Break Into Another World

Chapter 1567: a heavy price

"he is…"

Hidden in the depths of Wujun's heart, is a peak existence of "Supreme Realm"! Of course he knew that thousands of years ago, the will of the "chaotic universe" came.

The will of the chaotic universe, but the existence above the supreme!

The endless chaos will be shattered, and the world master and the supreme will fall, but the will of the chaotic universe is eternal and immortal!

If the chaotic universe is compared to a world of mortals, then the endless chaos is the earth in this world, and the world master is the emperor above this earth! And the Supreme... is the immortal who lives above the nine heavens!

The destruction of endless chaos is like the change of a mortal dynasty. The old era of chaos ends and a new era of chaos begins.

The will of the chaotic universe will rarely come! Even if the endless chaos is destroyed thousands of times, it may not come once.

And just thousands of years ago, the will of the chaotic universe came! This means... in the chaotic universe, it is very likely that a new Supreme will be born!

Just a thousand years, for the Supreme, it is even shorter than the blink of an eye! That is to say, the supreme being hidden behind Wu Jun, just felt the will of the chaotic universe come, just blinked his eyes once, and found the target of the will of the chaotic universe - Xu Ming!

"Absolutely right! In the Great Desolation Realm, it is impossible to practice a secret skill like 'Wandao Epiphyllum'; this secret skill can only be bestowed by the will of the chaotic universe!" The mysterious Supreme behind Wu Jun was extremely excited, "It actually makes I unintentionally discovered a genius with supreme potential, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... enslave him! I must enslave him at any cost!"

Enslaving Xu Ming is equivalent to enslaving a future Supreme!

The difference between the supreme and the world master is the difference between the immortal and the common people!

Enslaving a supreme being is more important than occupying endless chaos!

"Wujun!" In the depths of Wujun's heart, the voice was almost insane, "At all costs, I want to make Xu Ming seriously injured and dying, I must enslave him! Even if you die, it will be at all costs!"

"Yes!" As a slave, Wu Jun naturally obeys the master's orders! However, in his heart, he was secretly unconvinced - Xu Ming is so much better than me? Even if I die, will it be worth it?

At this time, Xu Ming's "Wandao Epiphyllum" has also been brewed!


The more beautiful things are, the more terrible they are!

With the power of "Wandao Epiphyllum", it is even possible to instantly kill the powerhouse in the Destruction Realm!

"Death!" Xu Ming stared at Wu Jun.

In order to make the "Wandao Epiphany" condense successfully, Xu Mingke directly endured a lot of attacks and paid a big price! If the "Wandao Epiphyllum" could not severely damage Wujun, Xu Ming suspected that he might not have the opportunity to condense a second "Wandao Epiphyllum".

After all, it takes too much time to condense the "Wandao Epiphany"!

At that time, Xu Ming may have to expose the trump card of "infinite avatar".

"Go away!" Wu Jun tried his best to dodge. But obviously, "Wandao Epiphany" is not something he can easily get rid of.

Under Xu Ming's control, "Wandao Epiphyllum" almost detonated against Wu Jun's divine body.

boom! !

Xu Ming's strongest attack was far more terrifying than Wujun's attack!

Rao Shiwujun's strength is close to the realm of destruction, and his divine body can be said to be indestructible, but under the shock wave of the "Wandao Epiphyllum" explosion, he was also seriously injured in an instant.


Wu Jun has already practiced the third level of Divine Phoenix Immortality, and has reached the realm of "rebirth from a drop of blood"! Although he was seriously injured in an instant, he also recovered in an instant!

The shock wave of the "Wandao Epiphany" explosion rushed to Wujun in waves. Wu Jun was seriously injured again and again and recovered instantly; his "recovery upper limit" was also constantly being consumed.

"Sure enough, it is the third level of Divine Phoenix Immortality!" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that it is really not easy to kill him!"

If Wujun was only the second highest level of Divine Phoenix Immortality, he would have been bombed to death by now!

How short-lived.

In a short time, the "Wandao Epiphyllum" has finished blooming.

After Wu Jun's divine body recovered again and again, it also reached the upper limit of recovery. At this time, although Wujun's divine body could continue to recover, the speed of recovery was very slow; moreover, only 50% of Wujun's divine body at the peak of Wujun's peak could not be recovered.



The powerful people who were watching the battle were already shocked.

"Xu Ming's blow just now..."

"Isn't Xu Ming's strength much weaker than Wujun's? Why is the power of this blow so terrifying; even Wujun was directly injured, and even Divine Phoenix's immortality couldn't completely restore him!? "

"Could it be... Xu Ming will win!?"

Xu Ming looked at Wujun indifferently: "Five percent divine body!?—Wujun's strength has definitely dropped dramatically, right?"

If Wujun is still at his peak, then Xu Ming has almost no other way to deal with Wujun except to use his "infinite avatar". However, Wujun's strength has dropped dramatically, Xu Ming can completely resist Wujun's attack, and once again use "Wandao Epiphany".

"Wujun, you are bound to lose!" Xu Ming stared at Wujun and said through a voice, "Before you die, can you tell me - you and I have never had any injustice or hatred, why do you keep targeting me?"

Wu Jun has dealt with Xu Ming many times, and Xu Ming is naturally impossible to let him go! Regardless of whether Wujun told the reason for dealing with Xu Ming, Xu Ming would not let him live.

"You..." Wu Jun had to admit that in his current state, he was indeed no match for Xu Ming, and it was even difficult to escape!

"Useless rubbish!" At this moment, Wu Jun's deep heart resounded with an angry The strength close to the Destruction Realm couldn't deal with Xu Ming, and I had to go out in person! "

The one who hides behind Endless is a supreme being, but the endless chaos of this era is the domain of the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord! The Divine Phoenix World Lord controls the power of the entire endless chaos, even if it is the supreme, if you want to infiltrate the power into the endless chaos, you have to pay a huge price!

Although the ancient relics are two different "chaos" from the endless chaos; however, if you want to penetrate the power into the ancient relics, you must go through the endless chaos - the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, and you will not watch the supreme power penetrate in. !


The ancient relics exclude the cultivation of the realm of all things and above! - Supreme is high above, although this rule can be broken to a certain extent, but there is also some price to pay!

That is to say, if the Supreme Being behind Wu Jun wants to infiltrate his power into the ancient world, the price he has to pay is undoubtedly extremely heavy! But... to enslave Xu Ming! In order to enslave a possible future Supreme; he decided that even if the price was heavy, he would give it up!

(End of this chapter)

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