Break Into Another World

Chapter 1565: interesting!

Chaos is hazy, space is distorted.

The surging river of time stretches across the dome. Every drop of water in the long river of time contains endless time and space; if you enter any drop of river water, you will go back to the past or go to the future.

The entire ancient relic world now is actually in a drop of water in the long river of time. However, the great powers who are in the ancient world cannot feel it.

Although, the long river of time in the ancient world has already materialized, and anyone can see it; however, it is not easy to enter the long river of time, or even travel through the long river of time!

Only the existence of Gu Hanmo's level, truly above the long river of time, can travel freely through the long river of time.

And if Gu Hanmo is here, you can definitely see that the long river of time in the ancient world is "evaporating"!

When the long river of time has completely evaporated, that is, the time when the ancient relic world is completely shattered!

Below the long river of time, the Tower of Immortality blooms with endless and eternal light.

This place was originally inaccessible; but now, it has gathered tens of thousands of powerful people!

These tens of thousands of great powers are all the most top existences in the entire ancient relic world! Almost everyone's cultivation base has reached the ninth order of the prehistoric realm; in terms of strength, they are the best among the ninth order of the prehistoric realm, and there are even many of them who are at the top of the prehistoric realm, invincible in the prehistoric realm, and even a battle comparable to the realm of all things. force!

And these tens of thousands of great powers, at this time, all turned their attention to Wu Jun, who was sitting cross-legged beside the Tower of Immortality. There is awe in every look.

"There are quite a few people here!" Wu Jun glanced at the great powers who were watching the battle with disdain, as if he was looking at the ants all over the ground, "Humph! It seems that the strength I showed in the ancient relic world is still there. There are not enough people to question, who is stronger between me and Xu Ming... If it wasn't for the master to enslave Xu Ming, I would definitely kill him with one move, so as to shock the entire ancient relic world!"

Under the blessing of the Tower of Immortality, Wu Jun's combat power in the ancient relics is close to the realm of destruction! He naturally didn't think that Xu Ming was qualified to take a full blow from him!

"Why hasn't Xu Ming come yet?"

From time to time there are discussions around.

"That's right! We've all been to the Tower of Immortality for decades, but Xu Ming hasn't appeared yet! Could it be that... Xu Ming didn't dare to fight?"

"Could it be... Xu Ming claimed to fight Wujun in Qingluan City, but in fact, he secretly escaped from the ancient world and ran back to the endless chaos?"

"It's impossible! - Xu Ming is a genius in the secret realm of chaos. Although there are many opportunities in the ancient relic realm, it may not be attractive to him!"

"But... Xu Ming was able to kill nearly 3,000 powerhouses above the eighth rank of the Great Desolate Realm with one enemy and three thousand! Don't even dare to fight, just run away?"

"Huh?" Wu Jun couldn't help frowning—yes! What if Xu Ming released his pigeons?

You must know that the power blessing of the Immortal Tower is only valid in the ancient relics. If he returned to the endless chaos, Wu Jun would also be at the ninth rank of the Xuanhuang Realm, and his strength would only be equivalent to the low rank of the Great Desolate Realm. He could not be Xu Ming's opponent at all!

Suddenly, all the questioning voices quieted down.

Outside the billions of worlds, a figure appeared at an unknown time. This figure is neither stalwart nor imposing; he shuttles through the inner hall of the Primordial Temple, like a very ordinary adventurer.

Xu Ming, here we come!

"Is this the long river of time in the ancient world?" Xu Ming's eyes fell on the long river of time in surprise.

As time goes by, Xu Ming has seen it once.

It was in the realm of the gods. With a wave of Gu Hanmo's hand, he summoned the endless chaotic river of time.

However... the long river of time in endless chaos is definitely not the same as the long river of time in the ancient world! After all, the ancient world is the last chaotic era, it is about to be completely destroyed, and the long river of time is about to dry up.

Wu Jun, who had been sitting cross-legged, also stood up directly. On his face, there was a strange smile full of meaning: "Xu Ming, you are finally here!"

"Wujun!" Xu Ming's gaze, penetrating hundreds of millions of worlds, collided with Wujun's. He said through the endless void, "Wujun, I'm very curious - you are also a genius in the secret realm of chaos, why do you keep targeting me? It seems... There is no conflict of interest between you and me, right?"

Wu Jun smiled strangely again, and said: "You will know soon!"

"Hahahaha..." Suddenly, Wu Jun burst out laughing, "Xu Ming, you are finally here! You and I fight, no need to say more! Take action!"

Xu Mingyao looked at Wu Jun.

There is a perception inscription on Xu Ming's body, and he can faintly feel that there seems to be a mysterious power in Wu Jun's body!

Even if Xu Ming now has the strength of the sixth-order peak of the realm of all things, he feels a little palpitated and dare not underestimate this power.

"What chance does Wu Jun have? Could it be that... his strength has reached the sixth level of the realm of all things, or even higher?" Xu Ming couldn't believe it.

"Then give it a try! You'll know!"


In an instant, the extreme magic gun was in hand.

The Dao of Chaos has evolved into Myriad Mysteries; Myriad Mysteries, combined with complex structures, form a power that is even stronger than the Dao of Chaos.

This is like, saltpeter itself has little power, but it can be made into gunpowder.

Chaos to Dao is like saltpeter; and the myriad mysteries derived from Xu Ming's ten thousand spear intentions are like gunpowder.


When the power of Wan Dao Spear Intent reached its peak, the long spear traversed hundreds of millions of realms and directly killed Wu Jun.


"too strong!"

"A single shot across the billions of worlds can still feel such a strong power... This shot definitely has the strength of the sixth-order of the realm of all things, or even stronger!"

"The sixth order of the realm of all things... No wonder Xu Ming can defeat three thousand with one!"

"Xu Ming can enter the ancient relic realm, and his cultivation will never exceed the prehistoric realm! How can the cultivation realm of the prehistoric have the strength of the sixth-order realm of all things!?"

The power of watching the battle is not the top existence in the ancient world. But when they saw Xu Ming's shot, they could only be amazed, and they couldn't raise the slightest sense of confrontation.

Xu Ming is too strong!

"Wu Jun, will he be Xu Ming's opponent?"

If it is said that before Xu Ming's shot, the tens of thousands of top powerhouses watching the battle felt that Wu Jun should have a greater chance of winning! However, when Xu Ming fired this shot, almost everyone felt that Wu Jun was not Xu Ming's opponent!

But at this time, Wu Jun showed an unexpected smile: "The sixth-order peak of the realm of all things? It's interesting! It's interesting! - I'm also worried that if you are too weak, it will be meaningless!"

call out-

Wujun's divine body, a strange light circulates; it complements the endless eternal light of the Immortal Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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