Break Into Another World

Chapter 1215: bride price

Inside the City Lord's Mansion. Tomato Novel Network ``

The Holy Emperor City Lord and Bai Lao sat opposite each other alone.

"Old Bai!" said the City Lord of the Holy Emperor, "This Xu Ming seems to be the successor of the Saint Wudi!"

Bai Lao thought for a while, and said, "Yes! Among the saints in the realm of the gods, I am afraid that there is also the saint without difficulty. It is possible to have such a dominant army! After all, the saint without difficulty once roamed the chaos and made a name for himself in the endless chaos. ; It is said that it also leads nearly ten thousand masters!"

"But what I didn't expect was that the Holy One without Difficulties valued Xu Ming so much!" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor sighed with emotion.

"Yeah! Otherwise, Xu Ming would not be able to mobilize the army of three thousand rulers!"

The City Lord of the Holy Emperor and Elder Bai also mistakenly thought that Xu Ming was the successor of the Saint Wu Difficulty, so he was able to summon so many masters.

However, their "misunderstanding" was considered a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and they just guessed the relationship between Xu Ming and the Sage Wudi!

"City Lord, how do you decide to recruit this time?" Bai Lao asked.

"Needless to say? Since Xu Ming is the descendant of the Sage Wudi, I have nothing to worry about when I hand Xiaoran over to him!" The City Lord of the Holy Emperor said, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, "If it weren't for the Sage Wudi Falling into the dark realm, the realm of the gods will definitely not be so uneasy!"

Yes! God's Domain is very uneven!

Undercurrents surging in all directions are signs of impending chaos.

Of course, these things can only be felt by the top powers of the Divine Realm like the Holy Emperor City Lord and Bai Lao.

"Dark Domain..." Old Bai's face also showed some despair, "I heard that as long as you fall into it, even a saint will not be able to come out..."

Inside Xu Ming's residence.

Xu Ming was searching for the guts: "Barriage gift! Betrothal gift! Betrothal gift! What kind of betrothal gift should I give?"

Before officially marrying Yin Ran, there is only one last step left to give the dowry!

Of course Xu Ming did not dare to be careless!

Although the City Lord of the Holy Emperor did not take the betrothal ceremony very seriously; however, Xu Ming had to take it very seriously! For Yin Ran's sake, no link should be sloppy!

Fate assessment, talent assessment, background assessment, Xu Ming crushed Li Xiujie all the way! The final "doing gift" must of course be crushed!

"Hahahaha, brother Xu Mingxian!" Lord Yun's loud laughter sounded outside the door.

"Brother Yun, why are you here?" Xu Ming hurriedly invited him in.

"Good, you brother Xu Mingxian!" Master Yun scolded with a laugh, "It turns out that Sage Wudi has already arranged the background assessment for you! You didn't tell me in advance, and I was shocked!"

When the three thousand rulers shouted in unison "Hello, Brother Ming", Master Yun was indeed shocked!

Such a scene has never happened in the entire Divine Realm!

"Uh..." Xu Ming's face was a little weird, "Saint without difficulty?"

Immediately, Xu Ming thought that Master Yun must have misunderstood something, and mistakenly thought that the army of three thousand rulers was related to Saint Wudi.

Exactly, how does Xu Mingzhengchou explain the origin of the three thousand "box lunch army"; since Master Yun "actively" misunderstood, it would be better, and there is no need to explain.

Xu Ming didn't deny it either, just tacitly acquiesced to the words of Lord Yun.

"Brother Yun, are you here this time...?" The two sides were seated; Xu Ming poured a cup of tea for Zhuge Yun and asked.

"Come over and talk! By the way, how are your dowry preparations going?" Master Yun said with a smile, "Why, do you need me to prepare something for you?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Thank you for your kindness! However, I just decided to use the Primal Chaos Liquid as a dowry!"

"What?" Master Yun glared, almost spitting out the tea, "You... what did you say? Are you going to use the primordial chaotic liquid as a dowry?"

Chaos Primordial Liquid, but a treasure that even a saint would blush! For the existence of the Dominion Realm, a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid can set off a **** storm.

And now, Xu Ming actually wanted to use Chaos Primal Liquid as a dowry?

Master Yun originally said that he would help Xu Ming prepare some betrothal gifts; but now, as soon as the Primal Chaos Essence comes out, even Master Yun would be hard-pressed to come up with a better betrothal gift!

"Atmosphere!" Master Yun couldn't help but secretly sighed how precious the Chaos Primal Liquid was? Under the saint, being able to have a drop is already very remarkable! And now, Xu Ming is going to give out the Primal Chaos Liquid as a dowry gift. Isn't this atmosphere?

Anyway, in the eyes of Master Yun, he would never be able to do such a grand thing by himself!

At this time, Xu Ming said again: "I'm going to give ten drops, which means perfection!"

"Pfft!" Master Yun sprayed directly.

"Brother Yun, what's the matter? Are you alright?" Xu Ming asked with some doubts.

"Cough cough! Ten drops..." Master Yun coughed a few times as if he was choking on the tea, and said, "Brother Xu Mingxian, do you know the value of ten drops of Chaos Primal Liquid?"

"I know!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "The value of ten drops of Chaos Primal Liquid is much more than the entire net worth of a!"

"I know you are sending so much..." Master Yun said painfully; it was as if the ten drops of Chaos Primal Liquid that Xu Ming was about to send out belonged to him.

Xu Ming said lightly, "It's not a question of how much it is worth!"

How can the relationship between Xu Ming and Yin Ran be measured by value?

Ten drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, in fact, is more like Xu Ming expressing an attitude to the Lord of the Holy Emperor, I will treat Yin Ran well.

"Okay..." Master Yun couldn't help joking, "If you took out this dowry earlier, I'm afraid you don't even need to participate in the recruitment examination, and you can take Yin Ran home directly!"

"Ha ha…"

at this time.

Yan Yan Continent.

It is only 100 million miles away from Yanyan Sacred Mountain. A fiery red demonic figure appeared here quietly; it was the fiery snake master!

"Sacred Yanyan Mountain, I'm finally here!" A fierce flame was beating in the eyes of the fiery snake master, "If I wasn't worried about destroying the master's plan, I would have come a long time ago to destroy the Yanyan Sacred Mountain and destroy the captives. Why do you have to wait until today after leaving Lu Qing! By the way! And the kid who dared to slap me, I will definitely capture him and torture him until God’s Domain collapses to vent my anger!”

Last time, the fiery snake's dominant consciousness descended on Xutian Island in Yanyan Mountain, threatening Lu Qing as his concubine. As a result, Xu Ming was slapped and pulled out of Xutian Island.

This humiliation, of course, the Lord of Fire Snake has always been engraved in his heart, always reminding himself to take revenge! Now, here's your chance for revenge! His master is finally about to start this long-awaited plan! And he himself was finally able to take revenge!


The Fire Snake Lord completely restrained his aura, waiting for the master to send an attack order.

As soon as the order arrives, the quasi-sage-level Fire Snake Lord will directly kill the Yanyan Mountain.

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