Break Into Another World

Chapter 1329: Not too powerful, not too loud

"The people in the VIP area shouldn't be a fool like you who doesn't have a brain, right?"

"You..." Zhen Ling was furious. However, Xu Ming did not continue to follow the price, he had to honestly take the blame.

Although, as Zhen Ling, 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid is not a big amount for him; but, at a price of more than 30 times, anyone can buy an ordinary mind-flow Chaos God Weapon. not in a good mood.

Moreover, the key point is that under the witness of so many powerful people, he made such a big head and made people laugh.

"Humph!" Zhen Ling snorted heavily and stopped talking.

But Xu Ming pondered in his heart: "If there is a chance, I have to find a way to get this black arrow!"

Others didn't know that there was something special about this black arrow, but Xu Ming knew it.

However, Xu Ming is not in a hurry: "This Zhen Ling does not practice the mentality school, even if he gets the black arrow, he can't refine it! Therefore, in a short time, he should not find the black arrow. Mystery!"

Xu Ming was able to feel the extraordinaryness of the black arrows because he refined the Heart Punishing Arrow; without refining, he would not be able to feel it.

The auction continues.

A lot of works have passed, but there is nothing that can make Xu Ming particularly interested.

Or, in other words, Xu Ming is only interested in Chaos Primal Liquid! Chaos Primordial Liquid is the hang point; with enough Chaos Primal Liquid, Xu Ming can do many things.

"Next, what we want to auction is a chaotic alien beast!"

Finally, the auction of Xu Ming's Chaos Alien Beast is about to begin!

The auctioneer introduced it in detail: "This chaotic alien beast has already stepped into the saint level with one foot! Moreover, after appraisal, the aptitude is very good; if it is cultivated well, it is entirely possible to grow to the seventh rank of saint in the future, and it will become Your most powerful right-hand man! - Now the auction starts, the starting price: 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!"

Xu Ming suddenly looked forward to it - how much chaotic primordial liquid can this strange chaotic beast be given to him?

At this time, the auction house was already in an uproar.

"This strange chaotic beast is likely to step into the level of a saint at any time; buying it is almost equivalent to buying a saint directly - 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, it's really not expensive!"

"You think too much! One hundred thousand drops of chaotic primordial liquid is just the starting price, and you want to shoot it? - You know, this is a chaotic beast that is expected to reach the seventh rank of a saint! In my opinion, at least it will be photographed. More than 500,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

"Growing up to the seventh rank of saints? This is nothing more than a gimmick of the auction house! I really want to cultivate this chaotic alien beast to the seventh rank of saints or above, how much will it cost to do it!"

In the sound of discussion, the quotation has already begun.

"One hundred thousand drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

"110,000 drops!"

"Twelve thousand drops!"

Prices are rising rapidly.

"Twenty thousand drops!"

At this moment, Zhen Ling coldly reported the price of "200,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid"; at the same time, he looked at the entire auction house and said, "Everyone, this strange beast of chaos is originally my Zhen Ling. It's just that it was taken away by the villain with dark means and put in the Hengzhou auction! - I hope you will give our Zhen family a face, and don't continue to participate in the auction of this chaotic beast, so as not to be cheap in vain Little man!"

As soon as Zhen Ling said these words, there was indeed a brief silence in the Hengzhou auction house.

After all, the Zhen family still has some reputation in the Casting Star Realm area; after hearing the "Zhen family" twice, many great experts still have to weigh it a little, whether to save face or not.


Although the Zhen family has some face, but the face is just that. All of you, after weighing it a little, you will decide - not to give this face.

A sage with a childish face, sneered disdainfully: "Give you a face for the Zhen family? Wouldn't that mean that you won't give the Hengzhou auction house a chance? - If everyone is like you, then the business of the Hengzhou auction house will not be the same. Don't do it!"

"That's right! Treasures are auctioned. Whoever bids the most will get it. What's the use of raising the name of the family?"

"Zhen's family? Haha...Is the Zhen family's face very big? - I seem to remember that the Zhen family doesn't even have a Chaos Realm, right? In the endless chaos, it doesn't seem to be a great force, right?"

"Heh! The power is not big, but the tone is not small! What if I don't give the face of the Zhen family?"

Zhen Ling didn't expect that his words, instead of having any deterrent effect, had the opposite effect.

None of the great powers in the auction room meant to give face to the Zhen family; on the contrary, there were many great powers who humiliated the Zhen family—as they said, the Zhen family is in endless chaos. Among them, there seems to be nothing remarkable.

Even the auctioneer on the stage was displeased, and said coldly: "The Zhen family is so arrogant? - In this case, our Hengzhou auction house is really free to visit your ancestors of the Zhen family!"

There is a powerful Chaos Realm behind the Hengzhou auction house, so naturally the Zhen family will not be taken seriously.

"I..." Zhen Ling was speechless.

"Shut up!" Elder Zhen shouted through voice transmission, "Don't even look at where this place is! Saying such a is not a shame for the family?"

A small storm, the auction continues.

Even, the auction was not so intense at first; but because of Zhen Ling's "provocative" words, the atmosphere of the audience was instantly mobilized!

"300,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Forty thousand!"

"Five million!"

The auction price skyrocketed, easily breaking through the 500,000 mark, and there was no intention of stopping.

Zhen Ling was stunned, and even wanted to cry.

"600,000!" Zhen Ling gritted his teeth and shouted.

However, his price had just been called out, and was immediately overshadowed by other voices: "Seven hundred thousand!"

"Seventy-five thousand!"

"I..." Zhen Ling almost wanted to vomit blood.

Seven to eight million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, this is definitely not a small amount!

Even in the barren chaotic worlds around the star-casting world, the whole world may not be able to make up so much chaotic primordial liquid!

And the "indigenous chaotic world" like God's Domain has even less chaotic primordial fluid! Even Sage Huangquan, the richest man in God's Domain, has dug so many years of treasures in the Mysterious Array. Apart from a few important treasures such as the star map in the beginning, his whole body is worth only 200,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid.

"Don't continue to follow!" Elder Zhen said with a gloomy face, "We don't want this chaotic alien beast!"

No more!

Zhen Ling felt distressed for a while: "But..."

"There's no 'but'! Don't forget, we are here this time because we have more important treasures to be photographed; we must not spend too much chaotic primordial liquid for this chaotic alien beast! Otherwise, we will not be able to photograph 'Zhitianbao' Mirror', that would ruin the family's affairs!"

(End of this chapter)

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