Break Into Another World

Chapter 1339: The wages of avarice is death

"Three million drops of Chaos Primal Liquid..." Elder Yushu was obviously moved.

The demon blood sage looked sincerely: "Brother Yushu, I sincerely invite you, please help me with this! After this is done, I will never forget the kindness of brother Yushu! If brother Yushu needs any help in the future, I will also help you. Never refuse!"

Elder Yushu suddenly fell into hesitation. Of course he wants to earn these three million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, but...

"Sorry!" Elder Yushu struggled inwardly for a while, then finally gritted his teeth and said.

"Huh?" The demon blood saint was obviously a little surprised, "Brother Yushu, are you...? I think the conditions I gave are already very sincere, right?"

"Brother Yaoxue's sincerity, of course, I have seen it! It's just..." Elder Yushu sighed, "It's just, recently, it's not convenient for me to leave Black Blood Castle!"

"Is it inconvenient to leave Black Blood Castle?" The demon blood saint looked puzzled, "Why is this?"

Elder Yushu stared at the demon-blood saint, took a closer look, and said, "Brother Yaoxue, you have been wandering in endless chaos all the year round, and rarely return to the Star Casting Realm; you don't know anything about what happened in the Casting Star Realm!"

"Oh?" The demon blood sage's expression became more and more puzzled and curious, "Could it be... During the time when I was not in the Star Casting Realm, what happened? But I recently returned to the Star Casting Realm, and I haven't heard of it!"

Elder Yushu sighed: "Brother Yaoxue, you don't need to ask any further questions. Anyway, it's not convenient for me to leave Blackblood Castle! So, even though the conditions you offered, brother Yaoxue, are very attractive, I can only say sorry!"

Xu Ming was so frightened that he didn't dare to leave the Black Blood Castle. Naturally, this kind of thing was not a glorious thing; the elder Yushu was naturally embarrassed to mention it to the demon blood saint.

The Demon Blood Saint saw some clues and asked, "Could it be that... outside the Black Blood Castle, someone wants to do something to Brother Yushu?"

"That's right!" Elder Yushu looked embarrassed like a tortoise, this is a very shameful thing.

"Who is so bold!?" The demon blood saint said in amazement, "Brother Yushu, you are the elder of the Hengzhou auction house! If you do something to you, don't you just not give the 'Eternal Universe Lord' face?"

"It's a long story!" Elder Yushu obviously didn't want to discuss this issue, so he sighed and ended the topic. After all, he can't tell the demon blood saint that there are many people out there who want to kill him, so much that even the face of the lord of Hengzhou can't cover him; in that case, there is no place for his own face!

"In short, Brother Yaoxue, you just need to know that it's not that Yushu doesn't give you face, but it's really inconvenient to leave Black Blood Castle!"

"Okay then, I have to invite someone else..." the demon blood saint sighed, "but... about the Chaos Origin Stone..."

"Brother Yaoxue, don't worry! Since you trust me and tell me such an important matter; then I will definitely keep the secret for you and will not betray your promise!"

"Thank you, Brother Yushu!"

The two exchanged a few more words. The demon blood saint stood up and left.

However, when the demon blood saint walked to the door, the elder Yushu suddenly shouted: "Hold on!"

"Oh?" The demon blood saint wondered, "Brother Yushu, do you have any advice?"

"Brother Yaoxue, I think there is a way to let me leave the Black Blood Castle and enter the endless chaos without making a sound!" Elder Yushu said suddenly.

The demon blood saint's eyes lit up; in the depths of his eyes, there was a subtle and cunning light flashing.

"As long as you let me hide in your world ring, Brother Yaoxue, no..." Elder Yushu said in a low voice, "When I enter the endless chaos, other people will not be able to find me!"

Endless chaos, how vast! And, even the rules are messed up!

As long as the elder Yushu enters the endless chaos, it is like a fish entering the sea, and there is no need to worry about being found.

"Hey," the demon blood saint said in surprise, "This is a good idea! Brother Yushu, come in now! When you leave my world ring, you will already be in endless chaos!"

A hint of hesitation flashed in Elder Yushu's eyes again, but in the end, he was unable to withstand the temptation of three million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid; his heart fluttered, and he directly entered the world ring of the demon blood saint.

The demon blood saint walked out of the Hengzhou auction hall as if nothing had happened, and left the Black Blood Castle directly.

After that, the demon blood saint really entered the endless chaos.

After flying in the endless chaos for a while, the demon blood saint released the elder Yushu from the world ring.

"Huh" Elder Yushu was relieved when he saw the surrounding environment, and said in his heart: The demon blood saint really did not break his promise, and he really brought himself into endless chaos.

"Brother Yaoxue, the source stone of chaos you said is..." Elder Yushu asked. At the same time, he also began to plan some careful thoughts.

Three million drops of Chaos Primal Liquid? Of course, it can make the elders of Yushu excited; however, if there is a chance, the elders of Yushu naturally want to win the Chaos No hurry! "The demon blood saint smiled evilly and didn't say any more.

"Huh?" Elder Yushu suddenly flashed an unpleasant feeling.

at this time…

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

In the surrounding chaos, dozens of tyrannical auras came.

"Brother Yaoxue, is this...?" Elder Yushu asked in horror.

"Hey, Brother Yushu, don't blame me!" The demon blood saint's smile became more and more wicked, "I just want to get a discount when I buy things in Wanjie Mall in the future!"

"You..." By this time, Elder Yushu didn't know that the demon blood saint came to him, it was a planned conspiracy! To blame, he can only blame himself for being dazzled by the Chaos Originium!

People die for wealth, birds die for food!

"Go to hell!"


Elder Yushu burst out suddenly, preemptively.

"Hahahaha..." The demon blood sage laughed loudly and suppressed it with a palm without hesitation, "Yushu, I haven't seen an era, your strength is still not improving! It seems... the life in the Hengzhou auction house is too comfortable. , make you lose your way of asking!"

"You..." Elder Yushu watched in horror as the big hand suppressed him, "Demon Blood, if you dare to shoot at me, are you not afraid of Lord Hengzhou?"

"I'm afraid! Of course I'm afraid! How can you not be afraid?" The demon blood saint sneered, "However, I have traveled in endless chaos all the year round, and I rarely return to the forging star world; even the lord of the universe can't find me! Hehe ...And, I don't believe that the lord of the universe will guard me in the forging star world for you!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

At this time, the powerful attacks lying in ambush have arrived!

Poor Yushu Elder, under the absolute strength gap, was unable to resist at all, and was directly suppressed and killed.

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