Break Into Another World

Chapter 1573: ancient divine sign

"What level of fate will Xu Ming awaken?"

Most of the clan members are full of expectations for Xu Ming's destiny. Because... Xu Ming's background is not easy!

Xu Ming's father awakened to the ninth-grade fate of the earth! Xu Ming's mother, although the talent is slightly inferior, has awakened the fate of the eighth-grade earth! - Moreover, in the heyday of Xu Ming's parents, even in the entire Destiny Sacred Realm, they were all characters on the side of Megatron!

Parents have extraordinary destiny, and their son's destiny will naturally not be too bad! It is very likely that it is also above the seventh grade of the earth level!

But later, Xu Ming's parents died strangely.


The fall is so weird!

Moreover, before their fall, they all seemed to have a premonition of the impending disaster, and brought Xu Ming back to the clan.

Today, Xu Ming's parents have fallen for several epochs. With Xu Ming, the only son left, how could people not expect his talent?

Of course, there are also people who can't see Xu Ming, for example... Above the altar, the clan elder responsible for the awakening of fate, that is, the bald powerhouse - Xu Tianfeng!

"Hmph! My eldest brother, even if he dies, he actually used all the treasures to exchange Xu Ming for an ancient divine rune. He is really willing!" Xu Tianfeng snorted inwardly. His eldest brother is Xu Ming's father.

The immemorial talisman is a letter talisman from the Immemorial Temple!

As long as you have the ancient rune and your strength reaches the realm of destruction, you can join the ancient temple.

You must know that the ancient temple is the power of Huang Zhizun; in the holy world of destiny, who dares to provoke it? - As long as you have the identity of the ancient temple, you can walk sideways in the holy world of destiny.

Of course, Xu Tianfeng also wanted the ancient divine rune! After all... his strength has reached the realm of destruction; as long as he lives with the immemorial rune, he can join the immemorial temple.

Moreover, even if Xu Tianfeng didn't use it himself, he still wanted to give this ancient rune to his son Xu Peng!

However, Xu Ming's parents made great contributions to the clan before they fell; many elders in the clan also loved Xu Ming. Therefore, even if Xu Tianfeng coveted that ancient divine rune, he would not dare to grab it.


Don't dare to grab it outright, but you can do it secretly!

No one else can disturb the process of the awakening of the destiny. Therefore, Xu Tianfeng chose to count Xu Ming as a serious injury before the awakening of the destiny! -Xu Ming's condition is not good, and his awakening fate will naturally be greatly affected.

"As long as Xu Ming's awakened fate is very ordinary, such as only awakening a first-grade earth-level fate, then... I have a chance to start slowly with Xu Ming!" Xu Tianfeng couldn't stop sneering in his heart.

In fact... Xu Tianfeng is the one who wants to get the Primordial Talisman? In the end, who can get it, it depends on their ability!

The light on Xu Ming's body became more and more prosperous.

Then suddenly, all the light faded.

"Awakening succeeded!"

"What level of fate will Xu Ming awaken?"

"At least it has to be an Earth-level seventh-grade Fate, right? - His parents, Fate is very strong! It shouldn't be too bad if the inheritance comes from him!"

"It's hard to say! After all, Xu Ming suffered a conspiracy before he awakened his destiny. He awakened today, and his state is extremely poor! I'm afraid... it's even difficult for the fifth-grade earth..."

"Earth-level fifth-grade? If it really only has ground-level fifth-grade, then for Xu Ming, it's really bad!"

Earth-level fifth-grade, for ordinary people, it is already a very good fate! But for someone like Xu Ming from an extraordinary background, it was really a bad fate.

"Xu Ming, sacrifice your life and let the clan take a look!" Xu Tianfeng said without emotion.

"Fate..." Xu Ming looked at his sea of ​​consciousness, where his fate was quietly suspended, "A white fate?"

Xu Ming had digested most of his memories, so he naturally knew that there were three levels of destiny: heaven, earth, and people, and the corresponding colors were purple, yellow, and white.

White Fate... This is the worst human-level Fate!

"What I awakened is a human-level destiny?" Xu Ming was speechless.

However, Xu Ming didn't care either.

Although, in the holy world of destiny, there is a saying that "fate determines strength", but Xu Ming doesn't care! After all... For Xu Ming, there is not much difference between awakening a heaven-level destiny and a human-level destiny!

Awakening the heaven-level destiny, as long as you "adult", your strength can reach the realm of destruction, or even the realm of nirvana!

However, you must know that Xu Ming is only in the "sixteenth era", and there are still "two eras" before he reaches adulthood! —Two epochs, for others, is indeed a short time; but for Xu Ming, how long is it?

After all, Xu Ming has lived to this day, and he has not even survived the "one-in-a-billion era"!

So... Xu Ming doesn't expect to rely on "Fate" to develop at all!

Moreover, although Xu Ming's cultivation has temporarily regressed to the Chaos Realm, it will not be difficult to restore his cultivation to the Prehistoric Realm. Moreover, after recovering to the prehistoric realm, it is impossible for Xu Ming to allow his cultivation to break through to the realm of all things—after all, once the cultivation base exceeds the prehistoric realm and reaches the realm of all things, then Xu Ming will not be able to enter the long river of time. !

If you can't enter the long river of time, how can you "back to the future"?

So... does fate have any meaning to Xu Ming?


If you insist on saying something meaningful, there is only one meaning - pretending to be X!

Fate is good, naturally cattle X, you can install X.

But... does Brother Ming seem like someone who likes to pretend to be X?

Therefore, after Xu Ming was lost for a moment, he calmed down. Since the clan wants to see their own destiny, let them see it!


Xu Ming sacrificed his life without hesitation.


When Bai Huahua's fate appeared, the power of the entire clan was startled.



"White? Human-level fate?"

"How could it be so bad..."

The two fates are the existence of the ninth grade of the earth level and the eighth grade of the earth level, and gave birth to a son of a human level fate? - This has never happened in the entire Destiny Sacred Realm, has it?

Xu Tianfeng was even more scolded inwardly: "Damn it! If I had known that your talent was so poor, why would I take such a big risk to plot against you!?"

In Xu Tianfeng's opinion, such Xu Ming is not even qualified to be plotted against by him!

The power of the entire clan was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"Look at it, what is the human level? Is it the ninth level?"

"Although the human-level ninth-grade fate is already a **** fate, if he practices diligently in the future, Xu Ming may not be able to reach the Destruction Realm! There is still hope to become a member of the Primordial Temple..."

Those who hold this idea are all the elders who are concerned about Xu Ming.

However, when they looked closely at Xu Ming's fate, their hearts suddenly became cold.

Inside the white destiny, there is only a circle of golden halo, which is... a first-rank human being!

(End of this chapter)

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