Break Into Another World

Chapter 1336: opening

Wanjie Mall?


Many of the neighbors of the surrounding shops couldn't help laughing when they saw the signs that Xu Ming hung up.

"How dare such a small shop be named 'Wanjie Mall'? You really dare to name it! It's too ignorant!"

"That's right! The shop is not big, but the name is even louder than the 'Eternal Universe Auction'! It's a joke!"

"This small shop doesn't seem to have even a shop assistant, right? - I really don't know why this shop has such a sensational name!"

As the saying goes, peers are enemies.

Other stores around, seeing Xu Ming's new store opening, naturally regarded Xu Ming as a competitor. Now, seeing competitors open, naturally there are no good words to say.


In the Star Casting World, the names of the stores are generally quite simple and low-key; a high-profile name like "Wanjie Mall" is rarely seen in the entire Star Casting World.

Therefore, the more narrow-minded neighbors around will inevitably have mocking voices.

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to pay attention to these ignorant ridicules - although the store is a little smaller, to be honest, the words "Wanjie Mall" are absolutely worthy of the name!

Here Xu Ming will sell all kinds of treasures from hundreds of millions of chaotic worlds. It is a real "Mall of Worlds"!

At this moment, a group of mighty powerful men flew towards Xu Ming. Every almighty has a saint-level cultivation base!


"That is…?"

The surrounding neighbors couldn't help but look over curiously.

In the Star Casting World, it is not uncommon for rulers and saints to appear; however, it is rare for dozens of saints to appear at one time!

And now, dozens of saints are coming towards Xu Ming.

"Could it be... this kid has offended some big power? So, someone came to make trouble when he opened his business?"

"It's not impossible! Let's watch a good show!"

There were sounds of falling stones all around.

Although, in the Black Blood Castle, it is strictly forbidden to do anything; however, it can still make people very uncomfortable to come and make trouble when others are opening!

Those narrow-minded neighbors all wanted to see Xu Ming embarrassed when he opened the business.

"Oh?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up, "The slaves I ordered in the slave market are here!"

Among the dozens of saints, the leading ones are the leaders of the slave market; the next fifty are the "first-order saints" slaves purchased by Xu Ming!

"The efficiency is quite high!" Xu Ming secretly said.

There was nothing to do anyway, so Xu Ming went up to meet him.

"Brother Xu, congratulations, congratulations, good luck!" Several heads of the slave market all clasped their fists and laughed.

"Thank you!"

Xu Ming was also polite, and then handed over the "soul blood marks" of the slaves to the other party.

Mastering the "soul bloodmark" can control the life and death of these slaves; otherwise, these powerful slaves at the level of saints cannot be restrained at all.



The shops that were watching secretly around were all stunned at the moment!

"Fifty saint-level slaves... what a wealth of money!"

You must know that fifty first-order slaves of saints are worth ten million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid! This number, for these small shops around, is an astronomical sum!

Although these shops mocked Xu Ming's store name before, when they saw Xu Ming's fifty saint slaves, all the mocking voices became quiet, only the shocked voice remained - buy fifty saints The character of the slave is not something they can mock!

Even, many shops have begun to regret it, why are they so cheap! - In case Xu Ming holds grudges, even if they are safe in Black Blood Fort, what if they leave Black Blood Fort?

A character who can afford fifty saint slaves, is it not a matter of minutes to deal with them?

Some time has passed.

The head of the slave market has long since left.

Many shops around Xu Ming were still secretly regretting that they accidentally offended Xu Ming.


At this moment, dozens of imposing figures descended.

These dozens of figures are not comparable to the fifty "Saint First-Order" slaves before! The aura on each of them is extremely terrifying; obviously, each of them is a high-level saint!

"Hey—dozens of high-level saints!" The surrounding shops took a sharp breath again.

"What is the origin of this Wanjie Mall? It has just opened, and it has welcomed dozens of high-level saints!"

"Yeah! And... I have seen quite a few of these dozens of high-level saints. They are all big forces in the endless chaos, and their spokespersons in the outside world!"

"What are these high-level saints coming together for? - If they came here specially to celebrate the opening, then the Myriad Realms Mall is in the endless chaos, I am afraid that the power is very powerful, so it can have this face!"


The surrounding shops did not expect that these high-level saints did not come to celebrate the opening, but to buy treasures!

"Brother Xu, do you have the 'Zhenyan Asking Stone' I want?"

"Brother Xu, my Chaos Icefall Heart..."

"My Ancestral Divine Mirror..."

What a high-ranking saint said were those extremely precious and extremely rare treasures.

You must know that these treasures, even in the Eternal Universe Auction House, are extremely difficult to collect in a short period of time, and even cost a lot!

Therefore, when high-ranking saints shout out the treasures they want, they are both looking forward to and disappointed - the expectation is that Xu Ming can really take out the treasures they want; the loss is that they are very "clear" , the possibility of Xu Ming gathering these treasures is extremely low!

And the surrounding shops have been stunned again!

Zhenyan Asking Stone, Chaos Icefall Heart, Ancestral God's Mirror... How precious and rare are these treasures?

These small shops around, can't touch these treasures at all! And now, there are so many high-ranking saints from major forces surrounding their "new neighbors" to buy these rare treasures!

"Could it be... Myriad Realms Mall really has these treasures?" The shop owners all watched secretly.

If Xu Ming can take out one or two of these treasures, they will be convinced!

And if... Xu Ming can come up with many such rare treasures, then the signboard of "Wanjie Mall" is well deserved!

Xu Ming smiled lightly and said: "Isn't it just some small things? I've already prepared it! But... the poor house is so simple that it can't accommodate so many of you at the same time, so we can only come in one by one to negotiate the transaction! As for the other rounds When you arrive, you can only be wronged and wait outside!"

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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