Break Into Another World

Chapter 1244: jealous

The inheritance pool can almost be said to be the most deserted place in the entire ancient holy land.

Usually, only Elder Feng Leng is on duty here. Even on the day of accepting inheritance, very few inheritors will come here.

But today, the inheritance pool has suddenly become the most lively place in the entire ancient cultivator Holy Land!

Powerful gatherings, masters like the sea!

Hundreds of masters of the realm, tens of thousands of **** emperors and kings, all gathered around the inheritance pool; countless arrogant and arrogant faces were full of astonishment.


"Such a speed of inheritance is simply appalling..."

"How can the speed of devouring the power of chaos be so fast?"

How have ordinary rulers and **** emperors ever seen such a scene? In addition to being shocked, one by one is still shocked.

There are only those quasi-sages who are more discerning; knowing that such a vision appeared in the inheritance pool shows that Xu Ming has "quasi-sage potential"!

"Junsheng Beihan, when you accepted the inheritance, the speed at which you devoured the power of chaos didn't seem to be so exaggerated, right?" The speaker was Zhunsheng Liuguang, who rose in the same period as Zhunsheng Beihan.

"Humph!" Quansheng Beihan snorted coldly—he didn't like to hear that someone was better than him!

"Liuguang Quansheng, when you accepted the inheritance, did you have such a swallowing speed!?" Beihan Quansheng said angrily.

"I don't have it!" Liuguang Quansheng said indifferently; he has a different personality from Beihan Quansheng, and doesn't like to be competitive, "This Xu Ming definitely has the 'quasi-sage potential'; even, it is very likely that he will grow into a The super existence in the quasi-sages! - Terrifying existences like the cloud masters of the gods and the slaughtering quasi-sages!"

Both are quasi-sages, and their strengths are also strong and weak.

Cloud Master, Tushen Quansheng, Gui Suo Quansheng, etc., are all the top existences among Quasi-Saints; in their peak state, their strength can be ranked in the "top ten under the Saints"!

On the other hand, Quasi-Saint Beihan, Quan-Saint Liuguang, etc., are relatively weak existences among Quasi-Saints; even if several join forces, they may not be able to compete with the one Lord Yun!

"Quasi-Saint Potential?" Quasi-Saint Beihan couldn't help sneering when he heard the words, "Even if he has Quasi-Saint Potential, so what? - We have been traversing the realm of the gods and chasing chaos, I don't know how many billions of years; Is there still a few? However, in the end, there are a few more who can truly become quasi-sages?"

Quansheng Beihan's face was full of arrogance: "Zunsheng, it doesn't mean that you can achieve success only with potential, but you have to go through countless trials of life and death! This Xu Ming, although his potential is against the sky, but maybe at some point, he will Is death in the midst of life and death? - If he wants to become a quasi-sage, he is still far away!"

"Ha!" Zhunsheng Liuguang didn't say anything more - he knew that Zhunsheng Beihan's character was like this, and it was impossible for others to be better than him!

Under the increasingly terrifying devouring speed, Xu Ming's cultivation finally broke through to the limit of God Emperor!

Of course this is far from over!

At the moment of Xu Ming's breakthrough, the devouring speed was even more exaggerated; even, the power of chaos in the entire inheritance pool was a bit unable to satisfy Xu Ming's devouring speed!

"How many inheritance crystals do you have?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

"It's already nine yuan!" Elder Feng Leng said.

In her hand, there are also six inheritance crystals. Under normal circumstances, six inheritance crystals would be enough for hundreds of inheritances; but now, Elder Feng Leng had a faint feeling that the remaining inheritance crystals would not be enough for Xu Ming to use!

Thinking of this, Elder Feng Leng couldn't help but say: "I only have six inheritance crystals left in my hand! Elders, look, did you first get some inheritance crystals from the Holy Land Treasure?"

"What to tune? What to tune?" As soon as Elder Feng Leng finished speaking, Quansheng Beihan said with a yin and yang peculiar anger, "How many inheritance crystals do you really think this kid can swallow? !"

Then, soon...


two pieces...

Three pieces…

No one went to pick up the words of Zhunsheng Beihan, but he slapped himself in the face - Zhunsheng Beihan said that Xu Ming swallowed one or two more pieces at most; then in minutes, Xu Ming swallowed three pieces...

"I..." Quansheng Beihan's face became more and more distorted and ugly.

"Twelve pieces..." Liuguang Quansheng looked solemn - the more inheritance crystals Xu Ming devoured and used, the more terrifying Xu Ming's talent was! The emergence of such a genius is undoubtedly a great blessing for the ancient cultivator school!

At this time, Elder Feng Leng said again: "There are only three inheritance crystals left in my hand, and I am afraid that there will not be enough for Xu Ming to swallow... Elders, please hurry up and bring some inheritance crystals!"

Elder Feng Leng's authority can only use the ten inheritance crystals at most; she did not expect that a total of fifteen inheritance crystals would not be enough for Xu Ming to use!

If you want to mobilize more inheritance crystals from the Holy Land Treasure House, you need to negotiate and approve the Holy Land Elders.

This time, Zhunsheng Beihan didn't say that Xu Ming couldn't swallow much; after all, he had already slapped himself once.

However, another semi-sacred being who was relatively close to Quasi-Saint Beihan actually sneered and said, "Inheritance crystals are the treasures in the Holy Land, and they were extracted by the pioneers in the depths of chaos! - This Xu Ming, who just came to the Holy Land for the first time, did not contribute at all to the Holy Land, so he used a dozen inheritance crystals! Do you want to give him more inheritance crystals?"

The half-sage sneered: "My opinion is that no more inheritance crystals can be wasted on Xu Ming!"

"That's right!" Beihan Zhunsheng said This Xu Ming has just come to the Holy Land. We have no idea how loyal he is to the Holy Land! What if a lot of inheritance crystals are used up, but a white-eyed wolf is raised? "

"It's hard to say what the white-eyed wolf is, but everyone pay attention, this Xu Ming is from Lei Ting Dao! The ancient cultivator of Lei Ting Dao is the most likely to cause trouble; using too many inheritance crystals for him, could we wait for him to provoke us in the Holy Land More trouble coming?"

"That's right! I can't continue to give him inheritance crystals!"

"I also think that we can't give Xu Ming more inheritance crystals! Fifteen inheritance crystals are already a lot!"

Unexpectedly, more than half of the elders actually supported the opinion of Quansheng Beihan, that is, not to give Xu Ming more inheritance crystals!

And if you continue to call inheritance crystals from the treasure house of the Holy Land, at least half of the elders present must agree! In this way, that is to say... Xu Ming can't continue to use more inheritance crystals!

"You..." Quansheng Liuguang did not expect that the jealousy of other elders would be so terrifying! More than half of the elders would not agree to give Xu Ming more inheritance crystals!

"You are killing the birth of a genius!" Quansheng Liuguang said sadly.

Elder Feng Leng was also very anxious: "There are only two inheritance crystals left! If you don't transfer more inheritance crystals, when these two are used up, Xu Ming's inheritance will be interrupted..."

?? I went out to socialize last night, I thought it would be okay, I could hold on to come back and code... But I didn't know what I was drinking; I only woke up a little at three or four in the morning...

?? After sobering up, the first thing I wrote was a chapter; this chapter was made up from last night... I'm really sorry, I hope you forgive me... Go to sleep for a while, and have to go to work later...



(End of this chapter)

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