Break Into Another World

Chapter 1242: Is this the end?

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website website [Pen Mi Ge.]

Elder Feng Leng really couldn't understand how Xu Ming did it!

"Since I took charge of the inheritance pool, I don't know how many inheritances I have witnessed! I don't know how many geniuses who have accepted the inheritance have become masters later..." Elder Feng Leng said to himself, "However, I have never seen the present. This is the case!"

In fact, Elder Feng Leng didn’t know—she hasn’t seen it, so that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!

Several quasi-sages in the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators, when they accepted the inheritance in the inheritance pool, were in a similar situation as they are now. Of course, in terms of movement, it is definitely not as big as Xu Ming!

Elder Feng Leng thought again: "The talent in the ancient cultivator's school determines the inheritance effect in the inheritance pool! The fact that Xu Ming can make such a big noise can only mean...his talent is very, very terrifying!"

God Emperor Hehuo, Ge Ziyun and others, of course, also thought of this. Although they looked down on Lei Tingyi, they did not dare to be disrespectful to Lei Tingyi's superpower! -Whether it is in the realm of the gods or in the holy land of ancient cultivators, after all, "strength is king"!

When I think of my group of people being idle and doing nothing, offending a future superpower to play; God Emperor Hehuo and others all feel that the eggs hurt!


God Emperor Hehuo and others didn't know that what they offended was not a future superpower; it was... the current superpower! - After this inheritance is over, Xu Ming's strength, even if it is placed in the entire ancient cultivator holy land, I am afraid that it will be ranked first!

However, it is also fortunate that God Emperor Hehuo and others do not know this, otherwise... their eggs will hurt even more!

"What a terrifying devouring speed!"

Even Xu Ming was shocked by the speed at which he devoured the power of chaos!

He originally thought that by activating the secret skill madly, he could take back the power of chaos that belonged to him; but he never thought that once the secret skill was madly activated, the devouring efficiency would be so terrifying - directly engulfing everything in the entire inheritance pool. Power, and even forced other inheritors to have nowhere to go.


Xu Ming is now a terrifying swallowing vortex, frantically swallowing the power of chaos in the inheritance pool.

"Too much power of chaos poured into the depths of every particle of mine!"

Under the nourishment and transformation of the endless power of chaos, Xu Ming's divine body is undergoing drastic changes every moment.

However, Xu Ming discovered that most of the power of chaos, after pouring into the depths of his own particles, was not absorbed, but... disappeared directly!

Yes! disappeared!

This made Xu Ming very curious - where did so many disappearing chaotic powers go?

However, what Xu Ming didn't know was that these chaotic powers did not disappear, but helped him create something - this kind of thing, called "inheritance"!

The background is a bit mysterious, and it may not have any effect on Xu Ming in a short period of time; however, the deeper the background, the farther Xu Ming can go!


Soon, Xu Ming's cultivation level broke through the shackles between the king level and the emperor level!

Elementary God Emperor!

Xu Ming's strongest clone finally reached the emperor-level cultivation realm!

And, this is just the beginning!

After Xu Ming's ancient cultivator's clone broke through to the emperor level, not only did he not show the slightest lack of stamina to improve his cultivation, but instead, it was like riding a rocket, getting faster and faster!

The mysterious black spar at the bottom of the inheritance pool is also rapidly being consumed.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Elder Feng Leng was shocked, "The spar has already been consumed by one-tenth!"

You know, a black spar can usually be used for dozens of inheritances!

If in any inheritance, more than a dozen inheritors can consume one-tenth of the black spar; then, the effect of this inheritance is very powerful!

And now... in the entire inheritance pool, only Xu Ming was "taking a bath" by himself, but he consumed one-tenth of the black spar; this made Elder Feng Leng, how could he not be surprised?

Moreover, how does Elder Feng Leng feel... The consumption of black spar seems to have just begun...

really! Elder Feng Leng's hunch was correct!

With the power of chaos in the entire inheritance pool, like a flood that burst a dyke, it rushed towards Xu Ming's whirlpool; the black spar at the bottom of the pool continued to be consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Two out of ten..."

"Three out of ten..."

Elder Feng Leng looked more and more surprised, and his eyes became bigger and bigger!

When half of the black spar was consumed, Xu Ming finally broke through to the middle level of God Emperor with "difficulty"!

Is this the end?

Far from it!

Black spar continues to consume! Xu Ming's cultivation continued to soar!

Elder Feng Leng's expression was already a little numb from shock:

"Seven out of ten..."

"Eight out of ten..."

"Not good! The black spar is about to be used up!" Elder Feng Leng was shocked—the inheritance directly consumed a whole piece of black spar, this kind of thing is simply unheard of!

However, Elder Feng Leng did not hesitate in his actions; he rushed out of the secret room and threw another black spar into the inheritance pool.

"Hey—" God Emperor Hehuo, who had been in a stunned state, and all took a deep breath! Only then did they realize that Xu Ming was about to consume a black spar!

"How is that possible!?" I don't know how many times these four words have popped up in the hearts of God Emperor Hehuo and others.

When the second black spar was consumed to three-tenths, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone had already broken through to the high level of God Emperor!

Is this the end?

Far from it!

When the third black spar was half consumed, Xu Ming's cultivation reached the peak of the God Emperor!

Is this the end?

Far from it!

When Xu Ming broke through to the top of the **** emperor, the first thing Elder Feng Leng did was to throw two black spar directly into the inheritance pool; after that, she left the underground world in a hurry!

The reason why he has to leave in a hurry is because... Elder Feng Leng only has five black spar! Looking at Xu Ming's posture, five black spar is obviously not enough for him to absorb; Elder Feng Leng has to rush to the Holy Land Treasure House and apply for a few more black spar!

Otherwise, when Xu Ming consumes all the five black spar, wouldn't the inheritance be forced to be interrupted?

Elder Feng Leng has never seen a situation like Xu Ming's for hundreds of millions of years; of course she doesn't want to see it, because the lack of spar will affect Xu Ming's inheritance!

"This Xu Ming... is absolutely amazing!" Elder Feng Leng was absolutely sure!

God Emperor Hehuo, Ge Ziyun, etc. were also always in a state of shock.

"Senior Brother He Huo, what should we do now?" a genius asked.

God Emperor Hehuo said: "I have already reported the situation here to 'Elder Tianfan'! But..."

God Emperor Hehuo paused, looking a little embarrassed: "But... Elder Tianfan thinks I am teasing him..."

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