Break Into Another World

Chapter 1444: 1 thought

"If you want to fight, fourteen of you, let's all go together!"

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, the audience was silent and silent.

"Let's all go together!" - This kind of arrogant and provocative words sounded familiar! Especially the geniuses present, most of them have said similar things to others!

But the problem is... the targets of provocation are different!

Even the "extreme" geniuses in the Chaos Realm present, at most, would issue such a similar provocation to the "extreme" geniuses in the Chaos Realm!

And what about Xu Ming? However, he directly issued such a provocation to the fourteen "extreme peak" geniuses in the Chaos Realm!

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Ming's behavior was no different from courting death!

Fight alone against the fourteen Chaos Realm peaks? -Even if it is the most powerful Chaos Realm in the entire Endless Chaos, it is impossible to do it!

"Damn it! It's too arrogant!" Moshu was shocked.

"Hasn't this genius from Broken Boundary Island ever seen the world before? If he thinks that he has some strength, he is invincible in the world? - Challenge the fourteen extreme peaks of Chaos Realm? Is there a more straight path to death than this?" Bai Yu Shock.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Gui Yue said coldly, but she couldn't hide the shock in her eyes.

Demon side.

The fourteen demon geniuses were extremely angry; but more than that, they were excited!

Although "Yuantian" is a mental school, its strength is the strongest among the fourteen demon geniuses; but in fact, after seeing Xu Ming kill Kuu Xin, he does not have absolute confidence to defeat Xu Ming! After all, he didn't know if Xu Ming was hiding his strength!

But now, Xu Ming took the initiative to provoke the fourteen of them at the top of the Chaos Realm; in the eyes of geniuses such as Yuan Tian, ​​this was a perfect opportunity to kill Xu Ming!

Although, geniuses at their level, they all look at their face very seriously; it is detrimental to their face to bully more and less! However, now there is a great opportunity to "easily" kill Xu Ming; these demon geniuses suddenly don't care about what to lose face.

The fourteen demon geniuses looked at each other vaguely, then nodded silently and flew towards Xu Ming together.

Yuan Tian even said sarcastically: "If you want to court death, we will fulfill you!"

The reason why Yuan Tian was deliberately sarcastic was actually to provoke Xu Ming, so that Xu Ming would not regret running away.

But... Xu Ming finally saw the fish take the bait, how could he possibly run away?

"I must kill these 14 geniuses with the power of thunder, without giving them any chance to react!" Xu Ming is ready to show his true skills!

After all, if you kill them slowly, after a few kills, the other geniuses will definitely react and run away immediately; in that case, Xu Ming might not be able to keep all the geniuses behind! To the meat of the mouth, it may run away!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Soon, fourteen demon geniuses surrounded Xu Ming.

The faces of Yuan Tian and other demon geniuses showed hideous expressions - at this time, they were no longer worried that Xu Ming would run away again!

"This..." Master Zhenmo Ling and other great experts in the Great Desolate Realm all had the urge to hide their faces and cry.

Of course they can see that Xu Ming is stronger than other Chaos Realm peaks; I am afraid he can be called the strongest Chaos Realm peak genius in Chaos country! But now, such a genius is actively "begging to die".

If it wasn't for Xu Ming taking the initiative to provocateur, then there is still reason for the great powers such as Zhenmo Lingzhu to intervene in this unfair battle! But now, Xu Ming took the initiative to beg for death, and they had no reason to intervene;

The existence of Xuanhuangjing in Zhenmoling, as well as hundreds of thousands of troops, all sighed for Xu Ming.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Some happy and some sad.

The powers of the demon side are very happy.

As the focus of the audience, Xu Ming didn't seem to realize how dangerous his situation was, and he asked "naively", "Can we start the fight?"

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Tian and other fourteen demon geniuses all laughed, "Since you are eager to die, of course you can start!"

Yuan Tian said generously: "You shoot first!"

The other thirteen demon geniuses also surrounded Xu Ming and looked at Xu Ming playfully. In their opinion, they are numerous and powerful. Even if Xu Ming takes the first shot, what waves can Xu Ming make?

"Let me shoot first?" A bloodthirsty light flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

How strong is Xu Ming?

When Xu Ming was still the first-order sage, and before he upgraded the plug-in, his strength was already comparable to the "eighth-order Chaos Realm"!

On Broken Boundary Island, after receiving the apology from the ancestor of Beizhen, and after upgrading the plug-in, Xu Ming's strength has increased by an estimated fourth rank! —The eighth order of Chaos Realm, the ninth order of Chaos Realm, the pinnacle of the ninth order of Chaos Realm, the limit of Chaos Realm, the very pinnacle of Chaos Realm... Up to the fourth order, that is to directly reach the very pinnacle of Chaos Realm!

Later, Xu Ming retreated on the Broken Boundary Island for 100 years, and his cultivation level increased by two levels, reaching the third level of a saint; his strength naturally increased by two levels!

In other words, Xu Ming's strength is at least two orders stronger than Chaos Realm Extreme Peak!

And this is still without calculating the "Seven Forms of Breaking the Boundary"! If you calculate the seven styles of Upper Break Realm, Xu Ming's strength is already third-order stronger than Chaos Realm Extreme Peak!

You must know that the stronger the strength of, the more difficult it is to overcome the first-order gap!

The third-order gap is enough for Xu Ming to easily kill the top of Chaos Realm!

And now, Yuan Tian and other fourteen demon "ants" are still trying to let Xu Ming step on them!

"Then I'm welcome..."


The power of "Ten Thousand Spear Intent" directly blessed Xu Ming's spear! - Xu Ming's current marksmanship does not focus on moves, but on form and meaning; when the artistic conception arrives, the power of the marksmanship will arrive!


In the next moment, the spear light stretched directly for thousands of miles and swept away toward the fourteen demon geniuses around.

Wherever the spear can reach, time has come to a standstill! - Exactly the first form of the "Seven Forms of Breaking the World": One thought! Attach "Time Pause" to the weapon while attacking!

Yuan Tian and other demon geniuses, although the victory is in their hands, but in fact, each of them is extremely cautious! After all, they were also worried that Xu Ming would drag one or two of them into the water under his desperate efforts.

Therefore, when Xu Ming's spear swept in, every demon genius instantly concentrated and defended against Xu Ming's attack! It's just... when Xu Ming's spear swept in, every genius' defense suddenly stiffened!

Whoever is swept by the spear will be caught in a "time pause"!

Even time is suspended, what else are you using for defense?

It can be said that Yuan Tian and other demon geniuses are completely undefended, there is no difference! And what they faced was Xu Ming, who was three orders stronger than them, and the fate of being undefended was...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The spear swept across the place, and the fourteen demon geniuses only had time to show their horror, and they didn't have time to escape, and they instantly annihilated their bodies and died!

(End of this chapter)

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