Break Into Another World

Chapter 1641: You are not qualified to make me pay attention

"Their lives... up to me!"

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, the faces of the great powers of all parties changed suddenly!

You must know that those who dare to board the stage of no regrets are all geniuses from various forces; because those who are slightly weaker do not dare to board the stage of no regrets!

And now... if Xu Ming started killing people, he would be killing all geniuses!

It definitely offends the forces of all parties to death!

"Xu Ming! Stop it!"

"Xu Ming, don't seek death!"

All the great powers are angry.

And Xu Ming, why would he care about these threats? - As long as these geniuses are beheaded, Xu Ming will have the strength that is invincible under the domain master; then, how can he be afraid of these forces?

Therefore, for threats from various forces, Xu Ming just said one word - kill!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming's spear swept invincible!

Under the attack of the powerful ninth-order Nirvana Realm, the weaker geniuses can be killed with one shot! Even if it is relatively strong, it only needs a few shots!

And the attacks of the dozens of powerhouses fell on Xu Ming, all of which were like hitting a stone with an egg, and could not cause any damage to Xu Ming at all.

"Too strong!" The Lone Gunner stared blankly, "Is this the strength of Brother Ming?"

The Lone Gunner was horrified to discover that Xu Ming's strength was refreshing his cognition again and again! Whenever he thought that he knew enough about Xu Ming, Xu Ming would shock him with stronger strength!

"Could it be... Brother Ming has never shown his true strength?" The Lone Gunner couldn't help but think, "So now, is it Brother Ming's true strength?"

Yun Tian also felt that she could not see through Xu Ming. It was as if Xu Ming was surrounded by a layer of mist.

And the powers of all parties are gnashing their teeth one by one.

Every time Xu Ming killed a genius, one of the forces felt distressed to the point of bleeding! Because... what they lost was not only the genius, but also the treasure of the genius's top-grade Chaos Origin Crystal worth tens of millions!

boom! !

When Xu Ming's last shot killed the last genius; this battle with a huge disparity in numbers finally came to an end!

Xu Ming slaughtered dozens of powerhouses with an absolutely crushing attitude! At the same time, they have also harvested hundreds of millions of top-grade Chaos Origin Crystals, as well as other treasures worth hundreds of millions!

Without hesitation, Xu Ming directly exchanged all the top-grade Chaos Origin Crystals for level 20 hanging points!

"Who else dares to come to power for a fight?" Xu Ming provocatively swept all the forces.

As far as the eyes can see, the forces of all parties are extremely angry. However, Xu Ming has already used killings to prove that he has the invincible strength on the first stage of the battle platform; who else dares to continue to challenge Xu Ming on stage?

Even... let alone the first-level battle stage, even if it is the second-level battle stage that the sixth-order Nirvana realm cultivation base can participate in, there may not be anyone who can be Xu Ming's opponent!

In the eyes of various forces, Xu Ming's strength is suspected to be the ninth rank of Nirvana Realm! Xu Ming's realm is suspected to be "The Peak of Illusory Self Realm"!

"If there is no one, I can leave!" Xu Ming sneered.

The whole place was silent.

When Xu Ming just flew upside down to the stage of no regrets, all the forces treated Xu Ming as a fat sheep, thinking that Xu Ming was here to send the immortal sword. And now, all the forces have regarded Xu Ming as a wolf, and they themselves are the fat sheep!

"No Regrets Battle Stage, but Er'er!" Xu Ming shook his head and was about to step down from the No Regret Battle Stage.

at this time…

"I challenge you!"

A cold voice sounded at the gate of the Wuhui Battle Platform.


The forces of all parties could not help but look at the past curiously - the strength that Xu Ming showed was already so terrifying; there are still people who dare to challenge Xu Ming?

Is this finding death?

I saw a Tsing Yi figure walking in without haste at the gate of the No Regret Battle Stage. Beside the figure in Tsing Yi, Huang Yu was also following.

Xu Ming glanced at Huang Yu, but his eyes fell on the figure in Tsing Yi - it was him who challenged him.

"This is...?" Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't see through each other.

The figure of Tsing Yi took a step and went to the battle stage; he looked at Xu Ming with great interest: "You won't die if you take an arrow from me! You... not bad!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming was stunned for a moment, then thought of this person's identity, "You are Yu Xu!?"

Sure enough, the continuous exclamations below the battle platform confirmed Xu Ming's conjecture.

"Yu Xu!"

"Yu Xu's strength is almost invincible to Nirvana, how could he be able to board the first-level battle platform?"

"What!? Could it be... Yu Xu's cultivation has not reached the fourth level of Nirvana!?"

"Definitely didn't reach the fourth level of Nirvana! If it was the fourth level of Nirvana, it would be impossible to board the first-level battle platform!"

"How is that possible!—Yu Xu has not reached the fourth rank of Nirvana Realm, yet his strength is so tyrannical! Could it be that... his accomplishments in the Realm of Self are already extremely profound!"

"It must be so!"

"Yu Xu's talent is too terrifying! The low-level cultivation of Nirvana Realm not only comprehends the 'real self', but also has deep attainments..."

"Xu Ming!" Yu Xu said lightly, "Hand over the immortal sword! - You only have one chance!"

At this time, the isolation formation was already open around the First Layer Battle Platform.

Xu Ming and Yu Xu were both trapped on the battlefield.

"Yu Xu!" Xu Ming also looked at the other party with interest, "Your cultivation is still only at the low level of Nirvana, which is really beyond my expectations! But... If you want the immortal sword in my hand, you are still worse. A little!"

what! ?

Around the battlefield, everyone was shocked!

"Xu Ming actually dares to provoke Yu Xu?"

"Did he forget that just now, Yuxu was separated by ten thousand worlds, and he shot through the number of inverted formations, and he was seriously injured with one arrow?"

"Is Xu Ming crazy?"

"People die for wealth and birds die for food! It seems that Xu Ming is destined to die because of the Immortal Sword today!"

"Huh?" Yu Xu's face Unfortunately, you lost this only chance! "

This time, Yu Xu did not take out the bow and arrow, but took out a cyan long sword.

Yuxu's accomplishments in bows and arrows and swords are similar; he uses long swords for close combat, and bows and arrows for distant attacks! Now is the ring battle, he naturally used the long sword.

"Being able to die under my sword is my attention to you and your honor!" Yu Xu said lightly.

At this time, Yu Xu was holding a long sword, the wind was light and the clouds were light, and the force was full. However, none of the great powers around the battlefield felt inappropriate - after all, Yu Xu's strength is indeed qualified to say such things!

"Your attention? My honor?" Xu Ming smiled.

Immediately, under countless puzzled eyes, Xu Ming put away his spear. He looked at Yu Xu contemptuously: "I'm sorry, you are not qualified to make me pay attention!"

(End of this chapter)

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