Break Into Another World

Chapter 1181: Summoned

The gong chips are staggered, and the cups are replaced.

However, the geniuses under the clouds are not qualified to drink with the masters of the master realm above the clouds.

After all, genius is genius, power is power!

Great powers must be transformed from geniuses; and geniuses may not all be transformed into great powers!

If the **** emperor wants to transform into a master, there is no one in a hundred! Not to mention, many geniuses are only at the king level! —Want to drink with the master of the realm? Far from it!

"Blood Sea Half-Saint, thank you for coming to join us!" The city lord of the Holy Emperor gave the masters of the dominion realm a toast one by one; he didn't despise other lords just because he was a quasi-saint.

In fact, if they are both at the master level, they are basically equal and intersect! After all, no matter whether it is the primary master or the quasi-sage, in terms of realm, they all comprehend the ultimate way of chaos, and they only comprehend "a trace".

And the sage has been recognized by the source of chaos in the understanding of the primordial chaos of chaos!

"Hahahaha!" The Blood Sea Half-Saint laughed and raised his glass, "How dare I not come to support the city lord's marriage? If I don't come, I am afraid that the Blood Sea Battle Stage will not be able to continue to exist in the dungeon in the future! "

"Hahaha!" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor couldn't help laughing, "You **** sea! Am I not caring enough for you?"

The underground city is actually the category of the Holy Emperor City; therefore, it is also under the control of the Holy Emperor City Lord.

The Holy Emperor City was jointly built by a number of saints. As long as he is in the Holy Emperor City, the Holy Emperor City Lord is an absolutely invincible existence; with the help of the great defense of the city, even if other saints come, the Holy Emperor City Lord can be head-on.

The top forces of the God Realm, such as the Space-Time Hall, the Void World Realm, the Slaughtering God Field, and the Pavilion of All Things, are all headquartered in the Holy Emperor City, because... it is safe here!

Therefore, in terms of his own strength, the Holy Emperor City Lord may not be comparable to the quasi-sages such as the Space-Time Palace Lord, the Void Heaven Realm Lord, etc. However, in terms of his position in the Holy Emperor City, it is definitely the highest of the Holy Emperor City Lord! -Even the quasi-sages, to a certain extent, have to be "covered" by the city lord of the Holy Emperor!

Now that the Holy Emperor City Lord is recruiting for his daughter, how could the great powers in the Holy Emperor City dare not sell the Holy Emperor City Lord's face?

"Ripple Master, thank you for joining us!"

"North Wind Lord, thank you for joining us!"

When the city lord of the Holy Emperor toasted to Zu Yi's quasi-sage.

Zhu Yi Zhunsheng smiled and said: "Haha, city lord, I have long been guessing, when will you be willing to marry your precious daughter; now, let me wait until this day!"

"Haha!" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor smiled and had a toast with Zhu Yi Zhunsheng.

At this time, Zhu Yi Zhunsheng suddenly said through a voice transmission: "City Lord, I have two things I want to tell you here. Please give me a face no matter what, and promise me one of them, okay?"

Two things?

Promise one of them?

"It depends on what's going on!" The Holy Emperor City Lord replied with a smile.

Of course, he would not promise Zu Yi anything casually—especially when he was recruiting relatives, especially when Zu Yi quasi-sage said it so solemnly.

"The first thing..." Zu Yi Zhun sneered and said, "Saint Emperor City Lord, look, you and I have been together for hundreds of millions of years; Reputation, you must be very clear! My first thing is... You see, when you finally choose, can you choose Cantian? In this way, from now on, you and I will become one family! You are right Saint, I am also a quasi-sage; in the future, our two families will become a family, and one family will have two quasi-sages... Tsk tsk! Look at the eyes, under the sage, who would dare to provoke us?"

"This..." The Holy Emperor City Lord pondered, "When I was toasting with Li Family Lord, he also said similar things to me through voice transmission!"

The Li family leader, although only at the sub-sage level, is not as strong as Zu Yi; but you must know that the background of the Li family is much deeper than that of the Yehenala family! - The family inheritance of the Li family is extremely mysterious; so far, no one in the entire Divine Realm knows where the family inheritance of the Li family came from.

Therefore, if the choice is between Li Xiujie and Cantian, the Holy Emperor City Lord will undoubtedly prefer Li Xiujie.

But now, of course, the city lord of the Holy Emperor can't show his heart to Zuyi Zhunsheng, but said with a smile: "How to choose in the end depends on fate!"


Zhu Yi Zhunsheng sneered disdainfully in his heart - fate is a fart! Isn't it all about the meaning of your Holy Emperor City Lord?

However, Zhu Yi Zhunsheng could not refute the face of the Holy Emperor City Lord, but continued with a smile: "Then I will talk about my second thing! - I also ask the Holy Emperor City Lord, no matter who you choose in the end, Don't choose Xu Ming!"

"Oh?" The city lord of the Holy Emperor was a little strange. As a quasi-sage, why would Zu Yi have trouble getting along with a mere Xu Ming? Moreover, he deliberately told himself that he should not choose Xu Ming.

"Because..." Zhu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes, "This Xu Ming, who killed my Yehenala Clan's digital **** emperor, is my Yehenala Clan's must-kill target! Now, yes I will not kill him on the happy day of your marriage, city lord; however, after the marriage is over, no matter what, I will kill him!"

The meaning of Zu Yi's quasi-sage words is that even if he is the son-in-law of your holy emperor's city lord, I will kill him!

"Huh?" The Holy Emperor City Lord frowned slightly—although, Zu Yi Quansheng's words made him a little uncomfortable; however, the Holy Emperor City Lord really had to think about Zu Yi Quansheng's words! After all, you can't recruit a son-in-law, but he was killed by Zhu Yi Zhunsheng, right?

"Holy Emperor City Lord, please agree to one of the two things I asked for no matter what, okay?" Zu Yi quasi-sage said.

Two things?

In fact, these two things, to put it bluntly, are just one thing! - If the city lord of the Holy Emperor agreed to Zu Yi's first thing, and finally chose Cantian; then, the second thing, "not choosing Xu Ming", would also be realized at the same time.

The City Lord of the Holy Emperor could of course hear it. Zhu Yi Zhunsheng said so much to himself, in fact, the main thing was to say - no matter what, don't choose Xu Ming!

The Holy Emperor City Lord thought for a while and said, "What you said, I will consider it!"

Of course, the city lord of the Holy Emperor would not directly promise Zu Yi to be a quasi-sage! How to choose in the end, the city lord of the Holy Emperor will also have his own ideas, and will not be led away by Zu Yi.

"Yanhua dominates!"

"Fujitsu dominates!"

"Master Yun!" The City Lords of the Holy Emperor toasted one by one, and finally greeted Master Yun, "Unexpectedly, Master Yun, you came here specially from the Yanyan Continent, which really makes me radiant!"

To Master Yun, the City Lord of the Holy Emperor was obviously a little more polite.

Master Yun is also a quasi-sage-level power, and he is not a quasi-sage in his Holy Emperor City! The so-called "coming from afar is a guest", of course, the city lord of the Holy Emperor must not lose his etiquette.

Of course, Zhuge Yun's strength is known as "under the saints and the top ten in the realm of the gods" - based on this alone, the city lord of the Holy Emperor does not dare to neglect the ruler Yun!

"Congratulations, City Lord of the Holy Emperor! You will soon find a good home for your precious daughter!" Lord Yun raised his glass and said politely, "I have one thing, I want to ask the City Lord! Also I hope the city master can consider it!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" the Lord of the Holy Emperor asked.

Master Yun said with a smile: "Xu Ming, to my son Yun Ning, he has the grace of preaching and teaching; at the same time, Xu Ming is also my friend!"

In order to give Xu Ming a boost, Master Yun directly raised Xu Ming's identity as "his friend"!

"Your friend?" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor was a little shocked.

"That's right!" Master Yun said, "So, City Lord, if you can choose Xu Ming, I will be very grateful!"

"This... I have to think about it!" The Holy Emperor City Lord pondered for a while and said, "However, in any case, Xu Ming must be able to pass through three stages! After all, in the three assessment stages, only three geniuses can be screened out in the end! "

"You don't need to worry about that!" Yun Zhuzhu was extremely confident, "Xu Ming, you must take one of the spots!"

"Really?" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor gave Xu Ming a surprised look and didn't say any more.

The feast lasted for two days.

Two days later, all the masters and all the geniuses were arranged to rest in the guest rooms of the city lord's mansion; after another day, the examination of recruiting relatives officially started!

"Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming left the hall and was about to fly to the guest room that he had arranged for him when suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice sounded in his mind.

Xu Ming looked at him in surprise - it was Mr. Bai who had passed the sound transmission to him!

"What's Bai Lao's order?" Xu Ming asked.

Xu Ming may have a bit of hatred for Bai Lao; after all, Bai Lao took Li Xiujie and forcibly brought Yin Ran back to the realm of the gods.

However, this kind of hatred is not strong enough; in the final analysis, Bai Lao is just doing what he was ordered to do. Moreover, Xu Ming thought about it from a different perspective. If he was the City Lord of the Holy Emperor, then he would never let his daughter fool around with a "Tao Lord" in a small world of dust.

Therefore, it was actually somewhat reasonable for Bai Lao to take Yin Ran away!

Bai Laodao: "City Lord wants to see you, come with me!"

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