Break Into Another World

Chapter 1571: The long river of time against the current (below)

call out!

Wu Jun's secret enslavement technique was instantly submerged into Xu Ming's body.

I saw Xu Ming tremble suddenly, and then he disappeared into the river of time and disappeared.

"Huh?" Wu Jun frowned.

In the depths of his heart, Yuan Zun's angry voice sounded: "The enslavement failed... Is it because of the long river of time?"

However, Wu Jun did not dare to chase into the long river of time.

After all, although Wujun can enter the long river of time, it is absolutely impossible for the supreme power to follow up! And Wu Jun, who has no supreme power, is actually not much stronger than the ordinary ninth-order genius of the Xuanhuangjing; this has to enter the long river of time to chase and kill Xu Ming, what is the difference between that and sending him to death?

"Humph!" Yuan Zun snorted fiercely.

Immediately, Wu Jun's eyes swept to the great powers who were trapped in the barrier.

All the great powers were suddenly silent: "We will never tell what happened here!"

"Yes! I will never say it!"

"Wujun, you and I have a good relationship!"

These spectators, even the geniuses of the Divine Phoenix Alliance, felt the killing intent on Wu Jun.

"Don't tell me?" The corners of Wu Jun's mouth curled up in a strange way.

"Yes! Yes!" All the masters nodded their heads like garlic.

"If it's still dead, I'm most at ease!" Wu Jun sneered.


Immediately, he swung a giant axe and directly killed these trapped spectators.

"No—" How could these great powers watching the battle ever imagine that they were just watching for a lively event, and they saw the calamity.

They tried their best to escape and resist, but the strength of these great powers is only equivalent to the low-level of the realm of all things; and Wujun's current strength is at least the high-level of the realm of destruction, how can they be? struggling?

In a short time, Wu Jun killed all the great powers who joined in the fun.

"Look back, you create chaos and disguise the illusion of the eruption of the long river..." Yuan Zun ordered in the depths of Wu Jun's heart.

Over time, occasionally there will be "flood outbreaks". Once this happens, the people around Time Changhe will be swept in and return to the last Chaos Era.

And back in the last Chaos Era, there was almost no possibility of coming back; in this way, no one would doubt the death of many spectators.

"After creating the illusion, you can find a place to hide around here!" Yuan Zun ordered again, "With Xu Ming's talent and luck, even if he enters the long river of time, he should be able to come back! Wait for him from the 'past' When you come back, take action to enslave him again!—Humph! Thought it would be safe to escape into the river of time? Naive! If you escape into the river of time, you can only hide for a while, but not forever!"

Time is long in Hanoi.

After Xu Ming entered the river of time, he felt as if he had become a tiny drop of water.

With his strength, he couldn't control his body shape in time.

"I seem to have been hit by Wu Jun's enslavement technique, but I was not enslaved!" Xu Ming secretly said.

If he felt that he was at risk of being enslaved, Xu Ming would definitely blow himself up immediately.

Immediately, Xu Ming looked carefully at the long river of time around him. He could feel that he was being "held" by an endless stalwart force, moving in the long river of time.

And the "flowing direction" of the long river of time is diametrically opposite to the direction that Xu Ming is moving now! In other words, Xu Ming is going upstream in the long river of time.

Suddenly, Xu Ming saw that directly above his head, at an infinite height, there was a dazzling palace shining like a star.

No matter where Xu Ming went against the river of time, the palace was always right above him and never moved.

"The palace?" Xu Ming suddenly thought of something, trying his best to see the palace, but found that no matter how hard he tried to see it, the more he looked, the more blurred it became.

And the height of this palace is beyond Xu Ming's reach! After all, Xu Ming is now in the river of time, and he can't even control his body; let alone escape from the river of time.

Keep going upstream.

In addition to this mysterious palace, Xu Ming could also vaguely see some mountains, statues and other things. However, these things are looming and fleeting; most of Xu Ming can only see a small part, and cannot see the whole picture.

Sometimes, Xu Ming can even see some super-existing figures; these figures are obviously just images, some look great, some are incomparably small! However, these figures are also fleeting, and they are not clearly visible to Xu Ming.

"What level of super existence are these? It's just some images that make my heart palpitate!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked.


Xu Ming suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

"That figure is..." Xu Ming suddenly saw a very familiar figure, which was a figure that made him fascinated, "Han...Hanmo!"

This figure also flashed by.

But Xu Ming was very sure: "It's Hanmo! It's definitely Hanmo!"

Xu Ming never thought that he would see Gu Hanmo at this "time"!


Just now, although Gu Hanmo's figure disappeared in a flash, Xu Ming saw that there were dozens of figures around, and they seemed to be besieging Gu Hanmo!

These figures seem to give Xu Ming the feeling that they are stronger than Jian Lao!

"What level of existence do those dozens of powerhouses have? The World Lord, or...the legendary Supreme!?" Xu Ming was worried and powerless.

However... with his current strength, it is impossible to help Gu Hanmo at all; even if Xu Ming wanted to take a look at Gu Hanmo's figure, he couldn't do it - in the long river of time, Xu Ming was completely unable to control himself. The figure in the long river of time.

It's just that Xu Ming forgot that what he's seeing now is not happening now, but has happened for endless years and billions of epochs!

After all... Xu Ming's "present" is not in the "present", but is constantly flowing backward to the "past" and "more in the past"!

Everything he saw, except for the palace directly above his head, was just an afterimage of the endless ancient Xu Ming was worried about Gu Hanmo, but in fact it was "what has happened in the past" Worrying - this kind of worry is undoubtedly meaningless!

But in any case, Xu Ming is more determined to work hard to improve his strength.

"In the last chaotic era, I don't know what opportunities will come..." Xu Ming's eyes were firm, and his fighting spirit was brimming with enthusiasm.

At this moment, Xu Ming found that he was "bounced" from the river of time.

"Arrived?" Xu Ming could only see that his surroundings were completely white; it was extremely dazzling, but he couldn't see anything.

Moreover, what was even more terrifying was that Xu Ming found that the power in himself was rapidly disappearing—his divine body and mental strength were constantly becoming weaker; even the comprehension of the Chaos Supreme Dao was withering.

"Not good!" Xu Ming suddenly realized, "The last chaotic era was rejecting me as an outsider!"

(End of this chapter)

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