Break Into Another World

Chapter 1655: bow


Huang Zhizun's endlessly huge divine body suddenly annihilated into nothingness.

"Dead!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked, and his heart was agitated.

He was also doubting whether the instant killing effect of "Life and Death" could be triggered on the Supreme. After all, the existence of the Supreme Realm is too high, and it is not within Xu Ming's reach at all; even if "life and death" fails, Xu Ming can fully accept it in his heart.

And now, Huang Zhizun was directly killed in an instant, which proves that even the Supreme, in front of the "invincible plug-in in another world", still can't struggle!

With Xu Ming's current state, he still can't understand, what level of existence is "plug-in"!

"I don't know... Did Huang Zhizun leave any treasures?"

Xu Minglian looked carefully at the area where Supreme Huang was annihilated into nothingness.

In this area, the space is extremely chaotic, constantly shattering and healing.

Xu Ming's powerful spiritual sense forced his way through the chaotic space, searching for every inch of detail; however, no treasure was found.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, a little puzzled - this Huang Zhizun is too poor, right? Apart from the two Supreme Divine Weapons, are there any treasures left?

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw that in the center of Huang Supreme's annihilation area, a group of extremely weak small flames appeared out of nothing.

"This is…?"

In this small group of weak flames, Xu Ming felt an unstoppable vigorous vitality; moreover, there was a familiar atmosphere.

"Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal!?"

the next moment—


This incomparably weak little flame erupted in the entire void in an instant; as if a wildfire was catching a prairie, in an instant, the raging flames burned the void of all worlds.

The endless flames quickly converged into a huge immortal phoenix—the Supreme Phoenix!

"You..." Huang Zhizun looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, and looked at Xu Ming in horror, "How is it possible..."

Just now, Huang Zhizun has indeed been killed by Xu Ming! If it wasn't for his "Divine Phoenix Immortality" who had cultivated to the realm of immortality; I am afraid, Huang Zhizun would have really fallen!

Huang Zhizun couldn't help but feel a little scared! He really couldn't understand, what means did Xu Ming have to kill him in an instant - you must know that although Huang Zhizun is limited by the rules of heaven and earth, he can't easily take action; however, his divine body is still the supreme divine body, but It's not that easy to kill!

"Xu Ming, how did you do it!?" Huang Zhizun said coldly.

The answer to him was Xu Ming's mad attack.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The endless attacks continued to sweep across Xianghuang Supreme.

For Huang Zhizun, these attacks are not even a scratch; even if the countless attacks add up, it seems like a breeze!

However, this time, Huang Zhizun did not dare to take it lightly—you know, just now, it was also such an attack; but inexplicably, Huang Zhizun was instantly killed.

It's really dead inexplicable!

"Xu Ming! Speak!" Huang Zhizun shouted sharply. Of course he was worried that he would be killed by Xu Ming again.

Although Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal, even if it falls, it can be reborn; but, of course, this rebirth cannot be free of cost! In fact, every rebirth is a huge trauma to Huang Zhizun!

"Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal?" Xu Ming smiled coldly.

"What do you mean?" Huang Zhizun felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Xu Ming continued with a sneer: "I would like to see if Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal, is it really immortal! If you kill you once or twice, if you can be reborn, how about killing you ten or eight times? If you can be reborn, how about killing you a hundred times or a thousand times? - I really want to know, if you in this chaotic era are killed by me; then, will you, who will be suppressed in the next chaotic era, also die? Fall along!"

That's right, Xu Ming just wanted to completely kill Huang Zhizun!

"Xu Ming, you..." Huang Zhizun's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words.

But at this moment, the instant kill effect of "Life and Death" was triggered again - this time, it was triggered very quickly!


The gigantic Huang Zhizun of the Myriad Realms was once again killed by Xu Ming's attack that was not even a tickling.


Soon, Huang Zhizun was reborn again.

"Stop!" As soon as he was reborn, Supreme Huang roared in horror.

"Stop?" Xu Ming smiled, "Is it possible!?"

"Xu Ming, what do you want to stop?" Huang Zhizun shouted.

Xu Ming didn't answer, he just smiled contemptuously: "What do you think?"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Endless attacks, like raindrops, continued to fall on Huang Zhizun's body. Although the third instant kill effect has not been triggered yet, the feeling that death will come at any time makes Huang Supreme feel more and more frightened.

Although, even if he is killed three times, Huang Zhizun can still be reborn! But as Xu Ming said before, what if it was killed a hundred times a thousand times?

"Xu Ming, stop, I will admit defeat to you! What conditions do you have, you can mention it!" Huang Zhizun shouted in humiliation - he never thought that one day, he would bow his head to a wild ant.


Xu Ming sneered: "Then there is no need to say it? - First remove the karma between you and me!"

The "causal entanglement" set by Huang Zhizun made Xu Ming break through to the Destruction Realm, and he had to rescue Huang Zhizun. Of course, Xu Ming would not be willing to do this kind of cool work imposed on Xu Ming!

"This..." Huang Zhizun showed embarrassment, "I can't solve the entanglement of cause and effect..."

"What!? Can't be lifted!?" Xu Ming shouted angrily.

Huang Zhizun said: "The entanglement of cause and effect is easy to set up, but difficult to remove! If I can take action in this chaotic era, then there is a way to remove the entanglement of cause and effect; however, I can't do it now, let alone to remove the entanglement of cause and effect. now..."

Xu Ming thought about it carefully - indeed, if Huang Zhizun could remove the entanglement of cause and effect, I am afraid he would have directly killed himself!

"You can change the conditions!" Huang Zhizun said Change the conditions, then..." Xu Ming thought for a while, and said, "The Tower of Immortality and the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation, these two supreme divine weapons—I Not just in control, but... REAL OWNERSHIP! "

As soon as Xu Ming opened his mouth, he directly asked for two Supreme Divine Weapons!

"What!?" Huang Zhizun shouted in horror, "Impossible! It's impossible! - Even if I am willing to hand over two pieces of Supreme Divine Weapon, with your strength, it can't be refined at all!"

"Oh...that's it..." Xu Ming thought for a while, "Well, I'll kill you here first! As for the rest, we'll talk about it later!"

"Don't..." Huang Zhizun said in horror. Obviously, if "he here" is completely killed, the Huang Supreme who will be suppressed in the next era of chaos will also have to pay a painful price!

"I have a way! I have a way!" Huang Zhizun continued.

There will be five shifts today, and the remaining chapters will be released together around 11 pm.

(End of this chapter)

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