Break Into Another World

Chapter 1634: Future Alliance

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Ten clones instantly appeared in front of the murderer.

Although the strength of each clone is weaker than that of Xu Ming's deity, it also has the strength of the first-order Nirvana Realm peak and close to the second-order Nirvana Realm!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Ten clones pressed forward and surrounded the murderers. As for Xu Ming's deity, he quickly retreated.

"Huh?" The Killer was completely dumbfounded, "And such a secret skill!?"

He never thought that Xu Ming would suddenly transform into ten clones.

call out!

A sword was passed, and a clone was instantly killed.

However, Xu Ming's deity had already taken the opportunity to run away; moreover, the other nine clones were still tightly surrounding the murderer.

"It's over..." The slayer instantly understood his situation - if he didn't kill these clones, he would not be able to approach Xu Ming; and when he killed these clones, the repression of the monument of the true self would probably come. !

"No—" The murderer's eyes were split.

Although he came to kill Xu Ming with the belief that he was going to die, but he didn't kill Xu Ming, but he gave his life in vain... How could the murderer be willing?

However, it is useless to be unwilling!

The moment Xu Ming used his "infinite avatar", the ending was already decided!

"Dead! Die! Die!"

Sword light is like numbness!

Several sword lights have been slashed, and ten clones have been slaughtered, but... the slayer has no chance to continue to shoot!

boom! !

The power of the monument of the true self has already enveloped and suppressed the murderers.

The Killer is like an ant, trampled underfoot by a giant elephant - he wants to struggle, but he can't.


In just an extremely short moment, the slayer of the sixth-order Nirvana Realm completely collapsed, and the body died, and there was no scum left!

"This..." The foolish old man who had just rushed to the side stopped quickly - he obviously did not expect that he would not be able to kill Xu Ming at the cost of a slave of the sixth rank of Nirvana.

"Ha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Fool, why do you still want the immortal sword on me? If you want it, you can grab it yourself!"

Do it yourself?

The foolish old man has no such courage!

If you start in the city of death, no matter who you are, you will definitely die!

"Haha!" Xu Ming laughed contemptuously again, taking advantage of the foolish old man's inattentiveness, swept away the treasure left by the murderer after his death, "Not bad! I made a small profit! Who else wants to assassinate me? ,welcome any time!"

Since the slayers came with the belief that they were mortal, they naturally wouldn't bring many treasures with them. However, even if he didn't bring any treasures, he was still a Nirvana realm powerhouse, and he was much richer than the average Destruction Realm peak!

Therefore, Xu Ming was assassinated once, and he really made a small profit!

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but think - if there were more assassinations like this, what quota would I sell! By being assassinated, you can make a fortune!


Xu Ming took out his immortal sword again, swayed in front of the foolish old man, and provocatively said: "Really don't grab it?"

"You..." The foolish old man had just lost his love, and now he was so provoked by Xu Ming that he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Well, if you don't grab it, don't say I won't give you a chance!" Xu Ming sneered, put away the immortal sword, and turned away leisurely.

Seeing Xu Ming's arrogant appearance, the foolish old man wanted to vomit blood again.

Although several of the other great powers had arranged to assassinate them, they did not dare to attack Xu Ming for a while when they saw that the assassination of the slayers had all failed.

"Xu Ming!" The foolish old man suddenly shouted, "You can be arrogant when you are in the City of Death! But, have you ever thought about what to do after you leave the City of Death? Don't really don't plan to leave the City of Death alive? the city?"

Xu Ming said unhurriedly, "When I leave the City of Death, you can try to assassinate again!"

Xu Ming looked fearless!

In fact, Xu Ming is really confident - if he leaves the city of death from the front, it means that he must have enough hanging points to fight everything under the domain master realm!

"Let's go!"

Xu Ming took Lone Gunner and Yun Tian, ​​and swaggered away under the watchful eyes of the great powers.

"Divine Phoenix Secret Realm, Xu Ming?" At this moment, another sound transmission sounded in Xu Ming's mind.

"Huh?" Xu Ming stopped immediately.

The mysterious realm of the Divine Phoenix, in this chaotic era, obviously does not exist! It is impossible for the power of this chaotic era to have heard of this force!

Those who can tell the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm are obviously from the "future" like Xu Ming, from the next era of chaos! —The era of chaos controlled by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord!

Xu Ming's eyes turned towards a restaurant.

By the window, a young man in white was looking at him with a smile.

"Come here for a drink?" the white clothed youth laughed.

Xu Ming thought for a while, and said to the Lone Gunner and Yun Tian, ​​"Go back first!"

Then, he walked straight in the direction of the young man in white.

"Xu Ming!" The young man in white smiled, "I didn't hear about you when I was still in the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm! However, after listening to Huang Yu talking about you, you really surprised me! I'm afraid... The history of the Divine Phoenix Mysterious Realm It's hard to find someone more talented than you!"

Xu Ming smiled noncommittally.

In fact, Huang Yu entered the long river of time relatively early; therefore, Huang Yu did not know that after he left, Xu Ming made a bigger noise in the ancient world!

Therefore, whether it is Huang Yu or the young man in white, they still know very little about Xu Ming! Otherwise, the young man in white would not say "it's hard to find someone more genius than Xu Ming", but would simply say "there's absolutely no way to find someone more genius than Xu Ming"!

"What do you call it?" Xu Ming poured himself a glass of wine and drank it on his own. Although he could see that the young man in white before him was probably the pinnacle of Nirvana, he didn't put it at all. Eyes!

After all, the pinnacle of Nirvana Realm exists, and it won't be long before Xu Ming jumps around!

When Brother Ming is in the City of Death, he has obtained enough hanging points, and he can definitely directly hang the peak of Nirvana!

"Sword God Sovereign!" The young man in white said with a God Sovereign?

This name is arrogant enough!

"It's not as simple as just asking me for a drink, right?" Xu Ming said with a smile.

"Give me the immortal sword!" Jian Shenzun went straight to the theme, "As long as you hand over the immortal sword, you will be a member of our 'Future Alliance'! With the strength of the Future Alliance, you can definitely keep you safe! Moreover, I Promise, I will reserve a place for you to enter the Immortal Tower! - Rest assured, they are all from the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm, I will not cheat you!"

Sure enough, it was also aimed at the immortal sword!

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested!" Xu Ming laughed immediately; why should Brother Ming's immortal sword be given to others, "However, for the sake of fellow fellows..."

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