Break Into Another World

Chapter 1269: get rid of asap

The "tall man" of God's Domain?

It is true that when Xu Ming's current strength is reached, even if it is placed in the entire God's Domain, it is the most top-notch existence. If there is a catastrophe that will destroy God's Domain, Xu Ming will definitely bear the brunt.

"I understand!" Xu Ming said, "I won't watch the Holy Master and destroy our Divine Realm!"

"That's right! No matter what kind of battles there are between the various forces in the Divine Realm, but when facing the Holy Master, we must put aside our prejudices and share the same hatred!" Tianyao sage said, "Xu Ming, your current strength is still high. You are still weak and can't pose any substantial threat to the Holy Master; but I believe that soon, you will become the mainstay of fighting against the Holy Master!"

Xu Ming heard the words, his expression was calm, and he was not surprised.

Afterwards, Xu Ming chatted with Tianyao Sage for a while, learned more secrets of the Divine Realm, and left.

Tianyao Sage wanted to prepare the follow-up part of "Indestructible Demon Body", and before Xu Ming left the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators, he would completely teach "Indestructible Demon Body" to Xu Ming.

Thunder Continent.

It has completely fallen and has completely changed into a different appearance.

The entire continent is covered with wounds, and the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere; if you look down at the very high point of God's Domain, you will feel that the Thunder Continent at this time is riddled with holes.

When the splendor of the Holy Lord enveloped the entire Thunder Continent, those gods who did not want to be manipulated by the Holy Lord's beliefs or become walking corpses resolutely chose to self-destruct. It was these self-destructing powers that blew the Thunder Continent into what it is now.

At this time, on the Thunder Continent, the gods who were still alive all had the radiance of pious faith in their eyes.

The endless power of faith, traveling through time and space, converges on the statue of the Holy Lord erected in the Holy Emperor City.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Inside the Holy Emperor City, a dry figure screamed in the sky.

The other gods in the city were all prostrate on the ground, not daring to raise their heads; but their eyes were full of piety.

This dead figure like withered grass is the Holy Master: "I absorbed the power of faith in the entire Thunder Continent, and my strength has indeed improved to a higher level! Now, it is the eighth rank of saints!"

Saint level, how difficult it is to improve the strength of the first-order!

The Holy Master has invaded the Divine Realm for thousands of trillions of years, and the strength has only increased from the original fifth-rank saint to the current saint's eighth-rank!

"The cultivation of faith schools is too dependent on external forces... If you can't absorb the new power of faith, it will be difficult to improve your strength!" The Holy Master secretly said, "But... compared to other schools, as long as the faith schools have enough faith The power of the power will hardly be trapped in the bottleneck! Unlike other genres, once trapped in the bottleneck, one 'epoch', or even several 'epochs', may not be able to improve one rank in strength!"

An epoch is a unit of time measurement in endless chaos.

An ordinary chaotic world, from birth to demise, the time experienced during the period is an "epoch".

Like God's Domain, it has been 36 trillion years since the beginning of the world, but if it is converted into "epoch", it has not even reached "half an epoch"!

Years, in the endless chaos, seem to have no meaning.

"It's just... the strength of the eighth-rank saint is still not enough for me to sweep the entire God's Domain! If my strength can be improved by one step, it will be different!"

However, to increase the strength by one more level, you need to occupy another continent!

"Damn Xu Ming!" The Holy Master gritted his teeth, "If it weren't for him, I would have successfully occupied the Yanyan Continent! Coupled with the Thunder Continent that I am occupying now, my strength will be able to reach the ninth rank of a saint! - Saint Wudi, Saint Tianyao and Saint Huangquan, the three troublesome ones, are gone; if I have the strength of the ninth-rank saints, occupying the entire God Realm will be easy!"

Unfortunately, there is no "if".

Because of the failure to successfully occupy the Yanyan Continent, this made the original beautiful plan of the Holy Master all come to nothing. The Holy Master wanted to continue the next step, but it became extremely difficult.

And all of this is because of one person - Xu Ming.

"How do the stupid natives of God's Domain know the real use of the Origin of Chaos!" The Holy Master sneered, "The real value of the Origin of Chaos is that as long as the Origin of Chaos is refined, it can control the entire God's Domain and become the God's Domain's 'Star Lord'!"

In the eyes of the Holy Master, this group of native saints in the Divine Realm are the natives!

Although, these "indigenous people" have also traveled through endless chaos, and have also been to the "deep" of endless chaos; but, in the eyes of the Holy Master, the so-called depths of the indigenous people are actually not that deep at all!

"How can the real vastness of Endless Chaos be understood by these natives? These natives, thinking that they have been to other star worlds and heard of the 'Original Land', they think they know a lot about Endless Chaos. ...How stupid!" The Holy Master sneered in his heart, "It's okay, these natives don't know that refining the chaotic source stone can become a 'star master'; not to mention, the refining of the chaotic source stone The method of transformation... Otherwise, this chaotic world is beyond my reach!"


No matter how much the Holy Master looks down on the "indigenous saints" of the God's Domain, he still has to admit that it is really not easy to completely occupy the God's Domain!

"How can I occupy another continent... As long as I occupy another continent, my strength will be unstoppable..." For a while, the Holy Master had no clue.

Suddenly, the Holy Master received a message.

"What!?" The Holy Master showed a shocked expression, "Xu Ming did not use the 'soul possession' to kill the Sword Master with one shot?"

The strength of the sword dominated, the Holy Master still knows.

"Doesn't this mean that... Xu Ming himself possesses the strength of a 'sub-sage'?" The more the Holy Master thought about it, the more horrified he became, "How many years has he cultivated! Even in the endless chaos, he is very It's hard to see such a genius... No, Xu Ming must not be allowed to continue to grow, he must get rid of it as soon as possible!"

Even the Holy Master is afraid!

Shocked by Xu Ming's cultivation speed!

"It's just... Xu Ming is hiding in Tianyao's territory now, and I can't do anything..."


The Lord can only wait!

Wait until Xu Ming comes out of the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators.

Ancient repair holy city.

The gathering place of thunder together.

Because Xu Ming wanted to suppress the cultivation of the ancient cultivator school, he did not dare to continue cultivating the ancient cultivator school.

Slaughter the world!

When I heard the name, it was very domineering.

"I really don't know, what kind of terrifying existence is the one who created the "Slaughtering World" technique? Could it be... He really slaughtered an entire world of stars!?"

(End of this chapter)

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