Break Into Another World

Chapter 1202: Slaughter the Li family

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"This is impossible!"

"Xu Ming's could it be..."

One by one, the masters of the realm were all terrified to the extreme.

The scene at this time is very similar to the scene of the Blood Sea Battle Stage ten years ago!

One shot!

Li Xiujie's divine body was almost completely annihilated! All rely on a layer of golden light to protect Li Xiujie's outer skin - this is the last bit of Li Xiujie's divine body!

"This..." The masters of the Dominion Realm watching the battle instantly became petrified.

"how so…"

"Li Xiujie has accepted the second inheritance in the family, and his strength has definitely reached the primary level of dominance! But... he was defeated by Xu Ming in one shot!?"

"Xu Ming's shot is too terrifying!"

"Could it be... In the past ten years, Xu Ming's strength has improved, and Li Xiujie is even bigger?"

"Impossible! - Li Xiujie has accepted the mysterious secondary inheritance of the family, so his strength has grown by leaps and bounds! No matter how fast Xu Ming's strength has improved, how could he have the speed of Li Xiujie?"

"There is another possibility, that is... Ten years ago, the power of Xu Ming's shot was actually offset by the golden light of Li Xiujie's body protection; most of the power was not exerted at all! So this Once, Xu Ming was still able to defeat Li Xiujie with a single shot!" A white-bearded ruler said seriously.

"You mean... Ten years ago, Xu Ming didn't show his full strength at all? Only now did he show his true strength?"

I have to say that the imagination of the masters of the realm is very rich! In a short moment, they imagined many explanations for "Why Xu Ming was able to defeat Li Xiujie in seconds".


There is no explanation that is in line with the truth!

What is the truth? That is—in the past ten years, Xu Ming's strength has improved, and Li Xiujie is even bigger!

And it's much bigger!

"What!?" Patriarch Li was completely dumbfounded—he originally hoped that after Li Xiujie accepted the second inheritance of the family, he could find Xu Ming in the fate assessment and be ashamed! Now, Xu Ming has found it; however, instead of being ashamed, he has been humiliated again!

What a sad story!

"I..." The most ignorant, of course, is Li Xiujie! - He never thought that he would be defeated by Xu Ming in one second!

For a time, Li Xiujie didn't know how to face this reality!

Reality is so cruel...

"This..." In the small world where Xu Ming and Li Xiujie were, the other geniuses had a vague feeling that Li Xiujie was defeated by a single shot. Then, is it their turn?

Although, after Xu Ming used the "birth and death style", most of the divine body was damaged; but even so, it was still far from what other geniuses could compete with! - Xu Ming killed them as easy as slaughtering chickens and dogs!

The loyal young man Wang Kai also widened his eyes, unable to react at all. But one thing, he can be sure, that is - he is going to be miserable!

"Uh..." Xu Ming held up his spear and looked at Li Xiujie, "Sure enough, it still won't kill you! I really don't know what kind of secrets you are hiding!"

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Heaven Collapsing!"


Xu Ming raised his spear again and hit Li Xiujie's body with golden light; it was like hitting a tortoise shell, and it blasted Li Xiujie to the end of this small world.

"Run away!!"

I don't know who shouted.

Immediately, the geniuses under Li Xiujie's command fled to the teleportation tunnel desperately—do not escape? Are you waiting to be slaughtered by Xu Ming?

"Escape?" Xu Ming's face was hideous - since these people have the intention to kill Xu Ming, how could Xu Ming let them escape?

"If you want to kill me, be prepared to be killed!"


Xu Ming teleported and appeared in front of Wang Kai! - In this small world, besides Li Xiujie, who would Xu Ming want to kill the most? Then there is no doubt that it is definitely Wang Kai!

Li Xiujie has a secret to protect himself, and Xu Ming can't kill him temporarily; then, kill Wang Kai first!

"Ming...Brother Ming!" As soon as Wang Kai hit Xu Ming's icy gaze, his legs suddenly softened.

"Humph!" Xu Ming's eyes showed no mercy.

Speaking of which, Xu Ming had a life-saving grace for Wang Kai; at the Shensha River, if not for Xu Ming, Wang Kai would have died under the pursuit of Yehenala! However, Wang Kai not only did not know how to repay his kindness, but also helped Li Xiujie to deal with Xu Ming.

What's the use of keeping such a white-eyed wolf?

"Brother Ming! It's none of my business, it's none of my business!" Wang Kai begged for mercy, "Li Xiujie forced me to do all this!"

"Forcing you?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, and waved his spear lightly; Wang Kai's entire divine body was completely annihilated.


Xu Ming teleported again and appeared in front of other geniuses.

"Xu Ming, you dare to kill me, you are the mortal enemy of my Li family!" The genius said stupidly.

"Haha! I have long been the mortal enemy of your Li family!" Xu Ming swung his spear again, killing him easily! -Ordinary emperor-level genius, in front of Xu Ming, is not a one-shot enemy at all! As long as you shoot at random, you can easily take it away.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming kept teleporting.

The genius of the Li family is constantly being harvested.

"How dare Xu Ming..." The head of the Li family was completely red-eyed - he never thought that Xu Ming would dare to kill the genius of his Li family in the fate assessment!

This is simply stepping on the face of his Li family and stomping on the ground!

"Damn it..." The head of the Li family is angry and anxious - if Xu Ming is allowed to slaughter like this, the geniuses of the younger generation of the Li family will probably be slaughtered to nothing!

However, the Li family had no way to make Xu Ming stop the slaughter. After all, this is a fate assessment, no matter what happens inside, the masters are not allowed to intervene.

kill! kill! kill!

Xu Ming slaughtered unscrupulously!

One is to slaughter the geniuses of the Li family, and the other is to get their karma stone!

As for other geniuses, Xu Ming could "just rob but not kill"; however, the genius of the Li family had to die!

"Brother Ming, spare your life!"

"Brother Ming! Let me go!"

Killing and killing, some geniuses of the Li family even began to beg for mercy.

But does begging for mercy work? —Xu Ming is not so kind now! He knew very well that if he was the weaker side, the geniuses of the Li family would never let him go; but now that he was the stronger side, there was no reason to let go of these geniuses of the Li family!

kill! kill! kill!


Some geniuses of the Li family even escaped to other small worlds through the teleportation channel However, Xu Ming easily chased them and slaughtered everyone!

Xu Ming will not show mercy to the Li family!

In the end, Xu Ming returned to Li Xiujie - at this time, Li Xiujie's body was weak, but he was not dead; moreover, with the protection of the mysterious golden light, Xu Ming could not kill him.

"Xu Ming! What are you doing here!?" Li Xiujie said bitterly.

The family genius was slaughtered, how could Li Xiujie not hate it?

Xu Ming sneered and said, "Li Xiujie, hand over all your karma stones honestly!"

"Hand over it?" Li Xiujie said coldly, "If I don't, what can you do to me? Could it be that you can still beat me to death?"

When Li Xiujie said these words, his attitude was very tough. It's just that the non-stop slaps on his face "popped", which somewhat damaged his tough image.

"Kill you to death... I may not be able to do it!" Xu Ming smiled strangely, "But..."

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