Break Into Another World

Chapter 1646: as i come

This talisman was as dark as a human pupil; but inside it, there seemed to be flames dancing. Indistinctly, a word can be seen in the flames: Earth!


Seeing this Token, Xu Ming's pupils shrank suddenly. Because... Xu Ming has a similar Token on his body, the mysterious Token that was auctioned off in the ancient relics.

However, the word in Xu Ming's Token is "Heaven".

"What? Are you afraid?" Yin Nan naturally didn't know that Xu Ming also had a similar talisman on his body; he thought that Xu Ming was shocked by the talisman in his hand, "Humph! The talisman represents the power of the Supreme Phoenix and the Taikoo Temple! - I have the 'Earth Command Talisman' in hand. If you dare to kill us, you will be provoking the Taikoo Temple; at that time, even if you hide in the city of death, you will be killed by the phoenix The Supreme's direct law enforcement hall will capture and deal with it!"

The entire Destiny Sacred Realm, the entire Chaos Era, is the absolute territory of Huang Zhizun! Huang Zhizun's directly under the law enforcement hall, naturally has a very high power, and can even ignore the rules of the city of death.

"Earth talisman?" Xu Ming looked at the talisman in Yin Nan's hand with interest, and said, "I also have a similar talisman!"

"You too?" Yin Nan was startled, and his face changed suddenly.

The authority of the Earth Token is also limited to protecting yourself and the people around you! In the place of the Earth Command, you and the people you want to protect will be listed as "unkillable" by the law enforcement hall; if anyone dares to kill, the law enforcement hall directly under Huang Zhizun will be dispatched.

But there are exceptions to everything - if Xu Ming also has a ground talisman, then Xu Ming's authority is the same as Yin Nan; in this case, the battle between the two sides will naturally be ignored by the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Impossible!" Yin Nan continued, "Xu Ming, you can't have an earth talisman!"

How rare are the Heaven and Earth Tokens?

Like the Earth Command Talisman in Yin Nan's hands, even if it exists in the general domain master realm, it will not be possessed!

"I really don't have an earth talisman..." Xu Ming smiled lightly and took out his mysterious talisman, "My piece should be... a heavenly talisman, right?"

Xu Ming's talisman and Yin Nan's talisman are very similar in appearance and aura; however, Xu Ming's talisman has the word in the middle: Heaven!

Xu Ming naturally thought that the talisman in his hand should be the "Heaven Token". Although he didn't know how powerful the Heavenly Command Talisman was, but even thinking about it with his toes, he knew that since it was a "Heavenly Command Talisman", it must be slightly more powerful than the "Earth Command Talisman", right?

"Tian Lingfu? Impossible!" Yin Nan said without hesitation.

However, when Yin Nan saw the talisman that Xu Ming took out, his face suddenly changed: "This...this..."

Yin Nan looked at the talisman in Xu Ming's hand as if he had seen a ghost.

The word "天" in the talisman made Yin Nan feel infinitely frightened: "It's really... a talisman of heaven!?"

Yin Nan couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it!

After all, it is impossible for anyone to dare to forge the breath of the heavenly talisman; moreover, even if it is forged, it is impossible to forge it! In other words... the Heavenly Command Talisman in Xu Ming's hands is undoubtedly true!

Heaven's talisman, earth's talisman; one sky, one earth! It's really "different by the sky"!

Xu Ming did not know the authority of the "Heavenly Command Talisman", but Yin Nan knew it perfectly!

The Heavenly Command Talisman, in the holy world of destiny, represents four words: as I come in person!

The "Zhen" in the Destiny Sacred Realm is naturally... Huang Zhizun! That is to say...holding the Heavenly Order Talisman almost has the authority of the Supreme Phoenix!

The ground talisman can be used to save lives, and can be listed as "unkillable" by the directly affiliated law enforcement hall! And the Heavenly Command Talisman... it can directly mobilize the power of the Law Enforcement Hall!

With the Heavenly Command Talisman in hand, even if it is the existence of the Domain Master Realm, or even the Realm Master Realm, you have to bow your head!

Moreover, as far as Yin Nan knew, the "Heavenly Order Talisman" issued by Huang Zhizun would never exceed three pieces!

Thinking of this, Yin Nan couldn't help but panic - he couldn't imagine what Xu Ming's identity was!

"I...I dared to hit Xu Ming's idea..." Yin Nan would vomit blood just thinking about it - fortunately, he was crushed by Xu Ming and did not hurt Xu Ming. Otherwise, if he hurts Xu Ming, I am afraid that Xu Ming does not need to speak, and the law enforcement hall directly under the law will find him!

In front of the "Heavenly Command Talisman", Yin Nan's "Earth Command Talisman" is simply not worth mentioning!

Yin Nan was terrified, how could the other dozen or so top Nirvana realm masters not be terrified? - They are here to grab the immortal sword, they are simply here to commit suicide!

"Brother Ming! I was wrong!"

"Brother Ming! We were wrong!"

Yin Nan and more than a dozen other great experts rushed to take out their own treasures and present them to Xu Ming.

There are even a few powerful people who are afraid that they don't bring enough treasures to enter Brother Ming's eyes, and they repeatedly beg for mercy: "Brother Ming, after I go back, I will definitely bring more treasures to you!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was also stunned by this wave of great powers, "This celestial talisman is too powerful, isn't it?"

If I had known earlier that the mysterious talisman in his hand had such great authority, why would Xu Ming fight? As soon as the token was taken out, the other party immediately knelt down and begged for mercy?

But now, of course, Xu Ming has to put on a coquettish appearance: "You two are acquainted!"

Having said that, Xu Ming unceremoniously accepted the whole body belongings of these dozen powerful men! —These dozen great masters are the top ten Nirvana realm in the entire Destiny Sacred Realm! In terms of wealth, I am afraid that it is richer than some domain owners!

After harvesting their treasures, Xu Ming's hanging point will probably be doubled!

"Okay! Go!" After Xu Ming collected the treasure, he swaggeredly flew back towards the City of Death.

At this time, the great powers who were onlookers in the dead city were completely stunned—how could they have thought that Xu Ming would have a "Heavenly Command Talisman" on his body!

The forces that had been beaten in the face by Xu Ming before, almost wanted to cry without tears - if you had said earlier that you had the "Heavenly Command Talisman", who would dare to provoke you in the entire Destiny Holy Realm?

The Lone Gunner was also bewildered for a while: "Is this Brother Ming's real trump card? No wonder... No wonder I feel that no matter what happens to Brother Ming, he is always in a defiant attitude!"

The Lone Gunner remembered everything Xu Ming had done as if everything had been explained.

"No wonder... No wonder Xu Ming was able to invite Senior Palm God to give me careful guidance! It seems that it is also the reason for the Heavenly Command Talisman!" The Lone Gunner thought again - in his opinion, Senior Palm God is suspected of being a World Lord. The existence of the environment! If Xu Ming didn't have enough face, how could it be possible for Senior Palm to instruct him many times?

Now, the Lone Gunner has also found the answer - it turns out that everything is because of the "Heavenly Command Talisman"!

It's just... Lone Gunner would never have thought that Xu Ming was actually "Senior Palm God"! He would never have imagined that before that, Xu Ming had no idea what the "Heavenly Command Talisman" was.

"Brother Xu Ming!"

"Brother Xu Ming!"

"Brother Xu Ming!"

As soon as Xu Ming returned to the City of Death, countless enthusiastic figures gathered around him. With that flattering expression, seeing Xu Ming, he seemed even happier than seeing his own father - this Xu Ming is definitely a big man! Must seize the opportunity to make friends!

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