Break Into Another World

Chapter 1372: discuss something

"I, Misty, will avenge this revenge, I will never die!"

The roar of the Holy Master, like a roar of thunder, resounded through every corner of the Divine Realm.

However, the dead sage sneered without pain and said: "I must avenge this? Not to die? Hahahaha... The chaotic world I fought in the dry autumn, there are not a hundred or dozens; if this is the case, it is not I know how many times I've heard it! But, so what? I'm not still alive and well? - You saints, you have a cultivation base, but you are cowards who don't even dare to fight! Just run away, haha Ha ha…"

The seven Hushan brothers also sneered: "Run, we won't chase into the endless chaos, but don't worry! - You can watch how we slaughter the humble aborigines in your chaotic world on the edge of chaos. !Ha ha ha ha…"

The saints of the gods became more and more angry!

However, without strength, anger is meaningless! A saint can only endure his anger and flee to the endless chaos.

At this moment, no saint was expecting Xu Ming to appear. Because in their opinion, even if Xu Ming appeared, it would be of no use; at most, it would only save a group of gods, and it would be impossible to change the overall situation.

The sneering of the Sage Kuqiu, the Seven Brothers of Hushan, and others did not use "voice transmission"; they deliberately shook the time and space, so that the gods in the entire Divine Realm heard their voices.

Suddenly, the entire Divine Realm fell into endless panic.

"The saints of our God's Domain are running away? Moreover, they left us and escaped into endless chaos?"

"How is this going?"

"I heard... Is someone trying to slaughter our entire Divine Realm?"

Those **** emperors who are still in the realm of the gods are undoubtedly more panic-they received the voice transmission of the saint, but they were not picked up by the saint; and it sounds like they have been abandoned!

"No—" The **** emperors were all desperate and at a loss.

At this moment, Sage Withered Autumn suddenly smiled evilly: "Everyone... Aboriginal saints! Don't rush to escape, we won't chase you, just discuss something with you, how about it?"

Sure enough, the Hushan Seven Brothers, as well as the other seventh-rank saints, also stopped in place and stopped chasing.

"Huh?" The saints in God's Domain could not understand what the other party wanted to do. However, they all gradually gathered, and they were not in a hurry to escape into the endless chaos, but waited for the dead autumn saint to speak.

Withered Autumn Saint continued to smile evilly and asked, "Do you know, what value do you have to us as the natives of this world?"

"Value?" The seven saints of God's Domain looked at each other in dismay - they really didn't know what value they had.

Moreover, the misty saints and others are very puzzled - they are all ready to give up the realm of the gods and flee with only the elite of the realm of the gods; why are these intruders still chasing them?

"The ignorant natives really don't know anything about the endless chaos!" The Dry Autumn Saint shook his head and sneered, "You probably don't know that there is a slave market in the endless chaos, right?"

"What!?" The ethereal saints and others were all shocked - in their view, endless chaos, what a mysterious and vast place, how could there be such a "vulgar" existence as a slave market?

However, after hearing the words "slave market", the misty saints and others gradually guessed what the dead autumn saints wanted to say.

Sure enough, the sage of Withered Autumn continued: "In the slave market in the endless chaos, the lowest level is the 'king-level slave', and the highest level is the 'saint-level slave'! Therefore, in your chaotic world, as long as it is a king Masters above the level are all valuable to us!"

The words of Sage Withered Autumn also shook time and space, resounding in every part of the entire Divine Realm.

The kings of God's Domain were stunned: "What!? My strength, placed in the endless chaos, is only the lowest level slave?"

But then, the masters of conferring kings heard the next sentence, and were even more stunned: "What!? Even saints will become slaves..."

This kind of thing has far exceeded the cognition of the "indigenous" people of the God Domain!

Those silver-moon-level gods are even more suspicious of life-their strength can dominate a low-level **** city or even a middle-level **** city in the realm of the gods; but in the endless chaos, they are not even qualified to be the lowest-level slaves!

Withered Autumn Saint said again: "If you aboriginal saints escape into endless chaos! Then, we will enslave the kings and **** emperors of your entire world, and sell them to the slave market! As for the kings Kill all the gods below the level! Of course, we also give you a few indigenous saints a chance, a chance to 'become a hero'!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!" Withered Autumn Saint deliberately counted, "Exactly seven saints! And in your world, there are five continents that have not been occupied by the Holy Master, and two sea areas. Seats; all together, there are exactly seven seats! That’s it…”

The Dead Autumn Saint pondered for a while, and said: "As long as you have a saint who is willing to and become a slave; then, we will let go of all the gods of a continent or a sea! If there are two A saint is willing to become a slave, that is two continents or seas..."

The Dead Autumn Sage finally showed his fox tail!

In fact, even in the endless chaos, the price of saint-level slaves is very high! Because the vast majority of saints would rather die in battle than become slaves!

Therefore, to capture saint-level slaves, there are usually only two ways! One is that the super-existence of the "Chaos Realm" personally takes action, and the saint level naturally has no resistance; the second is... like the dead autumn saint, using the life of the gods in the entire chaotic world as a threat and exchange!

"You have to make a decision quickly!" Withered Autumn Saint saw that several indigenous saints were hesitant, and urged, "The speed of the Holy Master refining the Chaos Origin Stone is still quite fast; there is not so much time, give you the hesitation! When he finishes refining and becomes a 'star master'; I am afraid that even if you are willing to exchange, it will be too late..."

At this time, the core of God's Domain.

The process of the Holy Master refining the Chaos Originium went very smoothly; after all, it was not the "first time" for him to refine it.

"Ha!" The Holy Master also showed a trace of spirit and paid attention to the outside world, "Ku Qiu and the others still like to make petty profits!"

In the eyes of the Holy Master, the business of buying and selling slaves is a petty profit!

"Huh! How can these idiots like Kuqiu know that the real value of the God Realm is not these waste saints at all, but... the first treasure of the God Realm hidden in the world of ten thousand calamities - the star map of the beginning of time!" The Holy Master thought to himself. , "When I become a star master and take control of God's Domain, even if the entire God's Domain is destroyed, I will find a way to get the 'Star Map of the Beginning'!"

Three changes completed.

(End of this chapter)

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