Break Into Another World

Chapter 1344: chase

Tobu County. Apex Novel is the fastest update

It is a prosperous county in the Yanyan Continent, completely controlled by the ancient "Tongwu Family".

At this time, in Tobu County, on an unknown island, the Tobu family's clan ceremony is being held.

In the center of the isolated island, a black stone monument more than a hundred miles high stands majestically and imposingly.

In front of the stele, an elder in gray robe was proudly speaking: "This stele was left by the ancestor of our Dongwu family, 'Tongwu Yasheng'! Although the ancestor has unfortunately died in the endless chaos before the endless years. The depths; however, this stone monument has been left behind, it is the totem that guides our Tobu family forward!"

The gray-robed elder looked at the teenagers below: "You are all my Dongwu family's hope for the future! Now, you all come forward in turn to attack this stele; whoever performs best may be left by the ancestors. bestow!"

At this time, a boy in black with a resolute face couldn't help but ask, "Elder, what if I accidentally destroy the stone tablet?"

The gray-robed elder looked over and saw that he was the most talented "Dongwu Xun" among the young people in the family. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Destroy the stone tablet? Haha, the stone tablet left by the ancestors has existed for endless years; don't Saying that it is you, even if you exist in the Dominion Realm, you can't even shake this stone tablet! Even a saint, if you want to destroy this stone tablet, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort!"


The ignorant teenagers below all took a deep breath.

Saints, in the minds of ordinary gods, that is the supreme existence! Now I heard that even the saints have to spend a lot of effort to destroy the family inheritance monument; the ignorant teenagers suddenly "unconsciously aware".

In the hearts of each young man, the sense of honor and pride of the family is spontaneously born.

"Yeah!" The gray-robed elder was very satisfied with this effect. He said so much, but it was actually a form of brainwashing, in order to cultivate the loyalty of the younger generation of the family.


rumbling rumbling...

At the end of the sky, the space is torn apart.

The huge and hideous black space crack is like a terrifying centipede crawling in the sky!


"what happened!?"

The Tobu clan all showed infinite horror on their faces.

In a flash, they saw that the terrifying space crack spread to them in an instant.

At this time, the gray-robed elder discovered that a super existence was standing on the inheritance monument of their family.

"Huh!?" The gray-robed elders were immediately angry and anxious to inherit the monument, but the glory of their Dongwu family! And now, Glory is being trampled underfoot like this?

Simply deceiving!

Then, in the next instant, a gun shadow rolled down from the sky; it traversed the sky and suppressed the universe!

The gun force seemed to crush the whole world!

"This is...?" The gray-robed elder just had time to react, and this gun shadow has already arrived! The target of this shot is the super existence who stepped on the glory of the Tobu family!


The gray-robed elder only felt that his eyes were blurred, and the super existence on the inheritance monument had disappeared.

"Huh?" The gray-robed elder suddenly felt a panic in his heart. The super existence disappeared. Where would this terrifying shot that was beyond his comprehension hit?

Undoubtedly, smashed to the inheritance monument of their Tobu family!


boom! !

With one shot crushed, the heritage monument more than a hundred miles high was smashed to ashes in an instant!

Fortunately, the control of this gun is very strong! In addition to destroying the inheritance monument, there is no leakage of energy; otherwise, the surrounding people of the Tobu family will suffer!

This devastating shot naturally came from Xu Ming!

After the shot was fired, Xu Ming did not hesitate to continue chasing down Saint Xiang Shura.

As soon as they chased and fled, the space was torn apart wherever the two passed; the terrifying crack in space spread to the extreme distance of the sky...

Only the clansmen of the Tobu family were left, standing on the isolated island stunned: "The family inheritance monument, just like this... gone?"

"Didn't you say that even a saint, if you want to destroy the inheritance monument, it will take a lot of effort? Why... that super-existence just shot the inheritance monument to..."

Everyone from the Tobu family was dumbfounded and at a loss.

"It's so strong..." The black-clothed boy named "Dongwu Xun", but his thoughts were still stuck on Xu Ming's shot just now, "This monstrous spear intent, if I can comprehend a little bit of fur, it will be enough to traverse the realm of the gods. !"

In the eyes of young Tobu Xun, the shadow of the gun did not dissipate for a long time; and the corner of his mouth unconsciously evoked a knowing smile of "sudden realization".

Xu Ming and Sage Asura chased and fought all the way; wherever they went, the sky was torn apart.

Soon, the battle between the two would span half the Yanyan Continent!

"Xu Ming!" Sage Shura's popularity was fading, "I won't fight you anymore, you're still chasing!?"

Xu Ming just said indifferently: "Today, you must die!"

Xu Ming and Sage Asura, making such a big noise, naturally alarmed the other saints in the God Realm.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened to Yanyan Continent?"

"what happened?"

One after another tyrannical consciousness spanned the entire Divine Realm and looked in the direction of the Yanyan Continent.

"Xu Ming? Shura?"

Ethereal Saint, Frost Saint, Holy Master, etc., all looked at the center of the battle fluctuations in surprise.

"Xu Ming didn't die?"

"It was actually the battle between Xu Ming and Shura? Besides, there was such a big commotion!?"

"No! It's Xu Ming who is chasing Shura! Shura has been running, and he doesn't dare to fight against Xu Ming at all!?"

After seeing the situation of the battle, the saints were all stunned. They couldn't believe that Xu Ming was able to chase after the Asura saint!

"How could Xu Ming's strength be... so strong!?" All the saints were completely incomprehensible.

Of course, this is not the first time that the saints have been unable to understand Xu Ming! Because Xu Mingqiang is too unbelievable, all the saints have gradually become accustomed to this kind of "incomprehension"!

If they can understand Xu Ming's strength, maybe they will not be used to it!

Seeing the consciousness of each sage "look" over, sage Shura's face became more and more ugly. Xu Ming chased and killed him and ran away like a lost dog, which has made him very shameful; now, so many saints have seen his ugly state again. , Sage Shura just wanted to say, "I'm shameless!?"

"Xu Ming! Don't push people too hard!" Sage Asura roared.

"Forcing you, so what!?"


The long spear rolled over again mightily.

This time, Saint Misty, Saint Frost, etc. all saw Xu Ming clearly, they were really chasing Saint Asura!

"Damn it!" Sage Shura's face turned fierce.

This time, he no longer fled inside the God's Domain, but flew directly towards the dome of the God's Domain, which is the direction of endless chaos!

That's right, Sage Shura intends to escape into endless chaos!

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