Break Into Another World

Chapter 1628: do not escape this catastrophe

The location of the blood cloud magic formation.

None of the thousands of people in the Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm left.

A strong man, or sitting cross-legged, or standing proudly in the void, or closing his eyes and resting.

"Huang Yu still hasn't come out yet!"

A violent Destruction Realm powerhouse shouted.

"Don't worry! The later Huang Yu comes out, the more likely it is that he will get the Immortal Sword. We are here to wait! Whoever can grab the Immortal Sword will depend on their ability! If you can't wait any longer, go first. Come on! It’s better if there is one less person to fight for!”

"Can't wait any longer? Joke!" The irritable Destruction Realm powerhouse snorted coldly, "Even if it is ten epochs or a hundred epochs, I will still wait!"

Which of the powerhouses in the Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm here is not an existence that has cultivated for hundreds of millions of eras? Just waiting for dozens of epochs or hundreds of epochs is like taking a nap.

If Huang Yu knew the thoughts of these powerful outsiders, she would definitely cry.

"You're still too young!" At this time, a strong man with all white eyebrows said calmly, "Dozens of epochs? Hundreds of epochs? Hehe! If Huang Yu doesn't come out, even if it is hundreds of millions of epochs, the old man will Wait here!"

Like these powerhouses who have reached the bottleneck, no matter how much they cultivate, it is difficult to make an inch, and they are very boring. If they really want them to wait hundreds of millions of epochs, they will wait.

"Haha... Not bad! Where are you waiting? It's not waiting! Hundreds of millions of epochs are just, and it's over with a flick of a finger!"

The strong men were chatting and laughing, and then soon fell back into silence.


Suddenly, the expressions of all the powerhouses changed in unison, and they all received a water curtain image almost at the same time.

"This is…"

Thousands of powerhouses looked at the water curtain images they received suspiciously.

"What!? This is... Immortal Sword!?"

"The Immortal Sword is in the hands of the Daoists in Pantianyu!?"

"Could it be that someone deliberately framed the Taoists and the others?"

"The nine immortal swords are all different! This immortal sword is indeed different from the other eight! It seems... No matter whether the immortal sword is really in the hands of the Daoists, it is basically certain... The ninth The sword has been born!"

"The ninth sword is born? Since Huang Yu didn't get the immortal sword, why can't he hide?"

"Who knows, maybe Huang Yu has already died in the treasure! The treasure he entered may be a dangerous place!"

"Makes sense!"

"No matter what, let's go to Pan Tianyu first!"

"That's right! Even if someone deliberately framed the Daoists and the others, at least it means that they have something to do with the Daoists!"

"Damn it! Could it be that the people who relied on the Blood Cloud Demon Array to play with me before were the Daoists and the others?"

Immediately, thousands of strong men stood up, ready to go to Pantianyu to see what happened.

At this time, Huang Yu, who had been hiding in the fake treasure for a while, also stood up. He estimated that it should be safe outside.

"Since the treasure that I entered is a fake treasure, then... the treasures that other great powers have entered must be real treasures!" Huang Yu muttered, "It's been so long, they should have already competed for the immortal sword. The results are here! There should be no one who will continue to guard me outside!"

It's just... What Huang Yu didn't know was that thousands of other great powers also entered a fake treasure!

Thousands of great powers have always thought that what Huang Yu entered is the real treasure! So, so far, none of the great powers have left!

"It's time to go out!" As Huang Yu opened the passage to go out, he secretly said that he was unlucky!

is not that right?

In order to find the trace of this ninth immortal sword, how much effort did he spend! In the end, he ran into a fake treasure, picked up a pile of garbage, and was too scared to go out.

"Damn it! If you let me know who's cheating on me, I'll have to kill him!"

While thinking fiercely, Huang Yu walked out of the treasure, preparing to "embracing freedom".


When Huang Yu walked out of the treasure, he was suddenly stunned to see that none of the thousands of Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm experts seemed to have left... Thousands of sharp eyes shot at him in unison!

"What's the situation!?" Huang Yu's face was full of confusion. He just wanted to say that you greats are all idle and have nothing to do? I entered a fake treasure, and you are still squatting here and not walking...

Thousands of experts in the Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm, many of them were about to get up and leave, but saw Huang Yu suddenly appear.

Suddenly, all the powerhouses were not in a hurry to leave, but looked at Huang Yu in unison. After all, the water curtain images they just received were not necessarily true! As for Huang Yu, they have been squatting for so long; now that they have seen Huang Yu, they naturally have to figure out what Huang Yu has in the treasure.

"Every...everyone?" Huang Yu felt the malicious intent in these eyes, and couldn't help but tremble, "You are...?"

boom! boom! boom! …

Before Huang Yu could react, there were countless powerful powers, pressing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"Huang Yu! You entered a different treasure alone, what did you get!?" the strong men asked.

"Wh... nothing!" Huang Yu even said aggrieved.

There really is nothing! Just a bunch of treasures below the level of the Great Desolate Realm! As for those above the realm of all things... I just found and beat a "hair" that fell from the realm of all things in the treasure.

So, to be precise, after Huang Yu entered this fake treasure, he almost only harvested a hair!

"Nothing!?" The powerhouses, regardless of whether they believed it or not, directly attacked Huang Yu aggressively!

Does it matter whether you believe it or not?


He directly stripped Huang Yu to see if he had obtained any treasures?

"" Huang Yu screamed.

But it didn't work!

In front of thousands of strong men like wolves and tigers, Huang Yu was completely powerless to struggle!

Like a little sheep, surrounded by thousands of wolves!

All the space treasures on Huang Yu's body were forcibly stripped off, and the spiritual imprint was erased; all the items in the space treasures were also "pulled out".

Even the battle armor and weapons on Huang Yu's body were stripped away; Huang Yu didn't even have clothes to cover his body, so he could only use his divine power to cover his shame.

Divine power is hazy, like a beauty taking a bath. This made some powerhouses with special orientations couldn't help but see their eyes light up.

Soon, every treasure on Huang Yu's body was clearly detected.

"Damn it! There really is no immortal sword!"

"Don't talk about the immortal sword, there is not even a valuable treasure!"


An anxious flame slap slapped Huang Yu's face directly, sending it flying: "Damn it! I didn't get the Immortal Sword, why did you hide in it for so long!?"

"I..." Huang Yu is a grievance, isn't he afraid that he will be mistaken for some treasure when he comes out? In the end, I didn't expect that after hiding for so long, I still couldn't escape this disaster!


Another Nirvana Realm powerhouse slapped the phoenix feathers with one palm: "I wasted so much time!"

Under the low eaves, people had to bow their heads. Although Huang Yu was extremely ashamed and angry, he didn't dare to say a word at all under the eyes of thousands of strong men.

After being bullied for a while, the strong men gave up.

At this time Huang Yu's divine body was already extremely weakened.

"What's the matter..." Huang Yu wanted to cry without tears. He still hasn't figured out what happened to him?

Just as Huang Yu was packing up the "remaining body" and was about to leave... The few powerhouses with bright eyes before, who had a special orientation, surrounded Huang Yu with malicious intent.

"What do you want!?" Huang Yu shuddered violently.

"What do you want? Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"Humph! It took us so long to just walk away like this!? Of course, I'll take you back and 'teach' a lesson!"

These "special powerhouses" deliberately gritted their voices on the word "lessons"; their expressions were also extremely mysterious.

"No" Huang Yu seemed to be aware of the coming storm and even wanted to run away.

It's just that Huang Yu's divine body at this time is already extremely weak, how can he escape the suppression of many peak destruction realm powerhouses?

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