Break Into Another World

Chapter 1569: can't compete

"You are courting death!? You dare to enter the endless chaos!?"

The entire endless chaos has been arranged into a great formation of 100,000 heavens!

Within the bounds of endless chaos, the strength of the Divine Phoenix World Lord is no weaker than that of ordinary Supremes. Coupled with the assistance of the 100,000 Heavens Great Array, if the weak and powerful people enter, they may be in danger of falling!

"You dare to come in, from now on, there will be no Yuan Zun in the chaotic universe!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord shouted coldly.

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Zun laughed wildly, "Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, do you think too highly of yourself? You think that with your strength and this mere hundred thousand heavens, you can get me. Now? If you really have this ability, you won't be able to kill Huang Zhizun in hundreds of millions of epochs!"

"Humph! If you have the ability, come in and try!"

"Then give it a try!" Yuan Zun laughed loudly, "Maybe, he can conquer the endless chaos in one fell swoop and open a new era of chaos?"


Yuan Zun was burning with endless flames, as if the fire from the sky descended into the world, directly entering the border of endless chaos.

"You really dare to come in!?" The Divine Phoenix Realm glared angrily. At the same time, the power of the 100,000 Heavens Great Array was instantly activated.

All of the 100,000 primordial places emit powerful power, like 100,000 incomparably tough spider silks, entwining towards Yuan Zun. Once Yuan Zun is completely bound, I am afraid that he may not be able to escape the endless chaos.

And the exercises that Yuan Zun cultivates are different from Huang Zhizun, which cannot achieve the state of "immortality and immortality".

Therefore, once it is truly bound, it is likely to fall into endless chaos.

"Ha!" However, the corner of Yuan Zun's mouth evoked a contemptuous smile, "That's it! Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, before the endless years, when I was the realm master, my strength was no weaker than you are now! What's more, I'm in the Supreme Realm now!"


Yuan Zun directly slammed the power of the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord and the great formation of the 100,000 Heavens.

Both sides retreated in unison, and no one took the slightest advantage.

"Oh? I underestimate you!" Yuan Zun sneered, and then, hundreds of millions of power burst out from him, shooting in different directions of the endless chaos.

These billions of powers are all supreme powers!

"Want to infiltrate the supreme mighty power into the endless chaos like this? Yuan Zun, you are too naive, right?" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord clenched his fingers, as if the power of the entire endless chaos was grasping towards Yuan Zun.

The space around Yuan Zun was completely isolated in an instant.

Hundreds of millions of supreme mighty forces were shot in all directions, and they couldn't sneak into the endless chaos, so they were blocked.

"It's just you, I can't stop me from sneaking in!" Yuan Zun once again killed the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, "If it is outside the endless chaos, just a realm lord like you, I can easily kill you! A tortoise with a shriveled head, only dares to hide in the endless chaos!"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord sneered: "Want to enter the endless chaos and open a new era of chaos? Want to get the Supreme Divine Weapon of the Supreme Phoenix? Die this heart!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Two terrifying forces collided constantly on the edge of endless chaos.

Fortunately, this marginal area is far away from the endless chaos of 100,000 domains. Otherwise, the power of the fighting between the two sides can easily destroy a domain, let hundreds of millions of strong people fall, and the endless chaos world will be destroyed!

At this time, a sword came from the west.

A sword light slashed out from the source land, swept through most of the endless chaos, and slashed towards Yuan Zun.

Wherever the sword light passed, countless chaotic worlds, as small as dust, were all completely destroyed under the sword light, without leaving a single particle. Those masters, saints, and chaos realms in the chaotic world have died without any reaction at all.

As for the sword light, after passing through most of the endless chaos, there was no trace of exhaustion.

This sword light made Yuan Zun couldn't help but change his color.

"Old Sword!" Yuan Zun was horrified, "Your attack has already reached such a state; could it be... have you touched the threshold of the supreme state?"

boom! !

Although Yuan Zun had tried his best to resist, he still suffered serious injuries under this sword. Even his supreme body was damaged by nearly 10%.

Yuan Zun did not practice Divine Phoenix Immortality, but other divine body recovery techniques; this injury naturally recovered instantly.

But then, more sword lights came.

And the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord also frantically invoked the power of the entire endless chaos to suppress Xiang Yuanzun. His attack, of course, will not be the slightest mercy.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Yuan Zun resisted these attacks again and again, and the Supreme Body was damaged countless times. Even the "spider silk" shot from the 100,000 primordial places almost completely entangled him.

"Humph! Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, Elder Jian, I underestimated you!" Yuan Zun didn't dare to stay any longer, and even fled back, "But don't be complacent! This time, it's just my test; next time , when I enter the endless chaos again, I have the confidence to end your era of chaos!"

Yuan Zun broke through all obstacles and escaped from the boundless chaos. At this point, the attacks of the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord and Jian Lao could no longer threaten him.

"Huh" Yuan Zun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "I thought that only the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord could threaten me; I didn't expect that Jian Lao's strength was so strong! This time, my supreme heart has been damaged more than 20%... If you want to recover completely, I am afraid you have to pay a high price!"

The supreme heart is the life core of a supreme being! Even if two Supremes fight each other, they will rarely damage the Heart of the Supremes by more than 20%!

"But... Fortunately, I have penetrated the supreme mighty power into the endless chaos! As long as I can enslave Xu Ming, even if the supreme heart is damaged by 20%, it is worth it!"

Supreme mighty power, that is another level of power beyond the world lord. Once it successfully penetrated into the endless chaos, even the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord would be almost impossible to find it; unless... that power erupted in the endless chaos.

It's just that that supreme power has quietly sneaked into the ancient world. For the Divine Phoenix Realm, the Ancient Relic Realm was also a restricted area, and it was impossible to know what was going on in the depths of the Ancient Relic Realm.

How short-lived is the fight between the supreme and the world master level!

Deep in the ancient temple, near the tower of immortality.

When Xu Ming was still condensing the second "Wandao Epiphyllum", Yuan Zun's supreme power had quietly passed through most of the endless chaos and sneaked into the ancient relics; in the competition with the rules of the ancient relics, damage After a lot of time, it has come to Wu Jun.

boom! !

Wu Jun's aura changed in vain.

This was an incomparably detached aura, even Xu Ming felt insignificant before this aura. Like an ant facing the endless sky.

"You're not Wujun! Who are you!?" Xu Ming asked in horror.

Wu Jun Jie Jie laughed: "This question, you will know soon!"

And the great powers watching the battle around are also extremely terrified!

"This momentum, is it a powerhouse in the Destruction Realm? A powerhouse in the Nirvana Realm? Or a stronger domain master? Impossible! How can a cultivation base above the realm of all things enter the ancient relic realm!?"

However, the powers watching the battle are not fools. They all quickly discovered that they seemed to know something they shouldn't!

What happens when you know something you shouldn't know?

Very easy to die!


Immediately, many great powers no longer care about watching the battle, and they all fled! They know very well that if they continue to stay, they are likely to die!

"Want to escape?" Wu Jun's mouth curled into a wicked smile, "It's too late! You know too much!"


Wu Jun opened his hand, and an invisible barrier instantly blocked the range of hundreds of millions of worlds! The great powers who fled in all directions suddenly hit the glass like flies, and no one escaped.

At this time, Wu Jun looked at Xu Ming again, and the victory was in his hands: "Are you still struggling?"

The "Wandao Epiphyllum" in Xu Ming's hands has already been condensed.

"Go!" Xu Ming directly shot "Wandao Epiphyllum" out of Wujun at this time, although the momentum was extremely terrifying; but in Xu Ming's opinion, it may not be able to stop "Wandao Epiphyllum"!

"Innocence!" Under the addition of the mighty Supreme Power, Wu Jun sneered and stretched out his hand to pinch this "Wandao Epiphyllum".


The terrifying "Wandao Epiphyllum", in Wu Jun's hands, turned into a beautiful flame and dissipated.

"What!?" Xu Ming was extremely shocked.

You must know that he exerted his "Wandao Epiphany" with all his strength, but he could threaten the low level of the Destruction Realm! Wu Jun can directly ignore this move, I am afraid that his strength is at least "high-level destruction realm"!

Destruction Realm Advanced...

With such a difference in strength, Xu Ming could no longer have the slightest sense of confrontation!

Xu Ming has just stepped into the cultivation base of the Great Desolate Realm! Even if it is open, the strength is close to the high-level of the realm of all things; but it is still far from the high-level of the destruction realm!

What's more... Wu Jun's current strength is likely to be more than the advanced level of Destruction Realm!

In short, in any case, it is not something that Xu Ming can compete with! Unless... Xu Ming's luck is so good that it instantly triggers the instant kill effect of "life and death"!

It's just... Xu Ming's luck will be so good? Will Wu Jun's luck be so bad?

It's hard!

"Escape!" Xu Ming didn't hesitate, he first pulled the distance between himself and Wu Jun.

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