amazing king-level genius in the history of God's Domain has just shown his prominence and is about to die!"

Having said that, God Emperor Mojiang raised his head and roared again: "The power of the Blood Sea Battle Stage, let me ask again, what should I do with treasures or secret skills such as 'possession' on the Blood Sea Battle Stage?"

In the sky, the voice of presiding over the Blood Sea Battle Stage, rumbled: "Kill without mercy!"

"That's good! Please remember this rule, and don't break the rule and prestige!" Emperor Mojiang sneered.

The experts and experts from the God Realm who were watching the battle could not help but sigh inwardly: God Emperor Mojiang is really ruthless, and he has blocked all of Xu Ming's ways to survive!

The old ghost Du, who was hiding under the gray robe, couldn't help shaking his head frequently: "This Xu Ming... sigh! It really answers the old saying: Ninety-nine percent of geniuses die from arrogance and arrogance!"

In Du Laogui's view, since the battle of life and death has begun, how can Xu Ming still survive?

A master and a powerful person also sighed incessantly:

"It's a pity! This Xu Ming has really accepted the life-and-death battle impulsively! It's a pity that a generation of peerless geniuses has just died..."

"God Emperor Mojiang, but he has a strength comparable to the top of the **** emperor! Xu Ming will fight with him, and there will be death and no life!"

"God Emperor Mojiang really did a good job! After this battle, God Emperor Mojiang will probably be able to plunder a lot of luck, and his strength will increase by leaps and bounds!"

"It's ridiculous, Xu Ming, who is extremely elegant, but can only make a wedding dress for others' cultivation path!"


Around the blood sea battle platform, an energy barrier is raised to block the outside world.

"The battle of life and death is on! There is no end to death! Only when one party dies, can you leave the Blood Sea Battle Stage!" The grand voice who presided over the Blood Sea Battle Stage said again.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... ignorant boy, for your arrogance, lead to death!" Although God Emperor Mo Jiang was arrogant, he also knew that Xu Ming was not weak; so when he made a move, it was the ultimate move!

call out!

A blood-colored demonic sword light cut through the **** battle platform; the space was distorted and the cause and effect were chaotic, pointing directly at Xu Ming.

Under the pressure of space and cause and effect, Xu Ming could not dodge at all.

However, he was not ready to dodge: "The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Milling Disc!"

Xu Ming's strongest defensive move!


The blood-colored knife light slashed, and the "grinding disc" displayed by Xu Ming was a big shock, and it was almost broken. Fortunately, this flawless defensive move was still firmly guarded.

"What a powerful attack..." Xu Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised, "There is no virtuous person under the reputation! This Mojiang God Emperor, known as the 'the first middle-level God Emperor' in the entire God Realm, really deserves his reputation; even I, want to It will take a lot of effort to defeat him!"

"What!?" In comparison, Divine Emperor Mojiang's surprise was obviously ten or a hundred times greater. "He actually blocked it? My 'Blood Demon Blade' was actually blocked by him!"

"Huh—" There were many voices of surprise among the gods watching the battle; obviously, many people didn't expect that Xu Ming could stably block the attack of the Emperor Mojiang.

"Humph!" God Emperor Mojiang thought fiercely, "I was lucky to block one attack! I don't believe that he can block it every time! - Come again! Sky Splitting Blade!"


This knife is even more powerful! It was as if the space had been torn apart and the order had been annihilated.

Xu Ming is not in a hurry, and responds to all changes with no change: "The Five Forms of Reincarnation...the grinding disc!"


Continue to block firmly.

"Defense first! Don't rush to attack first!" Xu Ming pondered in his heart, "When I have learned the basics of "Rebellious Fate", I will start a counterattack!"

That's right!

Xu Ming just wanted to take advantage of the battle to learn the secret skill of the emperor-level "plundering luck" - "Defying Fate"!

When you get started with "Defying Fate", Xu Ming will kill Emperor Mojiang! - You must know that Mo Jiang is a **** emperor who cultivates Qi Luck Dao; if Xu Ming plunders his Qi Luck, then Xu Ming's Qi Luck Dao will definitely skyrocket!

"Hurry up and learn!" Xu Ming was distracted. While using the "grinding plate" to defend, he quickly learned the practice "Defying Fate".

If God Emperor Mojiang knew that when Xu Ming was fighting with him, he was still distracted to practice secret techniques, I wonder if he would vomit blood from anger!

"Earth-cutting blade!"

"Breaking Knife!"

"The wave of ten thousand swords!"

"Blade of Oblivion!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The Mojiang God Emperor slammed hysterically.

And Xu Ming, on the other hand, fully carried forward the spirit of "one trick to eat all over the sky". From beginning to end, it was this trick: the grinding table of the five forms of reincarnation!

Grinding disc!

Grinding disc!

Grinding disc!


The powers of the gods who were watching the battle were all speechless - how long will this attack and defense last?

"Unexpectedly, Xu Ming was able to defend against the onslaught of the Emperor Mojiang for so long!"

"It seems! We really underestimate Xu Ming! Even if Xu Ming's strength is slightly weaker than that of the Emperor Mojiang, he is still at the same level!"

"Even if they are at the same level, so what? Weakness is weakness! - Didn't you see that Xu Ming was beaten so much that he could only parry, but was unable to fight back? Defeat is only a matter of time!"

"This is a life-and-death battle! Failure means death!"

"Xu Ming's strength is indeed stronger than we expected! But the stronger it is, the more we can only feel sorry for him! - Dare to fight with the God Emperor Mojiang to the death, Xu Ming's death is a foregone conclusion!"

While everyone was discussing, Bai Lao took Yehenala Cantian and quietly appeared on the Blood Sea Battle Stage.

Bai Lao's eyes immediately fell on Xu Ming: "It's him!"

Immediately, in Old Bai's eyes, infinite cause and effect, everything in the world, he manipulated the powerful force of cause and effect, and wanted to see through all the cause and effect of Xu Ming.


No matter what Old Bai did, he could only see that Xu Ming suddenly appeared in the Holy Emperor City; as for Xu Ming's identity, and what causes and effects he experienced before coming to the Holy Emperor City, Bai Lao was completely unable to detect.

"It's so weird!" This kind of situation has almost never happened before Bai Laodu can't detect the cause and effect. "Could it be that there is a saint-level existence behind this person who deliberately helped him cover up the cause and effect traces?"

Bai Lao thought about it, and only had this explanation.

But actually…

It's not a saint-level existence at all, helping Xu Ming to cover up the traces of cause and effect; it's just because... Xu Ming opened a "disguise".

As soon as the "camouflage" is hung up, the cause and effect of the past is naturally cut off; under the sage, it cannot be seen through.

Although Bai Lao's accomplishments in karma are second only to saints, he is not a real saint after all, so he cannot see through Xu Ming's "disguise".

"Huh?" But at this moment, Yehenara Cantian's expression changed suddenly.

"Can Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Bai Lao naturally found Can Tian beside him, a little strange.

"Old Bai!" Can Tianhui reported, "This person has the imprint of the enemy of my Yehenala clan! He once, absolutely killed the **** of my Yehenala clan!"

"Disguise" can cut off the cause and effect of Xu Ming's past, but it cannot remove the imprint of the enemy on Xu Ming's body.

"Really?" Bai Lao didn't care too much - even if he knew that Xu Ming had the mark of an enemy on his body, so what? - This can only show that this Xu Ming once killed the **** of Yehenara; but he still can't figure out what identity Xu Ming is.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming already didn't know how many attacks he defended; but didn't need to know - anyway, no matter what means the God Emperor Mojiang resorted to, Xu Ming only had one move, "grinding the plate".

This is the trick "grinding"!

God Emperor Mojiang just can't break it!

"Xu Ming!" Finally, God Emperor Mojiang couldn't bear it any longer and scolded angrily, "Could it be that you will only be a tortoise with a shrinking head? Don't defend yourself if you have the ability!"

If you have the ability, don't be defensive!

The gods watching the battle were all speechless—this is a life-and-death battle! How can you tell others not to be defensive during a life-and-death battle?

However, something unexpected happened.

Xu Ming, who had been immersing himself in the study of the "Defying Fate", suddenly raised his head; in his eyes, there was a meaningful smile: "Don't be defensive? Well, I will do as you wish and stop being defensive!"

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