Break Into Another World

Chapter 1253: borrow treasure

"Moujian, tell me, in the most conservative situation, how sure are you to defeat Xu Ming?"

The most conservative!

Zhunsheng Beihan used three words "most" in a row, which shows how much he attaches importance to the question he asked.

"How much confidence do you have to defeat Xu Ming?" Master Eye Sword was stunned, and said, "Zunsheng Beihan, look at the question you asked... Victory against Xu Ming, that is absolutely sure!"

"Absolutely confident?" Quansheng Beihan asked solemnly again.

"Yes!" The Master Eye Sword seemed to feel the opponent's doubts, and said a little displeased, "Junsheng Beihan, you look down on me too much, don't you? - I admit, Xu Ming's strength is indeed not weak! Before he accepted the inheritance , the strength is suspected to have reached the intermediate level of dominance; it is definitely stronger now, it is very likely that there will be a high-level dominator or even a top-level domination! But... let alone he is a top-ranking dominator, even if he has the strength to dominate the peak and dominate the limit, I want to win He, too, is as easy as the palm of your hand!"

Quansheng Beihan smiled and said, "Mujian, don't be annoyed! I'm asking this just to be cautious!"

"Be cautious?" The Sword Master couldn't help but wonder, "What is there to be cautious about? - We simply can't let Xu Ming fight!"

Quansheng Beihan smiled strangely and said, "What if I can get a treasure worth a chaotic weapon?"

"Ah!?" The Sword Master was stunned for a moment, and then a ferocious light flashed across his eyes, "Really?"

"I Beihan, in the Holy Land, I still have some face! - I just borrowed treasures for a few days. I think there are still many masters who are willing to help me with this!" Quasi-Saint Beihan showed some pride, "But... First of all, I want to be 100% sure that you have absolute certainty that you can defeat Xu Ming!"

The Eye Sword Master immediately said with great confidence: "Beijing quasi-sage, you can rest assured about my strength! - Let me tell you the truth, although my cultivation level is only to dominate the top, my strength is more than that of many semi-sages. Even stronger! Don't you think that Xu Ming can have the strength of a half-sage?"

"Yes!" Quansheng Beihan's eyes lit up and said, "Then I have nothing to worry about! You wait, I will find a way to collect treasures now; when I collect treasures worth a chaotic weapon, I will See what excuse Xu Ming has to refuse your challenge!"

The Eye Sword Master is also full of anticipation.

Rainwood Forest.

It can be called the most beautiful place in the ancient holy city.

In many places in the Rainwood Forest, the perennial thin rain seems to have covered the entire forest with a layer of gauze, which is like a dream.

At this time, in the center of Rainwood Forest, surrounded by countless towering ancient trees; two figures were drinking tea in the thin rain.

When the rainwater comes around them, it will automatically merge into a stream and flow into the stone pot that is boiling water.

The water in the kettle seemed to be boiling.

The tea in the two cups has been inexhaustible.

One of them was Quasi-Saint Beihan. As he sipped tea, he said with a smile, "Yimu, in the entire Holy Land, your tea is the most delicious!"

Zhunsheng Yimu, the leader of the ancient cultivator school and Mu Xingyi; and Zhunsheng Beihan have a very close personal relationship!

"Beihan, you're not sincere! You haven't come to me for tens of millions of years! If the tea I have here is really the best, you'll probably run to me every three days!" Mu Zhunsheng teased and said, "Tell me, come to me, what's the matter?"

Zhunsheng Yimu directly dismantled the relationship between Zhunsheng Beihan and the two of them. Many things can be said directly without any scruples.

"Hey! I still can't hide your wisdom!" Beihan Zhunsheng came here to ask for something, and of course he deliberately kept his attitude low, "I really have something to ask you!"

"Speak!" Zhunsheng Yimu said directly.

"Hehe!" Quansheng Beihan smiled again and said, "Borrow some treasures!"

Borrow treasure?

Zhunsheng Yimu was slightly startled, but still drinking tea, he said very calmly, "How many treasures did you borrow?"

Quansheng Beihan smiled strangely: "Your...all treasures!"

"Pfft!" Zhunsheng Yimu heard the words, and the whole sip of tea he had just drank sprayed directly on Zhunsheng Beihan's face, "Are you kidding me?"

Borrowing treasures is normal!

But how can you borrow "all the treasures"!

"Don't get excited! Don't get excited!" Zhunsheng Beihan wiped the tea from his face, and told Zhunsheng Yimu the cause and effect of the incident.

"So that's how it is..." Zhunsheng Yimu suddenly realized, "Although this Xu Ming has become famous, he is only a rising star after all! The sword against him is indeed as steady as Mount Tai!"

"Old man! I won't gossip with you!" Quansheng Beihan said, "Lend me the treasure, and return it immediately after the sword has been dealt with by Xu Ming!"

Zhunsheng Yimu hesitated for a moment: "Okay! I'll borrow it from you! But, Beihan, don't let me fool you!"

"Don't worry!" Quansheng Beihan vowed, "You and I will advance and retreat together, share honor and disgrace! Do you have anything to worry about about me?"

Zhunsheng Yimu didn't say anything His relationship with Zhunsheng Beihan had indeed reached the level of "advance and retreat, common honor and disgrace". The two of them were absolutely united in the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators.

Soon, Zhunsheng Yimu lifted the world ring and handed it over: "All my treasures are here! Add up, there are about three drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid! - More, I can't help it. It's up to you! It's up to you to figure it out!"

Quansheng Beihan took the world ring and smiled slyly: "Yimu, in fact... you can still take out some!"

"It's gone!" said Yimu Zhunsheng, "All the treasures are here!"

Beihan Quasi-Saint said with a smile: "Your Wanmu Divine Clothes are a well-known treasure in the Divine Realm... What's the matter, is it worth two drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid?"

"Pfft!" Zhunsheng Yimu sprayed Beihan's face again, "This is what I finally refined..."

Beihan Quansheng said directly: "Don't ink! Take it off!"

After stripping away Zhunsheng Yimu, Zhunsheng Beihan found several masters of Mu Xingyi.

It has to be said that Quasi-Saint Beihan has a lot of face in the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators. Moreover, the masters he went to were definitely friends with him.

When he came out of Rainwood Forest, Quansheng Beihan had already borrowed a treasure worth about ten drops of Chaos Primal Liquid. In addition to the treasures in his own body, it should be worth about five drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid; in this way, Beihan Quansheng is equivalent to collecting fifteen drops of Primal Chaos Primal Liquid.

The worst Chaos Divine Weapon is worth about thirty drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid. Quasi-Saint Beihan is now equivalent to half of the Chaos Divine Weapon.

"Go to the gathering place of Jinxingyiyi again and borrow some treasures!"

Beihan Zhunsheng continued to embark on the "Road to Borrowing Treasures".

Chapter 2 should be ready around eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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