Break Into Another World

Chapter 1606: little brother town

"Oh! Are you finally shameless?"

In fact, Xu Ming had already expected this to happen, and he had already prepared for it.

"Lawless! No respect!" Xu Tianfeng was completely angry.

boom! !

The terrifying aura from the Destruction Realm erupted instantly. The tyrannical atmosphere made many Xu clan masters present feel great pressure, and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

However, Xu Ming was not affected by this terrifying momentum and remained indifferent.

After all, Xu Ming is hanging on "Eternal Power", and his own strength has the realm of all things! Xu Tianfeng wanted to suppress Xu Ming just relying on his aura, but he was a little short!

"Huh?" Xu Tianfeng's expression changed slightly, "It seems that you really have some trump cards, so you can't be affected by my aura! - But today, you dare to betray the clan and try to take away the clan's treasures; no matter what trump cards you have, I can't save you!"


Xu Tianfeng slapped Xu Ming directly with a palm, obviously wanting to capture Xu Ming.

With Xu Ming's power in the realm of all things, it is naturally difficult to stop the power of the palm of the hand of the realm of destruction, unless...he will open up the more advanced "power of eternity" at all costs.

However, Xu Ming was standing still, and he didn't mean to activate the more advanced "Eternal Power".

"Have you been frightened?" Xu Tianfeng secretly said, but he felt normal in his heart - he is a powerhouse in the Destruction Realm, and he frightened Xu Ming with one palm, what's so strange?

However at this moment...

The endless void trembled in vain.

The time and space where the Xu clan is located seems to be suppressed by endless coercion. Even Xu Tianfeng's palm turned pale.

"What's the matter?" Xu Tianfeng was slightly startled, and immediately reacted, "A super strong person is coming!?"

Just as Xu Tianfeng's palm was about to hit Xu Ming, a talisman's protection instantly appeared around Xu Ming.

Countless flowing runes of characters contained great coercion. Every word is comparable to the power of Destruction Realm.

boom! !

Xu Tianfeng's palm returned without success, and was shaken back.

"Who is it!?" Xu Tianfeng was shocked.

At this time, at the end of the sky, dozens of figures appeared. Two of the figures are extremely bright, and the world is overshadowed by them.

"This is... the existence of Nirvana realm!?" Xu Tianfeng and the other great experts of the Xu family were all shocked.

Nirvana realm, that is a high existence!

Anyone who exists in the Nirvana state can despise and destroy the current Xu clan; and now, there are two Nirvana states arriving at the same time!

What shocked the great masters of the Xu clan even more was that these two Nirvana realm existences, together with the dozens of destruction realm masters behind them, surrounded an existence that only had the breath of all things.

Obviously, the existence of this world surrounded by all things must be extraordinary!

Suddenly, Xu Tianfeng was stunned: "These... seem to be the great masters of the Domain Lord's Mansion?"

After all, Xu Tianfeng is also a strong person, and he still has some knowledge. He naturally recognizes some of the top existences in Pantianyu; he will not be as blind as those in the prehistoric realm and the realm of all things in Yuxin City.

And this made Xu Tianfeng even more shocked: "Why did the great power of the Domain Lord's Mansion suddenly come, and he even took action to protect Xu Ming?"

Xu Tianfeng was not mistaken, the dozens of great powers that appeared at the end of the sky were the powerhouses of the Domain Lord's Mansion.

The one who was surrounded by the stars in the middle of the moon was the solitary gunman of Pan Tianyu's "Master of the Lesser Domain". Those two Nirvana Realm existences and dozens of Destruction Realm powers are the subordinates of the Lone Gunner.

The other great powers of the Xu Clan also obviously guessed that the powerhouses of the Domain Lord's Mansion should have come for Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming!?" Xu Tianfeng and other elders were extremely puzzled - they really couldn't figure out what was so special about Xu Ming that he could allow so many powerful people from the Domain Lord's Mansion to stand up for him?

Could it be because of the ancient divine rune on Xu Ming?

This is impossible!

Primordial talismans are naturally extremely precious to a fifth-rank force like the Xu Clan; but to a seventh-rank force such as the Domain Lord Mansion, they are nothing! The powers of the Domain Lord's Mansion, if you want to get the ancient rune, it will not be difficult!

But apart from the ancient rune, what else could Xu Ming have on him?

This is exactly what Xu Clan can't figure out!

Immediately afterwards, the great powers of the Xu clan were even more horrified to discover that the identity of the one who is headed by the existence of the realm of all things does not seem to be simple...

"That's... the young domain master of Pan Tianyu!?" Xu Clan was greatly shocked.

The identity of the master of the Pantianyu Shaoyu is even more precious than the average Nirvana realm powerhouse!

After all, the person behind the Shaoyu Lord is the absolute ruler of Pantianyu—Pantianyu Lord!

Even the top 6-Rank forces, even the powerhouses at the peak of Nirvana Realm, must bow their heads in front of Pan Tianyu!

"What is it... that attracted all the young masters of Pan Tianyu!?"

Just when Xu Clan was able to guess, an even more frightening scene happened!

I saw that this highly respected young domain master, after appearing, ran to Xu Ming—they were right, it was indeed Pidianpidian who stepped on the void and ran to Xu Ming!

It's a joy to run! Like a puppy in spring!

"This..." Seeing this scene, all the great experts of the Xu clan did not know how to express their current feelings.



In short, all the great powers of the Xu family, at this time, their heads are blank!

And at this moment, the most frightening scene finally happened!

I saw this young master in Pantianyu, who can be said to be "under one person and more than ten thousand", ran to Xu Ming's side, bowed carefully and said, "Hello, Ming!"

Hello Ming! ?

The entire Xu family was completely stunned!

On the other hand, Xu Ming stood with his hands behind his back with a look of indifference, but nodded slightly and praised: "It appeared quite timely!"

In fact, when Xu Ming encountered an interception on his way back to the clan, he had already summoned the Lone Gunner and asked him to come to help the town! However, Xu Ming did not rush to show the Lone Gunner, but asked him to lead someone to hide near the Xu family.

And the "Master of the Lesser Domain" Lone Gunner, after receiving praise from Xu Ming, was immediately excited: "It's my honor to serve Brother Ming!"

"Yeah! Step back!" Xu Ming waved his hand casually and said.

The Lone Gunner immediately stepped aside, then ran to Yun Tian's side again, and also greeted humbly, "Hello, Sister Yun!"

Miss Yun... Good! ?

The great power of the Xu clan is even more stunned!

Who is Yun Tian?

Isn't she Xu Ming's maid?

A mere maid actually asked Pan Tianyu's Young Master to bow and say hello? And also called "sister"?

Moreover, looking at Yun Tian's appearance, it is so geographically appropriate.

Even... even the two Nirvana Realm existences and dozens of Destruction Realm powerhouses brought by the Young Domain Master didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

At this time, the Xu clan experts, even if they have no brains, have already guessed that there is definitely a big secret about Xu Ming! Xu Ming definitely has a hidden identity, and it's not very simple!

As for the big secret and the hidden identity, this is beyond the imagination of the Xu clan!

Finished the update today, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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