Break Into Another World

Chapter 1638: Can't break the defense

"Ancient Sage!"

The old man of the Gu clan, who was chatting with his beard and laughing, suddenly sounded a voice transmission in his mind.

The old man of the ancient clan, "Old Sage", couldn't help but smile: "Old Ghost Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Laogui is the top power "Ye clan" from the Destiny Sacred Realm.

Ye Laogui's voice was low, and he said, "Go back and sell us three places for the Ye clan to enter the Tower of Immortality!"

Ye Laogui obviously understands that when an immortal sword is in the hands of the Gu family, it is basically equivalent to determining the ownership. It is almost impossible for other forces to **** it from the Gu family.

"Three places?" The ancient sage sneered, "It depends on your Ye clan, whether you have enough sincerity!"

"Damn!" Ye Laogui scolded inwardly, but he could only laugh on his face, "Old Sage is a cunning and cunning old man who wants to get three places from him to enter the Tower of Immortality. "

In addition to Ye Shi, there are naturally other forces that also secretly contacted Old Sage through voice transmission.

The ancient sage was in high spirits, his whole face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, and his heart was even more proud: "I didn't expect it! All parties competed, and the immortal sword finally fell into the hands of our Gu family! Hahahaha..."

on the battlefield.

Gu Qing looked at Xu Ming arrogantly: "Xu Ming, I gave you a way to live, but you didn't cherish it! Remember, the one who killed you was me - Gu Qing!"


On Gu Qing, the aura that belonged to the third-order peak of Nirvana Realm suddenly erupted!

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly surprised, "Sure enough, there is still some ability! The cultivation of the first-order Nirvana Realm can have such a tyrannical aura! And... His aura is mixed with a lot of things that do not belong to the 'Supreme Chaos'. The breath, is this an imaginary realm?"

In terms of strength, Xu Ming is probably a little weaker than Gu Qing; what's more, Xu Ming is now injured, and his divine body is much weaker! However... Xu Ming "temporarily modified" the defense, and the defense is as strong as the ninth rank of Nirvana!

Such a tyrannical defense is completely unbreakable for Gu Qing!

In other words... Xu Ming is already invincible without a fight!

It's just that Gu Qing didn't know this; he thought that he had won the victory over Xu Ming!

"Die!" In Gu Qing's eyes, two rays of divine light erupted, as sharp as if they could easily pierce Xu Ming's divine body.

His attack was instantly in front of Xu Ming.

And Xu Ming, facing Gu Qing's full-strength blow, did not dodge or evade, but took the initiative to meet him and attacked!

"Counter attack? You're not qualified!" Gu Qing was very disdainful.


When Gu Qing's attack fell on Xu Ming, his face suddenly changed: "How is it possible..."

Gu Qing clearly felt that his attack was like a wave hitting the extremely hard reef! - The reefs stand still, but the waves break up in an instant!

"His defensive trump card hasn't dissipated yet!" Gu Qing suddenly realized - just now, he heard that Xu Ming was not killed by Yuxu's arrow, but flew upside down because of some defensive trump card. on the battlefield.

"A defense that even Yuxu can't break, then I..." Gu Qing instantly felt pain!

What else can be more sad than when you suddenly find yourself unable to break the opponent's defense during a life-and-death battle?

"However...his defensive trump card should not be his real strength, but the help of external force!" Gu Qing thought, "Since it is with the help of external force, it should dissipate soon! I just need to hold on for a while, and finally The winner is still me!"

Gu Qing gritted his teeth, and instantly turned from attack to defense, planning to strictly guard against and delay time.

Xu Ming obviously saw Gu Qing's intention and couldn't help laughing.

If Xu Ming's strength is far from that of Gu Qing; for example, Gu Qing is the peak of the third-order Nirvana Realm, and Xu Ming is only the second-rank Nirvana Realm, then maybe it can really let him defend for a while.

However, Xu Ming also has the strength of the third-order Nirvana Realm, and although there is a gap with the "third-order peak", the gap is not as huge as imagined!

The so-called "hold for a long time will lose"! Xu Ming did not need to defend and attacked with all his strength, and both sides were of the same level of strength. Gu Qing could not support it for long, and he would continue to reveal flaws, and even be killed by Xu Ming!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

When Gu Qing was still naively hoping for luck, Xu Ming's attack had already come madly.

As soon as they fought, Gu Qing realized that he still underestimated Xu Ming! Xu Ming's attack was not as weak as he imagined!

In just a moment, Gu Qing revealed his flaws and was wiped over by Xu Ming's attack.

As for Gu Qing, although he also tried to attack Xu Ming, there was no surprise that every time he attacked, he hit the stone with an egg! Not only did he fail to hurt Xu Ming, but he also gave Xu Ming a chance to injure him!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The two sides collided again and again. Xu Ming's divine body was not damaged in the slightest, while Gu Qing's divine body was severely damaged; even, because of the damage to the divine body, even his strength dropped a lot.

"Not good!" Gu Qing obviously realized that, if he continued to fight, he would definitely die!

Even if it continues, Xu Ming's defense card disappears, and he no longer has the defense of the ninth-order Nirvana Realm; but at that time, he was seriously injured, and it was impossible for him to be Xu Ming's opponent!

"How could this be..." Gu Qing almost wanted to cry.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Ming! I admit defeat! The battle between you and me is over!"

"This is the end? Hahahaha..." Xu Ming couldn't help laughing out loud, "Are you joking?"

If it was Xu Ming who lost, could Gu Qing "end here"? - If you don't get the Immortal Sword, Gu Qing can't end it at all!

And now, Gu Qing is obviously about to lose, and he still wants to end the battle? -Isn't this a joke?

"I..." Gu Qing gritted his teeth, "I would like to offer all the treasures!"

"Haha..." Xu Ming smiled, he was too lazy to say more, and didn't stop his mad attack at all.

Gu Qing's divine body continued to weaken; finally, he was completely desperate!

"Xu Ming, you can only be so arrogant because you have a defensive trump card! Otherwise, in my eyes, you are not even a fart!" Gu Qing snarled hysterically—he was scolding, but also thinking Force Xu Ming to fight him fairly!

"There's so much nonsense! Let's die honestly!" Xu Ming sneered.

Around the battle stage the great powers of the Gu Clan are all under such "ups and downs" and want to vomit blood.

"Xu Ming! Can't stop it!?" The Old Sage shouted, "Could it be... you dare to be my enemy?"

Gu Qing is a genius who has stepped into the "imaginary realm" at the first level of Nirvana Realm; to Gu, it is even more important than some high-level Nirvana Realm with poor potential!

Enemies with the Gu clan?

"I have no intention of being an enemy of the Gu Clan!" Xu Ming sneered, "But... even if it is an enemy, it doesn't matter!"


Xu Ming's last attack penetrated Gu Qing's divine body!

Gu Qing, who was already extremely weak, finally died completely under this shot!

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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