Break Into Another World

Chapter 1334: drink tea

"Okay, everyone! I've written down all the treasures you need!" Xu Ming laughed, "Recently, I'll be looking for a place to stay in the Black Blood Castle trading area! After three months, you guys will come again. I can!"

After speaking, the great masters said goodbye to each other, and they all left the Eternal Universe Auction.

Inside the Black Blood Castle.

The Zhen family's team is powerful and in a hurry.

"Damn Xu Ming!" All the powerful people in the Zhen family gritted their teeth, "I actually encouraged others to deal with us..."

Before, when they were at the auction, all the powerful people of the Zhen family could feel the greed that flickered in those countless eyes - after all, as long as you kill any of them, you will go to Xu Ming's Wanjie Mall from now on. Enjoy 20% off when you buy treasures!

"Humph!" Elder Zhen snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for me carrying a great treasure and sending the Heaven-shading Mirror back to the family, I would definitely have to meet those great powers who want to deal with me for a while! Let them know that our Zhen family is not like that. So annoying!"

Zhen Ling's face was even more ugly.

Soon, the Zhen family and his party rushed to the exit of Black Blood Castle. After passing through the dark and dark passage, he quickly left the Black Blood Castle; he was about to leave the Star Casting Realm and return to the Zhen family's lair.

"Wait back, report the matter to the ancestors, and let the ancestors decide!" Elder Zhen gritted his teeth and thought - why has he ever suffered so much?

However, at this moment-

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Without warning, a powerful momentum suddenly surrounded the Zhen family and his party.

"Not good!" The expressions of the Zhen family and his party changed suddenly.

Elder Zhen's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he looked at the more than 30 high-level saints around him with fear.

Most of these high-level saints that Elder Zhen know come from forces that are no weaker than their Zhen family! More than 30 high-level saints represent more than 30 forces!

Moreover, in this battle, you can tell at a glance that the comers are not good!

Elder Zhen's face was ugly: "Everyone, what does this mean?"

You must know that the Zhen family and his party have already left the Black Blood Castle; now, there is no longer a "no action" rule! In other words, these thirty-odd high-level saints can attack them at any time!

"Hehe!" A seemingly cunning black-clothed saint said with a sneer, "It doesn't make any sense! I just want to invite all the friends of the Zhen family to have tea together! - Elder Zhen, don't you give me such a little face? Bar?"


Elder Zhen just wanted to say - coaxing a three-year-old child!

Drinking tea is fake!

If you want to control them, wait three months before considering whether to kill them, that's the truth!

If... after three months, Xu Ming can really come up with the treasures that various forces are seeking to buy, then the lives of the Zhen family and his party will probably become "coupons"!

If Xu Ming can't come up with the treasure, then the Zhen family and his party still hope to save their lives.

It's just... Could Xu Ming be unable to come up with the treasure?

"Everyone!" Elder Zhen said solemnly, "Are you really sure that you want to offend our Zhen family?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Elder Zhen's remarks immediately caused a lot of laughter: "If we unite so many forces, even if we offend your Zhen family, so what? Is it possible that your Zhen family would dare to seek revenge on us? - If you come to take revenge , that's even better! Maybe, in the endless chaos, there will be no Zhen family from now on!"


The threat of red fruit!

As for the Zhen family, they could only suffer!

There is no way, the strength is not as good as people, you can only lower your head!

At this time, Elder Zhen said again: "Don't you really think that Xu Ming can find those treasures and sell them to you? - Oh! If you don't say anything else, just say Chaos Icefall is good! It's hard to find, and the price is as high as hundreds of thousands of chaotic primordial liquid; Xu Ming sells 10,000 chaotic primordial liquid for a drop, will you believe it?"

"Hehe! We really don't believe it completely! Otherwise, we won't invite you to drink tea here, but... let's do it directly!" The black-clothed saint laughed, "We've already thought about it—if Xu Ming It is to fool us, then, after three months, we will let you go! Forgive you Zhen family, and do not dare to be the enemy of so many of our forces for such a thing! And if Xu Ming did not fool us, then... hey-hey!"

After that, there is no need to say anymore.

"Please, everyone! I don't think I need to do it, do I?"

More than 30 high-ranking saints looked at them with a sneer.

Eternal Universe Auction.

All the elders, all sat down to discuss.

"I don't know where the Myriad Realm Mall appeared, but it made such a big move... I'm afraid that there will be a big move in our Star Casting Realm!"

"Yeah! I have prepared more than a dozen treasure mirrors to cover the sky, and I will never believe that he will not make a big move next time!"

"I estimate that this Wanjie Mall will next compete with our Hengzhou Auction to **** the market for rare treasures!"

"Justified! I agree!"

"Then how do we deal with it?"

The elders of the auction house were all discussing fiercely.

Soon, they discussed and came to a conclusion.

"In the entire star-casting world, the most suitable place to sell rare treasures is undoubtedly the trading area of ​​Black Blood Castle; and that kid also said that UU Reading will set up the mall here! And as far as I know... black In the blood castle trading area, there are only three large pavilions that are still vacant. Why don't we buy all three large pavilions! In this way, the kid will have no place to set up a shopping mall, and he will not be allowed to If you don’t quit Black Blood Castle, you will even quit the Star Casting World!”

"That's a good way! Go get in touch now, and buy all the three pavilions at all costs! And... always pay attention to that kid with Xu Ming. Once he finds out that he has left the Black Blood Castle, act immediately!"

Xu Ming naturally would not leave Black Blood Castle.


Xu Ming didn't even plan to buy a large-scale pavilion.

"I don't need to stock up in this Wanjie Mall. With customers, I pay first hand, and first hand delivery; I want a building that is too big, what's the use?"

Xu Ming is ready, just find a small house!

After strolling around the trading area, Xu Ming quickly found his favorite target; a small shop with a simple style.

Xu Ming quickly got in touch and bought the store.

"Huh... I finally have a foothold!" Xu Ming urgently needs a foothold - he has obtained so much Chaos Primal Liquid, of course he needs to improve his strength!

"Little hanging, how many level 14 hanging points do I have?" Xu Ming has exchanged all the Chaos Primal Liquid into hanging points.

Anyway, between the Chaos Elemental Liquid and the hanging point, you can exchange it at will.

Xiaohang immediately replied: "15.2 million drops!"

"So much!?" Xu Ming sighed with emotion, "It is indeed the prosperous world of commerce and trade! If it were in other places, it would be impossible to earn so much Chaos Primal Liquid in such a short period of time! Then... level up first. Check out the plug-in function!"

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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