Break Into Another World

Chapter 1325: bloody

slave area.

Outside the huge slave malls, there are many masters shouting and pulling customers.

"King-level and God-Emperor-level slaves are on sale at a low price! King-level, three thousand per drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid; God-Emperor-level, thirty per drop of Primal Chaos! Large quantities are preferred!"

"Selling the high-level slaves of the Dominion Realm, from the first-level Dominator to the Quasi-Saint Invincible, all levels are in stock!"

"Wholesale slaves! Wholesale slaves! Wholesale slaves!"

From the moment he stepped into the slave area, Xu Ming's face was full of horror.

Too much!

Too many slaves!

Moreover, the slaves in the slave area are the weakest at the king level!

What is this concept?

You must know that in the realm of the gods, the king-level is the one who dominates the roost! However, in the Star Casting Realm, in the Black Blood Castle, in the slave area; the king-level, but only the lowest existence among the slaves, extremely low and extremely cheap!

One drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid can buy 3,000!

In other words, even if all the king-level masters from the entire God's Domain were shipped here, they would not be able to sell a few drops of Chaos Primal Liquid.

Although the slaves of the **** emperor level are much more "noble" than the king level, they are still cheap goods.

Soon, Xu Ming discovered that in the entire slave area, the "main" slaves were still master-level slaves; all kinds of master-level slaves were divided into categories, combat, servant, coolie...

However, after walking around, Xu Ming did not find the slave of the saint.

"It seems... even if there are saint-level slaves, there are not many in this Black Blood Castle! At least now, there is not a saint-level slave to be seen in the entire slave area!" Xu Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief—if it was a saint-level slave There are so many slaves, that's terrible!

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Slave, I definitely want to buy a batch!"

Xu Ming bought slaves not for fighting. After all, the "Wanjie Mall System" only allows Xu Ming to travel to other chaotic worlds alone, and does not allow Xu Ming to travel with other people; that is to say, even if Xu Ming buys slaves, he cannot bring it back to God's Domain. .

Xu Ming planned that after purchasing slaves, he would find a way to cultivate slaves' belief and worship in him!

In this way, Xu Ming can obtain "the power of belief" and "the power of worship" from the slaves.

The power of belief can improve Xu Ming's belief school cultivation base; and the power of worship can directly improve Xu Ming's combat power!

Moreover, in the future, Xu Ming's power has developed to a certain scale, and the "Ten Thousand Worlds Hegemony System" can be activated, and Xu Ming's combat power can be "strengthened"!

So... Xu Ming now buys slaves and pays more attention to the number of slaves! After all, one hundred king-level slaves definitely provide more "power of belief" and "power of worship" than one god-emperor-level slave.

Xu Ming wandered around, got to know it a bit, and finally found a store that sold king-level slaves.

"Oh? Buying slaves?" The shopkeeper looked at Xu Ming with a puzzled look on his face, "You're not practicing **** exercises that require killing, right? Are you sure you want to buy so many king-level slaves?"

Xu Ming said: "I have my own use - other people buy king-level slaves to practice **** exercises?"

There are indeed some evil exercises that require a lot of slaughter to improve their strength. For this kind of demon, a lowly king-level slave is simply the best choice.

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Aren't most of the people who buy king-level slaves used for slaughter?"

"Oh..." Xu Ming sighed inwardly - these slaves are indeed a little pitiful.

Xu Ming's gaze couldn't help but look inside the slave store.

In the shopping mall, there are countless iron cages that are covered with the prohibition of formations, and cages of slaves are imprisoned. In each cage, there are 3,000 conferred king rank; the cultivation base ranges from the first rank of conferred king to half-step **** emperor.

There was no gleam in the eyes of these king-level slaves, and it was obvious that they had already lost their hopes for life. They are like lambs to be slaughtered, locked in iron cages, waiting for death to come.

"Huh?" Xu Ming suddenly thought of a question and couldn't help asking, "Where did these slaves come from? Did you train them?"

"Training and training?" The store owner shook his head and smiled, "How much time and energy would it take! Moreover, the price paid for training 3,000 crowned kings is probably close to a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid! - Trained and sold as slaves, Not worth it at all!"

"Then who are...?" Xu Ming was curious.

"It's all caught in those chaotic worlds!" The store owner said of course.


From the desolate world of chaos?

Although the store owner is **** and murderous and looks like a butcher, but facing customers, he is still very patient: "Those chaotic worlds that have not yet appeared star masters, once they are discovered, they are usually attacked, and then the entire chaotic world will be attacked. They are all occupied! And these 'indigenous people' in the chaotic world, from the king level to the saint level, are often captured and turned into slaves! And below the king level... they will all be killed!"

This is the blood of endless chaos!

Endless Chaos is very cruel to those "indigenous chaotic worlds", that is, chaotic worlds that have not yet been in contact with the outside world! -Forcibly occupy the entire chaotic world, refine the "source of chaos" in that world, and either enslave or kill the natives of that world!

"His—" Xu Ming suddenly took a deep breath.


Xu Ming discovered that God's Domain, isn't that the indigenous chaotic world?

God's Domain, there is no star master, and has not had much contact with the outside world. What will happen once the power of the endless chaos discovers the location of the Divine Realm?

It's simple!

The army is overwhelmed!

Forcibly occupy the realm of God!

The Chaos Origin Stone of Refining God's Domain!

Enslaved and slaughtered all living beings in God's Domain!

Once God's Domain is discovered, then fate will not be any different from other indigenous chaotic worlds!

"No!" Xu Ming's face suddenly changed again - God's Domain is not yet discovered, but has been discovered!

Holy Master... Isn't it the Origin Stone of Chaos who conspired to God's Domain?

Once the Holy Master really succeeds, the fate of the entire Divine Realm will be extremely tragic!

"Holy Master!" Xu Ming's thoughts of killing the Holy Master became more and more urgent!

After all is either the death of the Holy Master or the death of the Divine Realm! In this battle, there is no compromise at all!

"I must find a way to kill the Holy Master as soon as possible!" Xu Ming's eyes were cold, "If the stalemate continues, in case, the Holy Master reveals the location of the Divine Realm to other people in the endless chaos; Strength, it is impossible to resist the army from endless chaos!"

At this time, Xu Ming was even a little fortunate—fortunate that the Holy Master had not exposed the news of the Divine Realm to other people in the endless chaos! Otherwise, the disaster of God's Domain would have come long ago; the great powers of God's Domain, I am afraid that like these slaves in the slave area, they will be locked in iron cages one by one!

"How's it going, how many king-level slaves do you want to buy?" the shopkeeper asked.

In the depths of Xu Ming's eyes, there was a very obscure flash of sadness in the death of a rabbit and a fox; he said in a low voice: "You count, how many king-level slaves you have here... give them to me!"

Xu Ming would not be pitiful, but since he happened to use a large number of king-level slaves, let's take this group of slaves out of the sea of ​​misery! - These slaves were bought by Xu Ming, and their future destiny is at least much better than those bought by other demons!

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