Break Into Another World

Chapter 1163: passionate powers

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled indifferently, got up and left.

The consequences of offending Yehenara?

Xu Ming also wanted Yehenara to know the consequences of offending him!

"Let's see in a year's time!" Xu Ming walked towards the exit without a hurry.

at this time…

"Little friend Xu Ming!" The gray cloak dominated "Old Ghost Du", and suddenly flashed in front of Xu Ming.

"It's Du Gui's master!" Xu Ming laughed.

Du Guizhu, that is, this old ghost Du, had spoken to remind Xu Ming when Xu Ming and Mojiang God Emperor fought to the death before. Xu Ming naturally accepted this favor.

"Little friend Xu Ming is a genius, stepping into the realm of dominance is just around the corner! Between you and me, you don't need to be so polite, just call me 'Du Laogui'!"

Du Laogui originally wanted to accept Xu Ming as a direct disciple. However, as Xu Ming showed his strength, it became more and more against the sky; Du Laogui knew that a genius like Xu Ming was not qualified to accept him as an apprentice.

Since there is no fate between master and apprentice, it is better to plant a "good cause". There must be nothing wrong with having a good relationship with such a genius.

"This old ghost Du is really cunning!"

Master of Cultivation, Master of Ripple, Master of North Wind, Master of Yanhua, and other great masters of the Divine Realm, all secretly scolded Du Laogui for being cunning and knowing how to seize the opportunity to get closer to Xu Ming. This great power no longer hesitated, and rushed to Xu Ming's side one after another, talking with a familiar face.

After all, with Xu Ming's talent, it is definitely a sure thing to achieve the Dominion Realm and be on an equal footing with them; even, Xu Ming still has a lot of possibilities to become a half-sage, a sub-sage, and even a quasi-sage! - The masters are not stupid. Of course, they know that such potential stocks should be handed over first, that's right!

"Too warm!"

In front of Xu Ming, these arrogant and incomparably cold rulers were all very enthusiastic.

"Just let you be proud of yourself for a while!" Can Tian thought fiercely in his heart, "After a year, it will be your death!"

After the masters one by one showed their enthusiasm, it was the turn of the various forces in the Divine Realm to show their enthusiasm to Xu Ming.

The Palace of the Holy Emperor, the Hall of Time and Space, the Void Heaven Realm, the Slaughtering God Field, the Pavilion of All Things, the Battle of the Blood Sea, the Dark Realm Alliance... All the superpowers in the Divine Realm all threw an olive branch to Xu Ming and invited Xu Ming to join.

"Xu Ming, on behalf of Wanwan Pavilion, I sincerely invite you to join!" The elder of Wanwan Pavilion said sincerely, "As long as you are willing to join, I can grant you the position of elder! Between you and Yehenala Clan. I will definitely help you to reconcile the contradiction between the two!”

"Xu Ming, on behalf of the virtual world, I sincerely invite you to join us!"

"Xu Ming, on behalf of Tushenchang, I sincerely invite you to join us!"

For these invitations, Xu Ming refused one by one; he was not interested, and was involved in the battle between the forces.


Looking at the field of vision, what kind of force should Xu Ming join?

Temple of the Holy Emperor? Time Palace? Virtual world? Slaughterhouse? The Pavilion of Everything? …

No match!

It was not easy for Xu Ming to squeeze out the sea of ​​enthusiasm of the gods.

"I've already taken the first step to become famous in the Divine Realm! Now, even if the name 'Xu Ming' has not yet resounded throughout the Divine Realm, it has already attracted the attention of the experts and powers of the Divine Realm!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But Now, for the gods, the name 'Xu Ming' only represents talent and potential, not strength! - The next time I come to the Blood Sea Battle Stage, I will let the gods see My strength! Let Xu Ming's name really resonate in God's Domain!"

Since he was here to marry Yin Ran, Xu Ming would naturally marry him with the loudest reputation!

"In one year, it can also make some leaps in my strength!"

In order to become famous this time, Xu Ming decided to reluctantly use a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid to cultivate!

At this time, outside the Blood Sea Battle Stage.

A slender, first-order **** of the king's title, who is bored and pestering here. If Xu Ming is here, he will definitely recognize this person; he is the "black tour guide" Qiuyang that Xu Ming met when he first came to the underground city.

Beside Qiuyang, there were also three high-level gods of Fengwang, who were obviously a nest of snakes and rats with him.

"What happened in this blood sea battle platform, how did so many masters enter?" Qiuyang was a little puzzled.

"I heard that it was because a super genius who shocked the realm of the gods appeared on the blood sea battle stage! Therefore, these masters of the dominance realm came to watch the battle one after another!" said a senior Huangpao king.

"Humph! It's a pity that the blood sea battle platform is too dark; if you want to go in to watch the battle, you have to pay a bottle of heaven and earth essence liquid! Otherwise, I will go in and join in the fun!" Another high-ranking king said depressedly.

A king-level expert may already be the dominant overlord in other parts of the Divine Realm! But in the "First Divine City of the Divine Realm" in the Holy Emperor City, even the emperor-level masters are as numerous as the crucian carp crossing the river, and the king-level masters are even less of a thing!

The four of them, like Qiuyang, were very curious at this time about what happened in the Blood Sea Battle Stage; however, they were reluctant to spend the "ticket money" for a bottle of Heaven and Earth Essence Liquid to go in and watch the fun.

"Qiuyang!" At this time, the high-ranking Huangpao Fengwang said again, "You said, you were slapped by a kid who first came to Shengdi City? However, we accompanied you and searched several times in the underground city. Circle, I haven't found that kid either - I can't keep looking for it, can I?"

"Come with me to find it again!" Qiuyang begged, "Besides, our 'Black Moon Alliance' is a well-known force in the underground city after all! If any newcomer who comes to Shengdi City for the first time can beat us. The face of the Yuemeng; after that, our Black Moon Alliance is in the dungeon, and it's still a fart!"

"That's right!" Huangpao Feng Wang nodded and said, "Then I'll accompany you to find it!"

Qiuyang said again: "Now, the Battle of the Blood Sea is undoubtedly the most lively place in the entire dungeon! We will just wait here and wait for the rabbit, maybe we will be able to wait for that person!"

As Qiuyang was talking, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's him!" Qiuyang saw that Xu Ming was walking out from the exit of the blood sea battle platform, "This kid, it turned out to be hiding in the blood sea battle platform! No wonder, I looked around in the dungeon and couldn't find it. His trail..."

As he Qiuyang's eyes gradually turned red: "He was willing to pay for a bottle of heaven and earth essence liquid and go to the Blood Sea Battle Stage to watch the battle... It seems that this kid is definitely rich!"

Black Moon Alliance, to put it bluntly, is a group of robbers who can't get on the stage. The more wealthy the target, the happier the experts of the Black Moon Alliance will naturally be.


Qiuyang only knew Xu Ming's appearance at this time, but he didn't know Xu Ming's name. Otherwise, if let him know that Xu Ming is the super genius who is famous in the realm of the gods; then his current thoughts are probably not robbery, but how to kneel in front of Xu Ming and beg for mercy.

"That's him?" Huangpao Fengwang followed Qiuyang's gaze and looked over, "Qiuyang, you were beaten by a junior Fengwang and came back to ask for help? You really are getting more and more confused! The face of our Black Moon Alliance, You've lost it all!"

"It's not easy to be a first-level king!" Qiuyang continued.

"Okay, don't talk about it for now!" said the leader who had not spoken. "Let's go over first and take him down! Let's teach others a lesson, so that others will know what will happen to our Black Moon Alliance!"

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