Break Into Another World

Chapter 1224: hold back Xu Ming

"Heart Punishment Arrow! Heart Punishment Arrow is on you!" Li Xiujie roared sharply.


"Heart Punishment Arrow!?"

The other masters of the Dominion Realm were also horrified.

"Zhuxinjian, isn't it the treasure of the saint without difficulty?"

"Yeah! Back then, when the Sage Wudi fell into the dark realm, the Heart Punishing Arrow disappeared along with it... Unexpectedly, the Heart Punishing Arrow appeared in Xu Ming's hands now!"

"It seems that the mysterious existence behind Xu Ming is likely to be the Saint of No Difficulties!"

However, what shocked these masters even more was not the Arrow of Punishment, but Xu Ming's strength!

"Xu Ming actually controlled the Heart Punishing Arrow and drove back Li Xiujie!?"

"Isn't Li Xiujie a saint-level strength? - Xu Ming can drive him back, doesn't this mean that Xu Ming's soul possessed at this time also possesses a saint-level strength?"

"No! Xu Ming's soul possession should be a quasi-sage level strength! However, because he is a mind force school, and he has the Chaos God Armor, he can beat Li Xiujie!"

"The Arrow of Punishment is actually on Xu Ming!" The one who was most shocked was undoubtedly Li Xiujie! - This situation was something he never expected before; it was also something that the Holy Master didn't expect when he made his plan!

Most importantly, Xu Ming's strength is very strong!

Li Xiujie admits that he is better than himself!

"Xu Ming's strength is so terrifying, once I am killed by him..." Li Xiujie was anxious—not that he would die, but that he would not be able to complete the great event of the Holy Master!

"No! In order to occupy the Thunder Continent, the master has planned endless years! I must not let the master's plan fail!" Li Xiujie's eyes burned with fanatical loyalty.

Suddenly, Li Xiujie's eyes fell on Yin Ran.

"Huh?" Li Xiujie's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea.

After Xu Ming smashed Li Xiujie back with one arrow, his first reaction was to put Yin Ran into the world ring first!

Yin Ran is too weak! In such a battle, if you are not careful, it will be wiped out; only by putting Yin Ran into the world ring can Xu Ming have no worries!

"Xiao Yin, come into my world ring!" Xu Ming came to Yin Ran's side instantly, ready to open the world ring.

"Don't think about it!" Li Xiujie looked grim.

You know, it takes a little time to open the world ring and put people in. Although this time was extremely short, it was enough for Li Xiujie to attack and interrupt Xu Ming's movements!

"Xu Ming! Die!"

The long sword in Li Xiujie's hand turned into hundreds of millions of sword shadows, smashing the way of heaven and order to pieces.

All the shattered order of Heaven and Dao returned to the power of Chaos and Dao, condensed into a giant sword that shook the heaven and earth, and smashed towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming, who was about to put Yin Ran into the world ring, had to turn around and resist this sword! - If you don't resist, then before he can put Yin Ran into the world ring, the attack has already arrived!

Moreover, even if Xu Ming can successfully put Yin Ran into the world ring; under this sword, I am afraid it is enough to cause him heavy damage! - If Xu Ming is seriously injured, then Li Xiujie can only be slaughtered!

Therefore, Xu Ming had to block this sword!

"Zhuxinjian, come!"

call out!

The Heart Punishing Arrow appeared strangely and unpredictably, and under the control of Xu Ming's powerful mental strength at this time, it directly slammed into this giant sword that shook the world.

boom! !

The world is broken! Heaven is annihilated! Order is broken!

The aftermath of the impact was unbearable for the kings and **** emperors in the distance; and the rulers who were closer, if they were weaker, were equally unbearable!

Xu Ming was not afraid of Li Xiujie by relying on the Chaos God Weapon, and even slightly crushed Li Xiujie. However, Xu Ming had to be distracted to protect Yin Ran, so it was inevitable that he would not be able to show his full strength.

boom! boom! boom! …

Collision keeps happening, the world keeps collapsing!

"Xu Ming, you're done!" Li Xiujie sneered.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The attack of Zhuxin Arrow was a perfect combination of weirdness and tyranny; every arrow made Li Xiujie have to deal with it with all his strength.

"It's over!?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, "If you can withstand my attack and not die, say these two words again!"

"Hahahaha..." Li Xiujie laughed outright, "Xu Ming, I admit that my current strength is indeed not as good as yours! However, don't look behind you!"

"Behind me?" Only then did Xu Ming realize that behind him, the statue of the Holy Master was rising!

The Li family, who protected the statue of the Holy Lord, was already under the siege of the master of the cloud, the master of the space-time hall and other powerful people, and he died. However, Li Xiujie did not feel sad for his father's death, but laughed grimly and excitedly: "The statue of the Holy Master, the foundation has been completed, you are finished! Hahahaha... You are finished!"

The foundation is established?

The masters of the masters, such as the master of the cloud, the master of the space-time hall, and so on, all changed their faces suddenly.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Countless quasi-sage-level attacks landed on the statue of the Lord, but they couldn't shake the statue of the Lord in the slightest.

At the same time, the golden light on the statue of the Holy Master shone on the entire Thunder Continent.

"Hahahaha... The Holy Master is about to come! You are all finished! Hahahaha!" Li Xiujie laughed Xu Ming's face changed suddenly - if he didn't want to protect Yin Ran, he would be able to explode with all his strength, It is absolutely possible to forcibly kill Li Xiujie in a very short period of time; then, go back and destroy the statue of the Holy Lord!

The statue of the Holy Master that cannot be shaken at the quasi-sage level, but Xu Ming can shake it!

But... Xu Ming can't protect Yin Ran?

And if he wants to be distracted to protect Yin Ran, Xu Ming will not be able to explode his full strength, and he will not be able to kill Li Xiujie in a short period of time! In this way, Li Xiujie can only be held back until... the Holy Lord descends!

"It can't go on like this!" Xu Ming's face was ugly - he knew it wouldn't work, but there was no way to break the situation!

"Xiao Ran, come to my world ring!" The city lord of the Holy Emperor held on to the power in the center of the battlefield, and finally came to Yin Ran's side, wanting to put Yin Ran into the world ring!

After all, in this level of war, Yin Ran is too vulnerable!

"Naive!" Li Xiujie sneered, and continued to unleash powerful attacks, shaking time and space.

Time and space are chaotic.

The world ring uses the principle of spatial order. But now, the time and space are chaotic; with the strength of the Holy Emperor City Lord, it is impossible to force Yin Ran into the world ring under such an environment.

In this environment, only Xu Ming can put Yin Ran into the world ring!

However, once Xu Ming wants to open the world ring, Li Xiujie will attack him desperately and will not give Xu Ming a chance at all!


Li Xiujie just didn't let Yin Ran enter the world ring, so that Xu Ming could be distracted in the battle and unable to exert his full strength!

This is Li Xiujie's idea! Li Xiujie's conspiracy! - Hold Xu Ming and wait until the Holy Master comes, that is victory!

(End of this chapter)

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