Break Into Another World

Chapter 1617: The tragic phoenix feathers again

The words are divided into two parts.

Huang Yu rushed into the white lotus portal with great excitement.

"That's great! I was the only one who rushed into this portal!" Huang Yu was excited, "All the treasures inside are mine! And... this white lotus portal appeared suddenly! It's very possible, immortal. The sword is in there!"

Huang Yu's heart was full of anticipation and longing. It's as if the peak of life is just around the corner!


Soon, Huang Yu passed through the space tunnel.

"It's here!" Huang Yu became more and more excited, and wanted to open his arms to embrace this treasure that belonged to him, and embrace the impending peak of his life!

However, the next moment...

"Uh..." When Huang Yu saw the scene in the treasure, his excited expression suddenly froze on his face, leaving only a confused expression on his face.

To describe the situation in this treasure, I can only use one word - miserable!

The space inside the treasure is very small, and you can see everything at a glance.

In the entire treasure, there are only a few rare treasures; and the highest grade is only the low-level level of the realm of all things!

You must know... Huang Yu is a peak powerhouse of the Destruction Realm! For him, is there any essential difference between the low-level treasures of all things and garbage?

Not really!

The treasures that are said to be piled up like mountains?

What about the immortal sword?

What about the peak of life?

Huang Yu's mood at the moment was extremely messy and extremely sad.

"No!" Suddenly, Huang Yu's spirit was lifted, "Maybe, the real treasure is not on the bright side! Find it!"

How to find it?

The entire treasure trove has already been captured by Huang Yu's eyes; all he can do now is... dig three feet into the ground!

Maybe, the real treasures are hidden in the ground?

Just do it!

Huang Yu instantly turned into an "earthworm", quickly flipping the earth inside the treasure, hoping to find some treasures in the ground.


The results are predictable!

This is a fake treasure! And... it's the worst of the two fake treasures! How could there be any precious treasure?

Huang Yu worked hard to find the entire treasure upside down, but only found a hair - this hair, exudes the breath of all things! It seems that it is very likely that a certain Yunshi realm master accidentally left it here when he entered the treasure.


Huang Yu's current mood can be described with the word "Japanese dog"!

Fortunately, there are no dogs in the treasure!

"Forget it, even if it's garbage, it's still some treasure. Take it out, how much can you sell it!" Huang Yu, who recognized the reality, honestly picked up the garbage.

It took a while to pick up all the **** in the treasure before Huang Yu was ready to leave the treasure.

But this time...


Huang Yu's face suddenly changed.

"This treasure has only one exit, the one I came from!"

That is to say... If Huang Yu wants to leave the treasure, he must go back the same way!


"This..." Huang Yu showed an extremely painful expression.

All other powerhouses know that only Huang Yu has entered a different portal!

Huang Yu realized that if he went out now, it is very likely... the strong outsiders have already set up a net, waiting to catch him!

"I..." Huang Yu wanted Sun Dog again.

"You can't go out now! If you go out now, you will definitely be killed!" Huang Yu thought, "Since the one I entered is a fake treasure, then... the other strong people who went in are real treasures! Wait!"

Huang Yu soon made a decision - wait!

As long as other strong people find the immortal sword in the real treasure and get the precious treasure; at that time, if he goes out, it should be much safer!

"What's this called..." Huang Yu felt extremely sad.

He happily rushed into a different portal, only to find a pile of garbage, and he was blocked in the treasure and dared not go out.

"The person in charge of the formation is also cheating on me!" Huang Yu thought angrily, "He should have known long ago that this is a fake treasure, but he didn't remind me! Moreover, he also told the other powerhouses that I entered a A different treasure! - Humph! If you let me know who the person in charge of the formation is, I'll have to rip off his skin!"

However... Huang Yu would never have thought that the person who pitted him was his "compatriot" Xu Ming!

In another fake treasure, there are still many treasures.

Of course, those treasures are not precious to those in the Destruction Realm; for those in the Nirvana Realm, they are even more disdainful!

Therefore, in this fake treasure, thousands of Nirvana realm and Destruction realm powerhouses did not fight, and the scene was relatively peaceful. Every strong man is looking for traces of the immortal sword there on his own.




Thousands of powerhouses searched the entire treasure upside down countless times.

In the end, all the powerhouses have to admit that there is no immortal sword in this treasure!

"Sage of Kunshan!" Suddenly, the Nirvana realm powerhouse shouted angrily, "Did you take away the immortal sword when you first came in!?"

The Kunshan Saint was simply annoyed: "If I got the Immortal Sword, I would have already run away! How can I search with you here!?"

"Hmph! Maybe, you deliberately pretended not to get the Immortal Sword!?" The Nirvana realm powerhouse who spoke just now sneered.

However, the strong people in the treasure actually know in their hearts that the saints of Kunshan may really not have obtained the immortal sword! After all, this treasure is too barren, and obviously it will not be the "main treasure" of the blood cloud ancestors.

"Humph! Let's go out first!" All the strong men were a little depressed - making such a big noise, they thought that the immortal sword was about to be born, but it turned out to be a waste of time.

"Everyone!" But at this moment, a shattering realm powerhouse with a cold aura suddenly said, "The blood cloud magic formation appears in the world, with such a huge momentum, it is very likely that it is really a sign of the birth of the immortal sword! It's just... the immortal sword, And the treasure of the blood cloud ancestor, but it is not in this treasure!"

All the powerhouses are sneering—isn’t this nonsense?

"However, everyone..." The cold-blooded Destruction Realm expert said again, "After you entered this treasure, a new portal appeared in the blood cloud magic formation! But that portal, only appeared For a very brief moment; and, only one person entered the portal!"


"Another portal appeared!?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Who entered!?"

The cold-blooded Destruction Realm powerhouse slowly spit out two words: "Phoenix Feather!"

Phoenix Feather! ?

The crowds were able to sweep the surroundings, and sure enough, there was no trace of Huang Yu! It seems that Huang Yu really may have entered another portal.

"Come on!"

"Go outside! Wait for Huang Yu to come out!"


Thousands of Nirvana Realm and Destruction Realm powerhouses all returned to the same path aggressively, going to squat to guard Huang Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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