Break Into Another World

Chapter 1620: Tentative

Paper cannot hold fire.

At first, only the Lone Gunner and Xu Ming knew the news of the "fall" of the Pantian Domain Lord; but gradually, several Nirvana realm powers in the Domain Lord's Mansion felt something unusual! Because... they found that they could no longer contact Pan Tianyu!

"Not long after the chaos happened, I couldn't get in touch with the Domain Lord...Isn't it a coincidence?" It was the Nirvana Realm powerhouse under the Domain Lord's Mansion who spoke.

With Daoist Man, there were two Nirvana realm powerhouses, Wuye and Huanxin, a man and a woman.

"We also have this suspicion!" Wuye's two eyes were completely pitch-black, with no whiteness at all.

Huan Xin said: "In the Domain Lord's Mansion, other Nirvana realm powerhouses have followed Pantian Domain Lord very early; but the three of us are different - when the three of us defected to the Domain Lord, did you ever say Well, we will be treated favorably! But now, before the favor, the domain master will fall first!"

Wu Ye also said: "If the domain master really falls, the treasure he left behind should belong to the three of us!"

"Don't jump to conclusions yet!" Daoist Man is still more cautious, "Let's observe it for a while, if there is no information from the domain owner, then we will try it out!"

"How to test?" Wuye and Huanxin both looked over.

The Taoist Man sneered and said, "Moyin Mall!"

Obviously, no matter how the three of them contacted, they would not be able to contact Pan Tianyu.

Seamo Domain.

It is a large area in the west of Pantianyu.

Moyin Mall, of course, also opened to Yuxincheng in Ximoyu.

On this day, two Destruction Realm powerhouses were welcomed in Moyin Mall. One was tall and stern, dressed in black robes, with a suffocating arrogance; the other seemed to have a kind face, but there were often haze flashes in his eyes.

"Moyin Mall!" said the stern black-clothed powerhouse, "Is there any Destruction Weapon for sale!?"

Moyin Mall is responsible for guarding, but an ordinary Great Desolate Realm powerhouse "He Qian"; however, even in the face of two Destruction Realm customers, he is not at all timid - after all, the one standing behind Moyin Mall, It is the Lord of Pantian Domain; the Domain Heart City and Domain Lords of all domains will give Moyin Mall some face to some extent.

"Naturally there is!" He Qian said, "I wonder what kind of divine weapon of destruction the two of you need?"

The stern black-clothed powerhouse said, "A long spear, a thin sword—all of them must be of the highest quality to destroy the divine weapon!"

He Qian said: "Two top-grade weapons of destruction, a total of 200,000 middle-grade Chaos Origin Crystals are needed!"

"Yes!" The black-clothed powerhouse nodded.

In this Moyin mall, naturally there will be no stock of the best Destruction Weapons. But this is not a problem. With the "Wanjie Mall System" in place, it is natural to be able to transform two top-quality Destruction Weapons.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The stern black-clothed strong man played with his spear and nodded again and again.

Another good-natured haze powerhouse also showed satisfaction.

He Qian smiled and said, "You two, please also pay for the Chaos Origin Crystal!"

"Paying Chaos Origin Crystal?" The stern black-clothed powerhouse suddenly said, "I'm Pei San, and this is Pei Si next to me—you should have heard of us, right?"

He Qian nodded: "Ximoyu, Pei's, naturally like thunder!"

"That's good!" The black-clothed powerhouse Pei San said with a smile, "Today, our brothers forgot to bring the Chaos Origin Crystal, so we can only pay for it another day!"

"Pay for it another day?" He Qian has not encountered this situation before, "Yes! Leave the treasures first, and when you pay for another day, you can pick them up again!"

Pei Si smiled: "I really like this rapier, I can't put it down, so I'll take it back first! - Don't worry, we will pay for it another day! Our big Pei family, will we rely on your two gods of destruction? Can't be a soldier?"

He Qian's expression changed, and he continued, "This is the rule!"

"Fuck the rules!" Pei Si scolded directly, "You don't give me face, do you?"

"!" He Qian said in a row.

"Humph! Since it's not that you don't give me face, then let's take these two weapons of destruction first, so what's the matter?" Pei Si said, and went straight to the door with Pei San.


How could He Qian dare to take credit for such a precious treasure? Hurry up to catch up!

"Are you bothered?" Pei Siyi raised his foot and kicked He Qian upside down. "I said I'll pay for it another day! You Moyin Mall, you don't even want to give me this face?"

"I..." He Qian knew that his strength was low, and even if he kept up, he would still be kicked back, nothing more than humiliation.

"Two..." He Qian smiled bitterly, "When will you pay?"

"Three months sooner, one or two years later!" Pei San said coldly, and walked away.

three months? A year or two?

He Qian couldn't believe what they said, and even reported the situation here.

Pantianyu, Yuxincheng.

Xu Ming's expression was a little ugly: "Ximoyu, Pei's? How dare you break the rules of my Moyin Mall, and dare to touch my subordinates?"


"Brother Ming."

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner, who happened to be next to Xu Ming, couldn't help but be a little worried.

The Lone Gunner even said, "Brother Ming, is there something tricky hidden in this?"

The Lone Gunner was obviously also worried that the news of the fall of his father Pan Tianyu had already been guessed by some people.

Xu Ming got up and said: "Even if there is something tricky, I will go to this West Moyu!"

Even if you owe the treasure on credit! Dare to touch Brother Ming's subordinates, this is absolutely unbearable!

"You don't have to follow me! For this trip, I can go by myself!" Xu Ming said.

Xu Ming already had a hunch that this time he went to Westmoor Region, and it was estimated that he would have to fight against Pei's head-on; bringing the Lone Gunner and Yun Tian with him would be a burden after all, so it was more convenient to do it alone.

"Right!" Xu Ming looked at the lone gunman again, "After a while, make arrangements to quietly evacuate the people from Moyin Mall everywhere!"

There is a big reason why Moyin Mall can gain a foothold in the Destiny Sacred Realm without being eroded by other jealous forces - it is supported by the prestige of Pantianyu.

Now, the owner of Pantianyu has fallen and has no support; I am afraid that the business of Moyin Mall will be difficult to continue.

Of For Xu Ming, it doesn't matter whether Moyin Mall continues to do it or not - Xu Ming has already earned enough for hanging points below level 18, and he almost doesn't have to worry about running out in the future; And the level 19 and 20 hanging points, that is, the transactions at the middle-grade Chaos Origin Crystal and the top-grade Chaos Origin Crystal, are very difficult to happen in Moyin Mall.

Therefore, even if the Lord of Pan Tianyu did not fall, Xu Ming had already thought about removing Moyin Mall.

"Also..." Xu Ming instructed the Lone Gunner again, "It's best not to leave Yuxincheng during this period of time, to avoid danger! After I come back, we will find another opportunity to fetch what your father left behind. treasure!"

The treasure was hidden there and would not be lost, but Xu Ming was not in a hurry.

Moreover, the Lone Gunner must show his face in Yuxin City from time to time, otherwise, others will more quickly suspect that the Pantian Domain Lord has fallen.

"Okay! I'm leaving!" Xu Ming thought for a while, he had nothing else to entrust, so he flashed away and left in an instant.

"Ximoyu!" Xu Ming had some evil spirits in his eyes.

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