Break Into Another World

Chapter 1207: broken


Zheng Qi stepped forward.

"Zheng Qi?" The corner of Li Xiujie's mouth twitched with disdain, "Where is the unknown person?"

In terms of cultivation, it is indeed not enough to see Zheng Qi, who is only at the beginning of Feng Wang. But you must know that the talent assessment does not look at the cultivation base at all, but only at the age!

The cultivation base is low, what happened?

Zheng Qi stood calmly in front of the mirror. Time mirror, very snapshot of his real age: 1.12 million years old!

Just over a million years old, much younger than Li Xiujie!

"What? So young?" Li Xiujie was startled.

The other masters of the Dominion Realm were also a little surprised, and secretly said in their hearts: "This Zheng Qi will definitely be able to advance to the third stage of recruiting relatives! I really didn't expect... that a junior king would be promoted to the third stage!"

"It seems that the recruitment assessment set up by the city lord of the Holy Emperor is also flawed! Otherwise, how can the first-level cultivation of the king be promoted to the third stage?"

"A flaw? It's not a flaw! It's that even the City Lord of the Holy Emperor did not expect that Xu Ming's performance in the fate assessment would be so defiant!"

"Yeah! With Xu Ming's performance against the sky! No matter what kind of recruiting rules the City Lord of the Holy Emperor sets, Xu Ming will find out the flaws!"

"It's just... even if Xu Ming can find out the flaws, so what? - In this second stage of the talent assessment, Xu Ming still can't pass it?"

Amidst the discussions of the masters, one after another, geniuses came to the stage to be tested by the Time Mirror.

2.3 million years old!

4.6 million years old!

Four and a half million years old!

The age of a genius is revealed in the mirror of time.

The seven geniuses in a row were even younger than Li Xiujie.

Li Xiujie looked terrified: "Could it be that there are ten geniuses younger than me?"

If this is the case, then Li Xiujie will not be able to advance to the third stage of recruiting relatives, and can only stop at the second stage.

Fortunately, after these seven geniuses passed, the next genius who came to power was "older" than Li Xiujie.

Li Xiujie let out a long sigh of relief: "It's okay! It's okay!"

Xu Ming felt a little regretful: "I already guessed that the talent assessment may be younger than 'younger'; therefore, the ten youngest talents were specially selected and brought to the second stage! If there are nine A genius who is younger than Li Xiujie; then, plus myself, I can contract the ten winning places in the talent assessment! It's a there are only seven geniuses, younger than Li Xiujie!"

Really annoying!

He wanted to contract the winning spot in the second round, but he still couldn't squeeze Li Xiujie away.

Although Xu Ming is very confident, he can crush Li Xiujie in the next third link "background assessment" and the final "doing gift". However, keeping Li Xiujie here is more or less a variable!

And Xu Ming didn't want to see this variable!

The geniuses have been tested, and only Xu Ming is left.

"Why isn't Xu Ming playing yet?"

"Yeah! I've been waiting for him for a long time! - What's so good about the age of other geniuses? The highlight is Xu Ming!"

"Maybe Xu Ming didn't dare to go to the test age because he knew he couldn't advance to the third stage?"

"It's very possible!"

"Oh! Is it useful to not dare to play? It's not the end, but I still have to play! - Procrastination, it's just shameful!"

Don't dare to play?


Xu Ming turned a deaf ear to these mean and ignorant comments.

How do these ignorant masters of the master realm know that the more important the finale is, the more they will appear at the end! Like Li Xiujie, the first one to run up in a hurry is usually the clown jumping on the beam.

Xu Ming stood in front of the mirror.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

One after the other, the master and the genius, all waited with bated breath for Xu Ming's cultivation.

"Xu Ming came here from the world of dust, how many years has he experienced?" Yin Ran watched with anticipation and nervousness next to the water curtain image.

Obviously, Yin Ran also believed that it was impossible for Xu Ming to have undergone such a huge transformation in just a hundred years; Xu Ming must have entered a secret realm where time and space were chaotic before he could cultivate so quickly.

However, Yin Ran believes that even if Xu Ming has entered the chaotic secret realm, he will never be older than Li Xiujie!

"Xu Ming will definitely win the talent test!" Yin Ran's eyes were extremely determined.

However, in this certainty, there is still a trace of worry - even if Xu Ming successfully passed the talent assessment, what will Xu Ming compare with Li Xiujie in the next "background assessment"?

With the Li family's heritage in the God's Domain, under the saints, I am afraid there are not many forces, dare to say that the Li family is stabilized!

Xu Ming was born in the world of dust, so what does he compare his background with Li Xiujie?

Although Yin Ran was worried, she still looked forward to it: "As far as you can go! If it's not Xu Ming who wins in the end..."

In Yin Ran's world ring, there is a "Fate Terminator" lying quietly.

When the order of destiny ends, life will naturally come to an end.

Xu Ming stood in front of the mirror. His true age gradually appeared on the mirror of time: 00,000 years!

There are only three words: "00,000 years!"


Saint Emperor City Lord, Bai Lao, Lord Yun, Master of Space-Time, Family Master Li, Sage Zuyi... One after another, the masters of the realm were all stunned when they saw the word "00,000 years" appearing on the Time Mirror.

00,000 years?

What does it mean?

Why does "00,000 years" appear?

One by one, the masters of the realm were unable to turn their minds around for a while. After all, I have never seen the words "00,000 years" appear on the mirror.

"Could it be that the mirror of time is broken?" the masters couldn't help thinking.

However, will the mirror also be damaged? - Unheard of!

It seems that in the realm of the gods, I have never heard that the mirror of time will break!

But if the mirror of time is not broken, what about the three words "00,000 years"?

Suddenly, Master Yun said: "I remember that the lowest grade '100 million grade' time mirror, sometimes, will show the words '000 million years'! You said..."

The age measured by the 100 million-year-old mirror is accurate to "100 million years".

If the age is less than "100 million years old", then "000 million years old" will be displayed! - This kind of situation is quite common in God's Domain!

But... things like "Long Live Zero" really never happened in Divine Realm!

"Could it be... Xu Ming is less than ten thousand years old?" Many great experts couldn't help but think of this.

But then, they all felt that it was impossible!


Xu Ming has the combat power of "Domination Realm", how could he be less than 10,000 years old? Even many demigods, and even weaker Dao Masters and Dao Venerables, are far more than ten thousand years old, right?

Will Xu Ming be less than ten thousand years old?

The masters of the masters would rather believe: It is really the time mirror that is broken!

"Yes! It's definitely the mirror that's broken!"

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