Break Into Another World

Chapter 1306: Can anyone understand?

After spending 100 points on the level 14 hanging point, Xu Ming also upgraded the "Zhi Dao Inscription" to level 2.

For the Level 2 "Inscription of the Way", there are still only three inscriptions, "Teleportation Inscription", "Perception Inscription", and "Defense Inscription"; however, each inscription is strengthened.

For example, "Defense Inscription Level 2" can ignore all attacks below the Dominion level; attacks at the Dominion level will automatically be attenuated by 70%; attacks above the Saint level will also be automatically attenuated by 30%.

Compared with the level 1 defense inscription, it is much stronger.

"Not bad!" Xu Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then thought, "Would you like to upgrade the 'Supreme Dao Inscription' to level 3?"

Level 3 Inscriptions of the Supreme Dao can directly reduce the attack of the master level and automatically attenuate 90%!

Ninety percent!

What concept?

Basically, as long as it was an attack below the saint level, Xu Ming would be fine even if he just stood there and carried it hard.

Not even a frown!

However, after thinking about it, Xu Ming was still reluctant to upgrade.

One thousand points and 14 hanging points!

A thousand drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

All the treasures on Xu Ming's body now add up, although the value is more than 2,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid; however, many of them are weapons, armors and the like that cannot be directly exchanged for hanging points. Therefore, Xu Ming's level 14 hanging point is less than 1,500 points.

However, it took Xu Ming 200 points to hang up "Leaping Invincible" and "Zhi Dao Inscription" to level 2; if the "Zhi Dao Inscription" was upgraded to level 3, Xu Ming would Back to the night before liberation.

"It's better to be diligent and thrifty first and save a little bit!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Anyway, if Xu Ming wants to upgrade the "Supreme Dao Inscription", it will only be a matter of a moment. It's never too late to upgrade when you really need it.

Xu Ming looked at other plug-in functions.

"Forced slap in the face..."

If you upgrade to level 2 of "Forced Face Slap", you can unlock more tricky face slap poses. However, Xu Ming still does not waste the hanging point on this kind of "pure entertainment" plug-in function.

Good steel is used on the blade!

It's not easy to earn some hanging points, but you can save it if you can!

"My current strength..." Xu Ming felt his own strength.

The plug-in upgrade will undoubtedly greatly improve Xu Ming's strength.

Originally, Xu Ming's strength had reached the peak of "beginning quasi-sages", which was close to that of ordinary quasi-sages. "Leaping the level of invincibility" has been promoted by one level, Xu Ming's strength has soared by a small step, reaching the top of the ordinary quasi-sage, close to the "quasi-sage peak"!

And Xu Ming's defense...

More exaggerated horror!

In the past, the "lore quasi-sage" of the quasi-sage's peak strength could hardly hurt Xu Ming; now, once Xu Ming defends with all his strength, even if the quasi-sage is invincible, it is difficult to hurt him!

And in the entire Divine Realm, how many quasi-sages are invincible?

It can be said that in the entire Divine Realm, there are not many people who can hurt Xu Ming! The power of those saints was something that Xu Ming could not resist!


If Xu Ming increases the plug-in a few more levels, or breaks his cultivation to the realm of dominance, then, I am afraid that even a saint will be difficult to break through Xu Ming's defense!

"Leave first!"

The treasure was also taken, and the strength was improved. Xu Ming left the secret room with satisfaction.

Mo Qun also left the secret room and returned to the main hall.

However, compared to Xu Ming's self-satisfaction, Mo Qun's face was aching.

Can it not hurt?

The promised "all treasures" turned out to be a piece of paper with the words "all treasures" written on it... It's really a big ups and downs in life!

"Damn sage Huangquan, how dare you play with me like this!" Mo Qun felt bitter, but he had no choice but to silently accept this reality.

At this time, there were already quite a few great experts, and they also returned to the main hall after visiting the treasure house. Their visit this time was naturally fruitless, and they all returned empty-handed.

Seeing Mo Qun coming back, the great powers suddenly lit up and gathered around.

"Mo Qun!"

"You're back?"

"Come on, come on!"

One by one, they are all very enthusiastic!

In their opinion, Mo Qun, who has inherited "all the treasures" of Sage Huangquan, is undoubtedly a mobile treasure house! In terms of wealth, Mo Qun is probably more terrifying than a saint!

"Mo Qun, how are you?"

"What is the value of all the treasures of Saint Huangquan?—Worth 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid? Millions of Chaos Primal Liquid?"

No one has ever known how many treasures Huangquan sage has; therefore, when one of the great experts guesses, they are more daring to guess!

"By the way, Mo Qun! The Star Map of the Absolute Beginning! - Has the sage Huangquan passed the Star Map of the Absolute Beginning to you as well?"

The star map of the beginning, the first treasure of the Divine Realm!

Its value is even higher than all the other treasures in the Divine Realm combined!

Even the value of the entire God's Domain is much higher!

A "star map of the very beginning" is much more important than all the other treasures of Sage Huangquan!

"By the way, Mo Qun, why do you look like this?"

"You have all the treasures of Saint Huangquan, and you still look unhappy?"

"Or... Are you too excited, so you're too happy? Even your expression froze from laughter?"

The inquiries around him are undoubtedly secondary damage to Mo Qun!

Mo Qun was not in the mood to answer everyone's questions, but took out a piece of paper from the world ring with a sad look on his face! —It was the piece of paper with the words "all treasures" written on it!

The powerful people around didn't see the words on the paper for the first time; when they saw Mo Qun took out a piece of paper, they thought it was the "Star Map of the Beginning"!

Immediately, the great masters were all excited and held their breaths: "Could it be... this is the first treasure of the Divine Realm, the 'Star Map of the Beginning'?"

I have to say, the imaginations of these great people are really rich! When I saw a piece of paper, I immediately thought of the star map of the beginning of time.

One by one powerful, thousands of eyes, carefully landed on this piece of paper, and saw the four words on the paper: All treasures!

"All treasures?"

The great powers of God's Domain were all stunned. I couldn't react at all for a while, why are these four words written on the paper.

The great powers looked at each other.

"Isn't this a star map of the beginning?"

"Probably not..."

"This seems to be just an ordinary piece of paper! It's just... the words 'all treasures' on it, what do they mean?"

Mo Qun smiled bitterly and said, "This is the 'all the treasures' given to me by Saint Huang Quan!"

This is... all the treasures?


"What did you say!?"

The crowd is getting more and more ignorant - and there are "all treasures" in this form?

Mo Qun smiled bitterly, and said with great certainty: "Sage Huangquan only gave me this piece of paper... Apart from that, there is not even a single divine stone!"

Who can understand the depression and entanglement in Mo Qun's heart at the moment?

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