Break Into Another World

Chapter 1563: Really Xu Ming

Feng Wanzhan grinned and looked at hundreds of "high imitation Xu Ming".

"Come with me first!" Feng Wanzhan said with a grin, "At that time... if Xu Ming doesn't come for a year, I will kill you all!"

In the world of great power in the prehistoric realm, a year is undoubtedly an extremely short concept; it is shorter than a mortal's day.

"Xu Ming is also a genius in the secret realm of chaos. If he saw you die, he would not dare to fight; then, his face in the secret realm of chaos will be lost!" Feng Wanzhan continued to laugh a few times, and then fiercely He shouted, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come with us!?"

Hundreds of "high imitators of Xu Ming" suddenly turned ashen - they were just here to participate in the "Xu Ming Contest for Hegemony", who would have thought that they would be targeted by the Divine Phoenix Alliance.

"If I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't pretend to be Xu Ming..." In the registration area, the "high imitation Xu Mingding" that Xu Ming had met before, almost wanted to cry without tears.

"I originally thought that pretending to be Xu Ming was very powerful; I didn't expect that pretending to be Xu Ming turned out to be courting death..."

"Qingluan League is really a waste! At this time, I don't even dare to say a word!"

For a while, on the battlefield, there were all the voices of abuse.

Although the Qingluan Alliance was extremely ashamed and angry, in the face of the extremely powerful Divine Phoenix Alliance and Feng Wanzhan, they did not dare to say anything.

at this time…


Suddenly, on the battlefield, a high imitation Xu Ming burst out and flew away.

"Want to run away?" Feng Wanzhan grinned, "Looking for death!"

boom! !

An incomparably huge **** handprint that covered the sky and the sun went directly towards the escaped high imitation Xu Mingyin!

Feng Wanzhan is a super genius with the combat power of the realm of all things, and this high imitation Xu Ming, who is fleeing, has at most the strength of the peak of the prehistoric realm, so how can he catch this seal?

One palm is enough to kill in seconds!

"Huh?" In the stand area, Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, "Divine Phoenix Alliance, they are really domineering!"

Although Xu Ming is not related to these "high imitation Xu Ming", but if these hundreds of people are killed for imitating himself, then Xu Ming's face is really bad! And... so many "high imitation Xu Ming" who were very similar in appearance and aura to him were killed, and Xu Ming certainly couldn't be indifferent.

"It seems... I have to make a move!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But... my current strength is still a little weak! Forget it, consume some hanging points and raise the 'eternal power' to the peak of the realm of all things!"

After Xu Ming entered the ancient relic realm, although he obtained a lot of low-grade chaotic source crystals, he did not rush to elevate the "eternal power" to the peak of the realm of all things!

After all, the improvement of "eternal power" can be completed in an instant; when stronger power is needed, it can be improved again! - Like now!

boom! !

Hanging point deduction!

Xu Ming instantly obtained the "eternal power" at the peak of the realm of all things. Although this power is only one-tenth of the peak of the realm of all things, it is also comparable to the lower level of the realm of all things, and it still exists forever!

"Tier 3 of the Realm of Everything!" Xu Ming felt his own strength.

In the realm of all things, the first to third levels are the low levels; the fourth to sixth levels are the middle levels; the seventh to ninth levels are the high levels.

The third-order of the realm of all things, although it is still a low-level category, is already close to the middle-level; it is undoubtedly much stronger than Feng Wanzhan!

boom! !

Xu Ming slapped his palm instantly,

The endless power of chaos converged into a giant palm larger than the blood handprint, blocking the path of the blood handprint.

boom! !

The **** handprint suddenly collapsed, while Xu Ming's giant palm of chaos dissipated slowly.

"Huh?" The high imitation Xu Ming, who fled, thought he would surely die, but unexpectedly he survived.

"What!?" Feng Wanzhan was shocked—you know, looking at the entire ancient relic world, there is no one who is stronger than him! And the master of this chaotic giant palm is obviously stronger than him, and it is still a lot stronger!

"Who is it!?" Feng Wanzhan looked over and looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, "You are... Xu Ming?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming flew up from the stand area and sneered, "Wujun wants to challenge me, just spread the news to the ancient relic world and let me know! Why use these ridiculous methods?"

In Qingluan City, countless eyes suddenly turned to Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming?"

"Is he Xu Ming?"

"Is he the real Xu Ming?"

"The strength is so much stronger than Feng Wanzhan, it is definitely the real Xu Ming!"

Those who can be stronger than Feng Wanzhan are all well-known powerhouses in the entire ancient relic world, and naturally it is impossible to pretend to be Xu Ming! As for the Xu Ming in front of him, since he is much stronger than Feng Wanzhan, he is undoubtedly the "authentic Xu Ming"!

Qingluan Alliance Leader Qinglu also couldn't believe it: "Xu Ming is already here! But I don't know..."

But at this time, Qing Lu consciously stepped aside—the next thing was the conversation between Xu Ming and the Divine Phoenix Alliance! At his level, it's better not to intervene!

"What!? He is Xu Ming!?"

On the battlefield, the high imitation Xu Ming, A, B, C, and D all widened their eyes: "We actually met the real Xu Ming!? We even talked to him!?"

The most wonderful expression is undoubtedly the high imitation Xu Mingding—he pointed at Xu Ming directly in front of Xu Ming, saying that Xu Ming's disguise was not in place...

The fake Xu Ming actually said that the genuine Xu Ming did not disguise properly...

At this moment, the high imitation Xu Mingding really wanted to go underground and be quiet.


The glamorous female cultivator who was in charge of the registration had her eyes even wider and bigger! She still clearly remembered every word she said to Xu Ming: "Even if you want to pretend to be Xu Ming, is it troublesome to pretend to be like Xu Ming? - Does your appearance and breath look like Xu Ming? How could it be possible to sign up for you?"

In this way, this glamorous female cultivator directly removed Xu Ming from the registration process...


Feng Xie, who was sitting at a table drinking tea with Xu Ming just now, was in such a complicated mood now! - He asked Xu Ming's name, UU reading www. Xu Ming replied to him, but he disliked Xu Ming's lack of cheerfulness and using a pseudonym...

"I've been drinking tea with Xu Ming for so long...and said so much..." Feng Xie was excited—you know, drinking tea with Xu Ming means drinking tea with one of the most powerful people in the ancient world!

Even if he didn't have much friendship with Xu Ming, this experience was enough for Feng Xiao to brag about.

"Feng Wanzhan!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Go back and tell Wujun, let him prepare well! I, Xu Ming, will definitely go to the Tower of Immortality and fight him! I hope... Wujun's strength will not let me It's good to be disappointed!"

Xu Ming is so confident!

Wu Jun?

The first powerhouse in the ancient world?

Xu Ming is very interested to know what kind of opportunity Wu Jun got to be able to crush many experts in the prehistoric realm with his cultivation of the ninth rank of the Xuanhuang realm and become the number one powerhouse in the ancient relic realm!

(End of this chapter)

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