Break Into Another World

: Explain the update situation of more than half a year

Seriously explain to the brothers what has been updated for more than half a year!

In fact, as early as half a year ago, I wanted to send this testimonial; finally, I can send it out today.

It should be in June 2016, as a veteran Lao Wang I, with the idea of ​​​​creating the last work, started "Open Hanging and Entering Another World". But unexpectedly, once the book is published, the results can be said to be directly top-notch!

Yes, it is indeed a blast!

With the support of many brothers, the book has achieved great success during the free period, and even overwhelmed several super gods who published books at the same time! At that time, Lao Wang really had an illusion: Am I going to become a god?

Lao Wang is a part-time author, and the number of updates must be guaranteed during the new book period. Only in this way, the website will arrange recommendations. At that time, it was the first time that I saw a glimmer of hope on the road of the Internet, so I chose to work hard without hesitation!

Go to work during the day and code at night; three shifts are guaranteed, often four shifts or even more! If you have an old friend who started chasing books at that time, you should be able to remember when you read this passage of mine. At that time, Lao Wang often updated after 3:00 in the morning, just to write one more chapter!

During that time, it was really hard!

My family thought I was crazy, and other writers in the same group also said: Lao Wang, you are fighting so hard, don’t you die?

I said: Let's fight, maybe this is my last chance on the Internet.

Then, the books began to be put on the shelves for a fee. Readers of the free period, after the fee is charged, there is no one in a hundred!

Out of a hundred readers, less than one reader reads the genuine version, and the rest go to see the pirated version...

Originally, Lao Wang thought that with this work, he could embark on a full-time career; however, reality gave me a slap in the face and taught me to be a man.

However, I still told my editor Panda that I am very satisfied.

At least, the results of this book give me the confidence to stay in the online literary circle.

Although not yet full-time conditions, only part-time.

After charging for the listing, I continued to spell for a while, and I should have spelled more than 1.5 million words. During that time, I was often a little bit more explosive.

However, after that, there should be almost no explosions. There is no high-sounding reason, only one reason: the body can't bear it!

Just imagine, go to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning every night, and get up at seven o'clock the next morning to go to work; moreover, such a part-time life is not a day, but a long-term!

Over time, the body has collapsed.

Before writing this book, I was a chasing teenager on the sports field; after writing this book, I gained more than 20 pounds and was sloppy. My wife said, this is not really fat, but too tired and puffy.

I really worry that there will be a day when I write a book and die suddenly in front of the computer in the middle of the night. If that's the case, I have no value in dying other than being a gossip for other authors in the industry - this kind of thing, in our circle of authors, is a real thing, and there are more than one instance.

So at that time, I told my brothers: In the future, after twelve o'clock, I will not update.

Really tired and scared!

Earning poor rice money, but suffering both physically and mentally.

I often see a brother say, you are an author, you must be dedicated!

How to be dedicated?

Take a life for a pound of rice?

However, in fact, I still often update after 0:00, even after one o'clock in the morning, after two o'clock...

Sometimes I ask myself, why?

I can only say, in order to give an explanation to the few genuine readers who are waiting for corrections!

I am also a reader, and I understand the torment of waiting for more. I used to scold when I was waiting for an update: What did the author of this dog day go every day? It's enough to write a chapter for a few hours, but write it for me!

It was not until I wrote a book that I realized that the hardest part of writing a book is not coding, but thinking—I spend far more time on ideas every day than coding. Moreover, the later the book is, the more plots cannot be written, and the more tiring it is to conceive!

If I were a full-time author, I could look at many others every day for inspiration. But I'm just a part-time author. I come home from get off work every day and night, and my brothers are still waiting for me to update - no update, running to draw inspiration? nonexistent!

If I really explain it to the readers like this, saying that I can't write it, I'll go for inspiration!

I can be sure that readers will come out immediately and say: This excuse, I will!

Is this an excuse?

In fact, only the author's friends know!

Sometimes I see readers say, why do you write worse and worse?

In fact, sometimes, it's not that I don't know that my writing is bad, but... even if I know that my writing is bad, I have to bite the bullet and write!

Because, if you don't write it, you will be scolded even more!

Even if I knew it myself, I didn't write the book, I just conceived the plot; but does this interpretation trust the readers?

I just want to ask my readers and friends: Which author doesn't want to write more and earn more?

My wife, who really supported me in writing the book. Sometimes they say, why don't you quit your job and write a book full-time?

Quit your job... These four words are very light, but they bear the weight of a family.

To be honest, the book still made some money, but it was about the same as my salary. And when I go to work, in addition to my salary, I also have social security; when I write a book, there is no social security!

Moreover, when I go to work, I can be sure that I will continue to be paid in the future; the longer I work, the higher the salary. However, writing a book, the next one, may not make a penny at any time.

There are also some readers brothers, who encouraged me to go full-time. But in all fairness, do you feel that I am eligible to go full-time?

Unless, out of the ninety-nine pirated readers, nine come back to see the genuine one—don’t miss out on reading these nine genuine readers, you must know that my genuine readers “don’t save one in a hundred”; nine out of a hundred come back, then My income can be doubled tenfold!

Even if only two people come back, my income can be doubled or tripled!

And this is also the author's sorrow - whether or not to eat depends on the mood of the reader.

Some people also want to say, your writing is not good, you can't keep readers, who is to blame?

Since ancient times, deep feelings cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

Brothers, open the library and have a look, you will find that there are eight out of ten, which are exactly the same routine!

However, there is only one copy of "Crossing the World"!

Of course, it doesn't make much sense to improve my income - sites like to push the exact same routine. Otherwise, you won't see so many identical books.

It should have been in August last year, that is, around my birthday, I told my brothers that my body couldn't take it anymore, and I dropped from three to two a day.

The body really couldn't take it, but there was another reason: at that time, my wife was diagnosed with pregnancy.

My wife, it should be said is a very hypocritical person! Yes, very hypocritical! (This sentence should not be seen, right?)

Hypocritical people, what will happen after pregnancy? Will be hypocritical a hundred times!

So, after I get off work every day, in addition to staying up late to code, there is one more thing: coaxing my wife!

Moreover, during my wife's pregnancy, my health was not very good. I had to go to the hospital dozens of times before and after. I had to go to work to make up for the dozens of days off. Therefore, the update was even slower.

But in fact, having said that, my wife is really supportive of my career.

Older brothers may have experience. After the wife is pregnant, she especially needs company.

For example, when my wife is pregnant, if I stay by her side, she will sleep a lot better. But... brothers look through the time I update every day, and you will find how rare it is for my wife to want to sleep sweeter.

Occasionally, I go to bed before eleven, which is a great gift for my wife. And the price I paid for this gift was that many brothers would say: "Your sister's Pharaoh is lazy again and went to bed at eleven o'clock!"

To be honest, I owe my wife a lot.

To put it nicely, it's called chasing dreams; to say it badly, it's **** selfish.

I don't want to fail the reader, and I don't want to fail the family. However, they did not do well.

Today, I'm going to post a separate chapter to explain it because... Today, Brother Wang and I, become fathers!

Since the day before yesterday, Pharaoh and I have been in the hospital, so there is only one update in the past two days. The day before yesterday, there should have been some brothers who had already guessed my situation, right?

In fact, the pregnancy was found out in August last year. It was thirty or forty days then; today, 35 weeks, a few days earlier.

In the daytime, outside the delivery room, I was so nervous that my whole body trembled; I couldn't help it, so I carried my mother behind my back, and I hid in the corridor by myself, touching tears.

At that time, I suddenly realized that, as an author, I didn't even think about the name of my child...

How ironic!

Fortunately, everything is fine, the baby is born safely!

Then suddenly I found that there was more responsibility on my shoulders.

Since then, I will not only strive to make life better, but also strive to make the future of my children better.

No matter what the kid does in the future, I don't want him to be a hard codewriter.

In the future, there will be a new member of the family to take care of. Going to work, it is even more impossible to resign, this is the child's milk powder money; and writing a book... I really dare not brag about what I am going to do - I still have a little bit of time in my heart!

But I'll still work on it twice a day and give this book a happy ending - that's my promise to my brothers from beginning to end.

Finally, thanks to every brother who saw this sentence! It is you who have been with me all the time, making my code words and my flashy and unrealistic dreams meaningful!

Thank you even more, every brother who reads the genuine version, let my hard work pay off with substantial rewards!

It's late at I've been excited and nervous for a day, Pharaoh, I'm really tired today, and I really can't stop typing.

Now the man is in the hospital, sitting beside his wife's bed. My great wife finally fell asleep, and I was holding my phone and typing this paragraph—don't say I typed such a bunch of words, I might as well have one more chapter. In fact, Lao Wang's typing speed is very fast; however, typing fast does not mean writing fast.

When writing a book, more time is spent on ideas, but less time is spent on typing.

Finally, I wish every married brother or sister, have a child early! I also hope that unmarried brothers and sisters will work hard!

Thank you for everything life has given me!

Thanks for all the encounters!

Thanks for everyone's concern!

In the end, I will use the four most demanding words to end this testimonial: No change today!

(End of this chapter)

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