Break Into Another World

Chapter 1598: never come back

Huang Yu, the top genius in the endless chaos.

Although he lost to Xu Ming on the Divine Phoenix Battle Arena, as a member of the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm, Huang Yu's talent is absolutely beyond doubt!

In the ancient relic realm, Huang Yu did not enter the long river of time much earlier than Xu Ming; however, because the distance of the long river of time against the current is different, so... When Xu Ming came to this chaotic era, Huang Yu was already living here. Hundreds of epochs!

Today, Huang Yu's cultivation has reached the peak of the Destruction Realm!

You must know that time is a long river, and the highest level can only carry the cultivation of the Great Desolate Realm! In other words, with Huang Yu's current cultivation base, it is almost impossible to return to endless chaos!

"If it weren't for the contract, I have been living in this chaotic era, which is not bad..." Huang Yu secretly said in his heart, "It's just... hateful contract, it insists on forcing me to enter the tower of immortality, so I have to try my best to find the entrance to immortality. The way of the tower..."

According to Huang Yu's investigation, the Yun family may have the "key" to enter the Immortal Tower.

The Yun Clan was once a big force in the Destiny Sacred Realm, and there were many Nirvana Realm existences; but later, one Nirvana Realm existence of the Yun Clan fell mysteriously, and the huge Yun Clan also fell apart and scattered to the Destiny Destiny Realm. realms.

In order to find the "key", Huang Yu secretly arranged manpower in various domains to deal with Yun's. The Yun clan of Pan Tianyu was just one of the ones that was destroyed by Huang Yu.

After destroying the Yun clan in Pan Tianyu, Huang Yu collected a piece of news about Yun Tian, ​​who may know the location of a treasure house in the Yun clan!

Although this treasure does not necessarily contain the secret key to enter the Tower of Immortality; but in Huang Yu's view, it is an opportunity anyway, so he naturally arranged a little manpower to deal with the remaining Yun clan and find the elder Yun Tian Baicao. , it is the vassal of his lackey.

"What's the matter with me?" Huang Yu's face was expressionless and his voice was indifferent.

Today, Huang Yu exists at the pinnacle of the Destruction Realm, so he is naturally accustomed to speaking with such a lofty indifference to those weaklings in the Xuanhuang Realm and the Great Desolate Realm.

"Senior Huang Yu, I found Yun Tian!" Elder Baicao respectfully said.

"Oh?" Huang Yu was a little interested, but her expression was still indifferent. After all, there is a treasure trove of Yun's remnants scattered in various domains; Huang Yu has sent people to copy many treasure troves, but still no trace of the key has been found.

This treasure house in Pan Tianyu is not very different from the other treasure houses of the Yun family; Huang Yu believes that the possibility of hiding a secret key in it is not high, and naturally he is not very interested.

"Where is Yun Tianren? Bring it to meet me!" Huang Yu said lightly.

"Senior back..." Elder Baicao bowed and said, "I didn't capture Yun Tian?"

"Huh?" Huang Yu's face sank slightly, a little unhappy, "Baicao, you are not a weak master in the Xuanhuang realm; moreover, I have arranged some helpers for you in the Pantianyu... You can't even take a single Yun Tian?"

"The plan was going well, but I didn't expect..." Baicao said depressedly, "When I killed the Yun Clan, a mysterious powerhouse appeared in the Yun Clan, beat me violently, and drove me away. Come out! The name of that mysterious powerhouse is Xu…”

The "mysterious master" in the mouth of Elder Baicao naturally refers to "Xu Ming".

However, before Elder Baicao could say the word "Xu Ming", Huang Yu sneered disdainfully: "In the Yun clan, what kind of mysterious power can there be? Humph! If you beat a dog, it depends on the owner! Even my dog ​​is a bitch! Dare to fight... don't worry! Soon, I will send a master to reach Pantianyu; capture Yun Tian, ​​and also avenge your shame by the way!"

Huang Yu couldn't bear to listen to it any longer, almost, he would hear the nightmarish name "Xu Ming"! In that case, I am afraid that he did not send a master to come, but came in person!

Elder Baicao wanted to talk about Xu Ming's power in Yuxin City; for example, even the "Master of the Young Domain" in Pantianyu had to behave like a servant in front of Xu Ming. However... Elder Baicao was worried that Huang Yu would be scared away, and the other party would not send a master to avenge himself; therefore, he deliberately chose to hide it.

And Huang Yu, although the strength is not weak, but at best it is only the peak of the Destruction Realm. In the entire Destiny Sacred Realm, its influence is naturally limited; it is impossible to know the specific situation in Pantianyu.

Otherwise, Huang Yu would definitely not dare to brag about such a sea mouth as "it depends on the owner if you beat a dog."


Xu Peng is looking sad.

Hundred years have passed in a hurry, and his cultivation is still strangely stuck at the first order of Chaos Realm!

"I..." Xu Peng almost wanted to vomit blood, "In the past 100 years, I don't know how many treasures I have used; even if it is a human-level first-rank garbage fate, with such training resources, the cultivation base can still make progress. ?but I…"

Xu Peng had to admit that although he was a "earth-level seventh-grade" fate, he wasn't as good as a human-level first-grade **** fate!

Xu Peng's father, "Xu Tianfeng", one of the elders of the Xu family, naturally tried all kinds of methods, and even took Xu Peng to the outer domain to visit the great master of Nirvana! But still can not solve the problem on Xu Peng.

"What the **** happened to me!?" Xu Peng was mad, confused, and helpless again.

Moreover, seeing that the "hundred-year battle" with Xu Ming is coming soon!

Xu Peng's cultivation base has made no progress, and naturally his strength has hardly improved! He knew very well that even if Xu Ming stayed on the same ground as himself, he was not Xu Ming's opponent!

In the century-old battle, Xu Peng will definitely lose!


At this moment, Xu Peng's door was pushed open.

"Father!" Xu Peng didn't dare to face up to his father. When he awakened to the seventh-grade fate at the earth level, his father specially gave a three-day banquet for this, making it a big one! But now...

"Is there still no progress in cultivation?" Xu Tianfeng asked helplessly.

"No..." Xu Peng said, the Hundred Years War is coming soon..."

Xu Peng's cultivation has made no progress, which is naturally a secret in the Xu family! Except for Xu Tianfeng and Xu Ming, no one in the Xu clan knew that Xu Peng's cultivation was only the first-order Chaos Realm.

However, if the Hundred Years War comes and goes to the battlefield... This secret cannot be kept!

At that time, Xu Peng will definitely become the laughing stock of the Xu family and the entire Pan Tianyu! After all, the seventh-grade fate of the earth level, but the cultivation base cannot break through the second-order chaos realm. What is this if it is not a laughing stock?

"The Hundred Years War?" Xu Tianfeng smiled coldly, "Where did the Hundred Years War come from?"

"Huh?" Xu Peng was a little puzzled.

Xu Tianfeng sneered and said, "A hundred years ago, Xu Ming left the Xu family, and he has not returned! And... he will never come back!"

never come back?

Xu Peng couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He had already heard what his father was saying.

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