Break Into Another World

Chapter 1643: 1 beat is honest

"Let go of you?"

The corner of Xu Ming's mouth raised a cruel arc: "When you shot that arrow at me, did you ever think about 'let me go'?"

Whoever wants to kill me, I will kill him!

Xu Ming didn't hesitate, the spear had already penetrated Yuxu's divine body and harvested his life.

"Who else dares to fight me?"

On the first stage battle platform, Xu Ming proudly stood at the center of the battle platform.

But this time, no one dared to fight again; even, there was silence around the battlefield.

"What? No one wants the immortal sword on me?" Xu Ming asked again.

At this time, Xu Ming's cultivation was also temporarily revised to the "Ninth Nirvana Realm".

It stands to reason that the cultivation of the ninth-order Nirvana realm cannot appear on the first stage of the battle stage. However, because Xu Ming's own cultivation is still in the prehistoric realm, and the ninth level of the Nirvana realm is only a "false cultivation realm", so Xu Ming can appear here.

The whole place was still silent.

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully and strode off the stage.

This time, Xu Ming had earned enough level 20 hanging points on the No Regrets stage; when he stepped off the stage, he was naturally satisfied.

When walking out of the gate of the No Regret Battle Stage, Xu Ming couldn't help sighing - when he entered the No Regret Battle Stage, he was seriously injured by Yu Xu's arrow and flew into the No Regret Battle Stage. When he walked out of the platform of no regrets, Yu Xu was already the soul of his own gun.

At the same time, speculations about Xu Ming's cultivation and realm were also spreading in full swing in the City of Death.

"Yu Xu's strength is beyond doubt! Xu Ming killed Yu Xu with ease. It can be seen that... Xu Ming's strength is definitely above Yu Xu!"

"Xu Ming's cultivation will not exceed the third level of Nirvana Realm; otherwise, he will not be able to appear on the first stage of the battle stage! So... he cannot rely on his cultivation to crush Yuxu!"

"It doesn't depend on cultivation, it can only depend on realm - Yuxu's realm has reached the 'real self'; now it seems that Xu Ming has not only reached the 'real self', but also has more attainments than Xu Ming is much taller!"

"It must be so!"

In fact, Xu Ming has not yet embarked on the road to the "real self"! However, in the eyes of others, only Xu Ming's realm is extremely high to explain the battle just now.

"In any case, Xu Ming has proved it with his strength - he is qualified to have the Immortal Sword!"

"Not bad! With Xu Ming's current strength, as long as the domain master does not leave, almost no one can suppress him! Naturally, he can't **** his immortal sword!"

"It is impossible for the domain owner to take action!"

Xu Ming was completely unaware of these discussions about himself in the city. He brought Lone Gunner and Yun Tian to the Real Self Auction again.

Although Xu Ming has already obtained hundreds of millions of level 20 points, but... who would think that there are too many points?

This time, in addition to selling the places to enter the Immortal Tower, Xu Ming will also sell a lot of treasures he harvested on the No Regrets Battle Stage - after all, those treasures cannot be directly exchanged for hanging points, or they should be replaced with high-quality sources of chaos. Crystal is the most real!

a month later.

The great powers from the Gu Clan, the Kong Clan, the Future Alliance and other forces appeared in the Real Self Auction.

There is no way... All parties have already known that it is almost impossible to **** the Immortal Sword from Xu Ming! That being the case, in order to enter the Immortal Tower, they had to honestly attend the auction.

Xu Ming sat in the VIP seat and looked at the power of the various forces indifferently. He still clearly remembered that when the "slots" were auctioned last time, all kinds of forces ridiculed him; in the end, no one participated in the auction, which directly led to the genre.

And this time, the atmosphere in the auction hall was much more "good"! No one dared to speak rudely to Xu Ming anymore.

"What to say... These forces are really cheap!" Xu Ming said with Erlang's legs crossed, drinking wine leisurely, while talking to the lonely gunner and Yun Tian next to him, "The last time I auctioned the 'slot', They just won't cooperate well! Only if I beat him up will he be honest!"


Just be honest!

"Cough, cough!" The lone gunner didn't know how to answer the question - you know, if you want to slap all the forces in the face; in the entire Destiny Holy Realm, few people can do it!

All I can say is... Brother Ming is Brother Ming!

Auction starts!

The bidding voices in the auction hall are one after another!

All forces understand that the eleven places Xu Ming sold is the last chance to enter the Tower of Immortality! In order to obtain the great opportunity in the Tower of Immortality, it is natural for all forces to compete fiercely!

"Thirty-three million!"

"Forty million!"

"Fifty million!"

In the end, the eleven places were all divided up by various forces, and the sky-high price of more than 400 million high-grade Chaos Origin Crystals was sold!

In addition to selling other treasures harvested on the No Regrets Battle Stage, all of them were finally exchanged for hanging points; Xu Ming's level 20 hanging points were nearly one billion!

"The main purpose of my stay in this chaotic era is to earn points! Now, I've earned enough points!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Just enter the Tower of Immortality and see the Supreme Phoenix; then I'm here In this chaotic era, there will be nothing else!"

If there are other things, there is one more - that is to settle the Lone Gunner and Yun Tian!

The two of them are also loyal to Xu Ming! Before Xu Ming left this chaotic era, he must have settled down for the two of them!

Back to the residence.

In the name of "Senior Palm God", Xu Ming summoned the two of them into the Heavenly Heart Realm.

Because the hanging points are sufficient and rich, Xu Ming also has a rare luxury, and directly uses the "Zhi Dao Guidance System" to guide the two of them from the current cultivation base to the peak of Nirvana Realm's cultivation path completely and completely once!

With this guidance, although the cultivation of the two will not soar to the peak of Nirvana immediately. However, in the future, if you practice cultivation, you will be like a fish in water; it should not be difficult to cultivate to the peak of Nirvana, or even to understand the "true self mood".

"When you leave the City of Death, let's go to the treasure left by Pantianyu!" Xu Ming estimated that the treasure should also be a secret room, which could help the lone gunman escape the collapse of this chaotic era. When the time comes, leave the Lone Gunner and Yun Tian in their secret rooms! And I, alone, go to the tower of immortality!"

Xu Ming has already made plans.


Is the battle for the Immortal Sword really over?

At this time in the Taikoo Temple, a mighty building. More than ten nirvana realms have gathered here.

If anyone recognizes these great powers of Nirvana, they will find that each of them has stepped into the "real self"! In terms of strength, I am afraid it will not be weaker than Yu.

"Xu Ming's strength makes my heart palpitate!" A powerful man with a divine body like lava said in a low voice.

"Yeah! If he is only strong, that's fine; we are not afraid to compete with him when we reach the Tower of Immortality! However, not only is he strong, but the key point is... that his cultivation is not high! You know, enter After the Tower of Immortality, the lower the cultivation base, the more dominant it is! If Xu Ming goes in, what is the big chance in the Tower of Immortality, what does it matter to us?"

"No matter what, we must stop Xu Ming from entering the Tower of Immortality!"

"Not bad! Even if the Domain Lord Realm exists, due to the suppression of the rules, it is impossible to participate in the battle for the Immortal Sword; but, with the cooperation of our various forces, can't we still manage a Xu Ming?"

Just one update today, thank you. Will work hard tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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