Break Into Another World

Chapter 1257: Quasi-Holy Secret Skill

Zhidao Guidance System: An upgraded version of "Genius Cultivation"! The host consumes the hanging points, and can easily find out the shortcomings of the "guided person"'s cultivation and give pointers; after the guided person gets the guidance, it will be accompanied by a period of "enlightenment" effect, and the understanding will be greatly improved! - The consumption of hanging points depends on the strength of the person being guided, the depth of the guidance and other factors!

According to the description, the "Supreme Dao Guidance System" can guide others; I just don't know if it can guide myself.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Xu Ming secretly said, and then called out Xiaohang: "Xiaohang, 'Supreme Dao Guidance System', can I use it for myself?"

"Yes!" Xiaohang replied, "What kind of content do you want to guide?"

"Guide me to the secret marksmanship "Reincarnation Five Forms"!" Xu Ming said.

Xiaohang's mechanical voice continued to sound: "Guide the "Reincarnation Five Forms": 'Normal Guidance' once requires 30:00 level 13 points; once 'in-depth guidance' requires 10:00 level 14 points!"

Level 13 hanging point, corresponding to the chaotic vitality.

Level 14 hanging point corresponds to Chaos Primal Liquid.

"Ordinary guidance!" Xu Ming said.

Xu Ming is poor now!

"Ordinary guidance" once will consume most of his net worth; there is simply not enough hanging points to carry out "in-depth guidance".

"Normal guidance, in the process of opening... Please keep your mind at ease!"

Xu Ming sat down cross-legged, put the spear across his knees, and slowly closed his eyes.

In Xu Ming's mind, strange fluctuations came.

There seemed to be hundreds of figures, and at the same time, in Xu Ming's mind, he practiced "The Five Forms of Reincarnation".

However, Xu Ming was surprised to find that the "Five Forms of Reincarnation" practiced by these hundreds of figures seemed to be completely different!

Xu Ming reacted immediately—this represents hundreds of advanced directions in "The Five Forms of Reincarnation"!

"I didn't expect that "Reincarnation Five Forms" could have so many advanced directions... If it wasn't for the 'Supreme Dao Guidance System', I really don't know!"

The marksmanship practiced by these hundreds of figures was quickly imprinted into Xu Ming's memory. However, Xu Ming did not rigidly study any of them. Instead, he learned from each other's strengths and made up for his weaknesses, and created a new marksmanship that best suits him!

"Heavenly collapse style... it should be like this!"

Xu Ming raised his spear and tried his new insights over and over again.

In his marksmanship, it is no longer balanced into the nine heavens and the four orders, but has various changes!

At this time, "Reincarnation Five Forms" is more flexible, as if it has a soul!

"Yes! That's how it feels!"

Xu Ming is in the state of "enlightenment" given by the "Supreme Dao Guidance System", and he has a feeling that when he studies the marksmanship, he has a natural feeling; even if there is occasional confusion, he can be understood immediately.

The secret skill level of "Reincarnation Five Forms" is also constantly improving; soon, it has risen to the limit of "master level secret skill"!

Keep improving!

Xu Ming was on a tear all the way, and soon, the secret skill level of "Reincarnation Five Forms" was upgraded to "Semi-Saint Level"!

It's not over yet!

Next, is the "sub-holy level"!

Next, it is "quasi-holy level"!

It has been raised to the limit of "quasi-holy level", Xu Ming was unable to improve "Reincarnation Five Forms" any further.

"The quasi-holy-level secret skill is already the limit that I can create now!" Xu Ming secretly said, "If you want to create a holy-level secret skill, you must first get the approval of the 'Origin of Chaos'!"

To be recognized by the "Origin of Chaos" means to prove the Tao and become sanctified! In other words, only saints can create saint-level secret skills; under saints, only quasi-sacred secret skills can be created at the highest.

"Let's do this first!"

Xu Ming consolidated it again, and ended the retreat with satisfaction.

After one retreat, he directly upgraded "The Five Forms of Reincarnation" from "Emperor-level Secret Skill" to "Quasi-Saint-level Secret Skill". Xu Ming was still quite satisfied with the effect of this retreat.


After finishing the retreat, Xu Ming discovered that, I don't know when, Gui Suo Zhunsheng actually sent a message to himself: "Xu Ming, the sword master is outside your door and wants to force you to fight; before he leaves, you must keep your breath, Don't come out!"

don't go out?

Xu Ming suddenly laughed.

The mere eye sword dominates, but Xu Ming really doesn't take it seriously.

Oh no! To be precise, it would be easy for Xu Ming to win the Sword Master—only Xu Ming knew about this.

"But..." Xu Ming thought curiously, "I really want to know, how will the Eye Sword Master force me to fight? Could it be..."

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Could it be... the Master Eye Sword has gathered enough treasures! So you dare to come to the door again?"

Very likely!

Immediately, Xu Ming's eyes lit up - if this is the case, then this Sword Master is simply here to give away treasures!

Xu Ming couldn't help but get excited and wanted to rush out to see what was going on.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Xu Ming secretly said, "I can't express this uncontrollable excitement and excitement. If I scare away the master of the sword, it will be too late to cry!"

After thinking about it, Xu Ming tried his best to restrain his aura to make himself look "fading"; it was as if he had just failed in his retreat.

Then Xu Mingcai opened the door with a look of "decline in the air".

Outside Xu Ming's residence.

The master of the sword, the quasi-sage Guisuo, and the tens of thousands of onlookers have not left here.

"It's been more than ten days, and Xu Ming hasn't come out yet... It looks like he won't come out in a short time!"

"Isn't this normal? Retreat practice, casually for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years! Moreover, for us, time does not have much meaning; thousands of years, ten thousand years, just a flick of the finger!"

Another humane said: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid - Xu Ming is not a 'real retreat', but a 'fake retreat'! Saying that it is retreat, but in fact avoiding war!"

"In that case, as long as the Eye Sword Master doesn't leave, we may never see Xu Ming get out!"

"Could it be... Xu Ming is really such a cowardly tortoise?"

"Let's wait and see! Anyway, I am idle, and I can watch the fun!"

For the gods with infinite lifespans, time really has no meaning. In particular, many gods who are stuck in a bottleneck and have difficulty advancing, they are very boring; in order to watch a lively event, they are willing to wait for millions of years!


The formation at Xu Ming's residence suddenly disappeared.

Xu Ming's door was also opened from the inside!


"This is…"

"Could it be... Xu Ming is coming out?"

Seeing this scene, many people can't believe it!

After all, in their opinion, Xu Ming could not have come out so soon! Even, many of them were ready to wait for millions of years; as a result, they had just started to wait when Xu Ming came out! ?

(End of this chapter)

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