Break Into Another World

Chapter 1190: important

Li Xiujie's mood at the moment is undoubtedly broken!

What's wrong with this Nima!

I'm here for a wedding! But... I've been slapped all the time since the official recruiting began!

There must be more than tens of thousands of rhythms for a song "Billions of Gods and Demons"! In addition to other songs, and Xu Ming's rhythmic slaps... Anyway, since Li Xiujie officially started recruiting, there must be 100,000 slaps!

One hundred thousand slaps!

If it wasn't for Li Xiujie's thick skin, I'm afraid his entire face would be flattened!

The saddest thing is... the Lord of the Holy Emperor invites relatives, this is a grand event that the entire God Realm cares about! In other words, Li Xiujie was not only "slapped in face", but also "lost face" and thrown into the entire Divine Realm!

Even, it is not just as simple as "losing face"!

Li Xiujie received so many slaps inexplicably. Anyone with a little bit of brains would think—Did Li Xiujie offend some incomparably terrifying superpower?

As a result, even those forces that were previously close to the Li family behaved a little "for fear of avoiding it" towards the Li family.

If the Li family can't get to the bottom of the "mysterious slap" thing, I am afraid that in the future, the Li family will be isolated by the entire God Realm! - After all, no one dares to easily be friends with the Li family, who secretly has a mysterious and powerful enemy!

Xu Ming's current slap was not just a blow to Li Xiujie's face, but also overturned the accumulation of countless billions of years of the entire Li family!

"Too deceiving!"

"Too deceiving!"

Li Xiujie was furious.

However, in response to him, only rhythmic and dynamic slaps!

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

"General's Order", "Dongfeng Broken", "Jiangnan", "HOP", "Little Apple"...

One after another catchy tune, Xu Ming drew the rhythm on Li Xiujie's face.

Especially when the "Little Apple" was drawn, many masters of the realm who were paying attention to Li Xiujie couldn't help shaking with the rhythm!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Clap clap clap clap!

you! Yes! I! of! Little, little apple!

The six-finger master couldn't help but shuddered: "How can such a simple rhythm resonate so strongly with me? Incredible! Incredible!"

Before he knew it, the feet of the six-finger ruler were already shaking with the rhythm of "Little Apple".

At the same time, the six-finger master's heart was deeply shocked: "I have always liked to use complicated rhythms, but I forgot about the simplicity of the Dao... The simpler the rhythm, the more resonant it is!"

The six-finger master seems to have found the correct cultivation path for the rhythm! In the depths of his eyes, the color of enlightenment gradually emerged.

The melody of "Little Apple" playing on Li Xiujie's face directly gave the Six Fingers Master an epiphany!

Of course Li Xiujie didn't know that his face could actually help the Six Fingers to master the epiphany; at this time, he just wanted to suffer: "Is there any end?"

The answer is: it's not over!

Xu Ming has made up his mind - until the end of the recruitment!

Use the slap on Li Xiujie's face as the sound of firecrackers for marrying Yin Ran!

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly swept across Wanjie Island.

He has two avatars in the Holy Emperor City - the ancient cultivator avatar, who concentrates on the recruitment assessment; and the air luck avatar, which is dedicated to slapping Li Xiujie in the face!

Recruiting relatives, slapping the face, both are correct!


Xu Ming's forward trajectory has also attracted the attention of some masters of the realm! They were surprised to find that Xu Ming was heading in the direction of the cave closest to him; and inside the cave was a small world where the karma stone was hidden!

"How did Xu Ming know the direction of the cave?"

"Is it a coincidence?"

"It shouldn't be a coincidence! You must know that this cave is billions of miles away from Xu Ming; if there is a slight deviation in the direction of Xu Ming's advance, it will be a thousand miles away! - And Xu Ming is obviously flying very fast. Confidence, he is definitely looking for this direction!"

"Could it be... Xu Ming also has some means of space exploration?"

"It's hard to say! This Xu Ming seems to have a lot of secrets about him, making it difficult for people to see through him!"

Master Yun was always very calm, and secretly said in his heart: "Xu Ming, ah Xu Ming! Your performance is really beyond my expectations! - Space exploration, I'm afraid it is a method in "Wan Xin Yin"? The Heart Seal has been applied to an extent that I can't even find it, it's unbelievable!"

At the same time, Master Yun couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed in his heart: "Saint Wudi, the successor you chose is indeed right! But... want to rely on him to save you from there? It's difficult!"

It's just... How could Zhuge Yun think that Xu Ming didn't use the "Wan Xin Yin" at all, but just opened the "exploration" link casually.

The City Lord of the Holy Emperor looked at Xu Ming and then at Li Xiujie with a rather complicated expression.

The Holy Emperor City Lord was most optimistic about Li Xiujie! But now... Li Xiujie has been slapped for nothing since he officially started recruiting relatives! - With such a performance, how could the Lord of the Holy Emperor choose Li Xiujie?

On the contrary, Xu Ming, who was not originally favored by the Holy Emperor City Lord, was dazzling at this moment.

"Could it be... I should think about Xu Ming?" The Holy Emperor City Lord couldn't help thinking, but then he shook his head frequently, "Xu Ming was born in the dusty world, and his background is too humble, it is impossible to protect Xiaoran's special physique! Once... the consequences are unimaginable!"

Just as the masters were discussing, Xu Ming was the first to come to the entrance of a cave.

"Entering the cave is a small world!"

Xu Ming prepared a little and flew directly into the cave.

At this time, Li Xiujie was still slapped endlessly.

At first, when Xu Ming slapped his face, "song selection" was more casual. Whenever he thinks of any song, he slaps any song on Li Xiujie's face; even sometimes there will be a "freestyle".

Later, Xu Ming, who really couldn't decide what song to "pick", simply chose the and brushed every singer's song; when he came across some favorite songs, he would even come up with a "single" Song Cycle".

In short, Li Xiujie's face is a face full of music!

It's a pity... it's already been drawn out of shape!

However, as the saying goes—you get used to it!

In the beginning, Li Xiujie would yell at the sky for a few words to prove that he was still struggling; later, he didn't even bother to yell anymore - he was used to being beaten!

In Li Xiujie's eyes, there was a gleam of evil light: "I was beaten in the face and my reputation was discredited. It's all trivial things! But I can't make a big deal out of it..."

Li Xiujie came to recruit relatives because he had "big things" to do!

Thinking of this, Li Xiujie ignored the rhythmic slap on his face; he held his breath and stared again, sitting cross-legged, and using his secret space exploration skills.

Because being pumped has become a habit, this time, the continuous slaps can no longer affect Li Xiujie's secret skills.

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