Break Into Another World

Chapter 1648: Enter the Immortal Tower

Time Pause: Pause the flow of time in an area! The consumption of hanging points depends on the difficulty of the time suspension, the cultivation base of the opponent and other factors!

"I rely on!"

When Xu Ming saw the effect of the "Time Pause" hanging, he couldn't help but exclaimed - this Nima is almost equivalent to "bundling" the opponent and letting Xu Ming ravage it!

Xu Ming's strength is already terrifying enough! Coupled with the help of "time pause" hanging, it is simply invincible and defying the sky!

Xu Ming just wanted to say - "Second days, seconds, seconds of air" should not be far away!

"Brother Ming?" The lone gunner didn't understand why Ming brother suddenly scolded after he got the diamond-shaped crystal, and couldn't help asking.

"It's all right!" Xu Ming said, "Let's just leave it! - I'm going to the Tower of Immortality, so you can cultivate well in this secret room! There's nothing to do, try not to leave this place!"

Xu Ming felt that if the lone gunman left the secret room, when a strange death came, he might fall like everyone else! But as long as you hide in a secret room, there is no danger.

"Yes! Brother Ming!" The Lone Gunner looked at Xu Ming with red eyes, "Brother Ming, when can I see you again?"

It was Xu Ming who changed the Lone Gunner's life!

Otherwise, with the **** fate of a lone gun guest, I am afraid that there will be no great achievements in this life!

Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "When we have a fate, we will see you again!"

To be honest, Xu Ming didn't know if there was still a chance to see each other after this parting.

Ancient Temple.

Xu Ming had already informed all parties that he would bring the Immortal Sword to open the Tower of Immortality.

Because Xu Ming has the "Heavenly Command Talisman" in his hand, the other eight parties have the power of the immortal sword, and they dare not neglect it at all! After hearing about Xu Ming's announcement, no one dared to delay, and made arrangements one after another.

When Xu Ming arrived at the Primordial Temple, the forces from all directions were already ready and gathered together, waiting for Xu Ming's arrival.

"Is this the perfect ancient temple?"

This was the first time Xu Ming came to the Taikoo Temple in the Holy Destiny Realm; before that, he had only seen the remains of the Taikoo Temple in the ancient relic realm.

Xu Ming looked up: "I can't see the long river of time..."

Of course not!

With Xu Ming's current strength, it is only possible to see the long river of time in a specific environment like the ancient relics.

"It's just..." Xu Ming couldn't help but feel distressed, "If you can't see the long river of time, it's even more impossible to enter it! How can I follow the long river of time and return to the 'future'?"

Xu Ming had no clue.

"Unless...I can see Huang Zhizun!" Xu Ming secretly said, "If it really doesn't work, then I can only 'suicide' and die!"

As long as Xu Ming falls, he will be resurrected in an independent space with the "immortal mark". In that case, it is natural to return to the "future".

It's just, not a last resort, who wants to "die" back?

Moreover, if it falls, then many treasures that Xu Ming stored in the heart world will be lost in this chaotic era!

"Brother Xu Ming!"

"Brother Xu Ming!"

Seeing Xu Ming's arrival, the major forces in the Primordial Temple are all welcome! - You're welcome! Xu Ming is holding the "Heavenly Command Talisman", just like holding a sword of Shangfang; if anyone makes Xu Ming unhappy and directly mobilizes the law enforcement hall to destroy him, it will be too late to cry!

With the talisman in hand, Xu Ming can't mess with it!

"Brother Xu Ming! Next is the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall, Sharp Sword!" said a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and sharp eyes.

Even the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall took the initiative to show his favor!

You must know that this "sharp reduction" is a strong domain master!

"Yeah!" Xu Ming casually dealt with all parties, and was too lazy to talk too much - after all, after Xu Ming entered the Tower of Immortality, he probably had to think about how to leave this chaotic era!

They are all people who are leaving, so naturally there is no need to make good friends with other powers.

Seeing Xu Ming's indifferent attitude, Ruijian didn't dare to show it even though he was a little annoyed in his heart - there's no way, the talisman in Xu Ming's hand can represent Huang Zhizun to a certain extent! Who dares to provoke him?

"Since we have arrived, let's enter the Immortal Tower!" Xu Ming said lightly.

In this chaotic era, everything is different from the ancient relics in the next chaotic era; only the tower of immortality has not changed at all.

The tower of immortality, which is taller than ten thousand worlds, with clear glass, shining with endless brilliance forever! It is exactly the same as what Xu Ming saw in the ancient relics.

Xu Ming and other nine strong men with immortal swords walked at the forefront; the other ninety-nine strong men followed behind them and entered together when the tower of immortality opened.

"Brother Xu Ming, please go first!" The other eight strong men with immortal swords all took the initiative to let Xu Ming walk in the middle, and surrounded Xu Ming like the stars lining the moon.

Xu Ming was a little embarrassed - entering the tower of immortality, how could it look like a battle for the leader to go to the countryside for inspection!

boom! !

When the nine immortal swords came to the door of the immortal tower, the whole immortal tower suddenly roared.

In the void, an incomparably distant, magnificent, and stalwart voice resounded through the entire Primordial Temple: "Nine swords gather, the tower of immortality... open!"


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the gate of the Immortal Tower opened.

Countless great powers tried their best to look inside the gate; however, they could only see endless rays of light, shooting out from the gate, and couldn't see anything else at all.

"Let's go!"

Xu Ming and other one hundred and eight Nirvana realm powerhouses all walked towards the Tower of Immortality.

When they entered the tower, the gate of the Immortal Tower slammed shut again.

"here is…"

Inside the Tower of Immortality, Xu Ming and other strong men carefully observed the surroundings.

Under their feet should be an incomparably huge array of stone disks. Countless strange runes are looming on the mirror-smooth array.

The void above their heads is infinitely high, infinitely vast, and there is no way to see the end.

"Welcome everyone, come to the Tower of Immortality!" This is an ethereal voice from above the nine heavens, "Then now... let's start killing!"

Start killing?

More than a hundred Nirvana realm powers are all startled!

"Only those who hold the immortal sword can go down! As for who holds the immortal sword, it depends on your own abilities!" The ethereal voice continued to sound, "After all the immortal swords leave, this place will become a dead place! Here, there is life and death!"

As soon as these words came out, they were forcing the powerhouses from all sides to kill each other! No one is spared!

"By the way—" The misty voice suddenly said again, "Remember, high-level cultivation is not allowed to attack low-level cultivation! Otherwise...die!!"

(End of this chapter)

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