Break Into Another World

Chapter 1664: repay

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Received two disciples, although they are "inferior goods" among the disciples, but Xu Ming is also satisfied. After all, it's the first step in accepting apprentices.

Moreover, in order to prevent teachers from randomly accepting disciples, Wen Dao House limited each teacher to only 27 apprentice places; therefore, now that he has taken the first step, Xu Ming is not in a hurry.

"Anyway, there will be a freshman assessment after a while!" Xu Ming secretly said, "As long as I teach these two disciples well, let them shine in the freshman assessment; by then, there will naturally be disciples who have not yet apprenticed. Come to apprentice! - What is the difficulty in collecting all twenty-seven disciples?"

Xu Ming has absolute confidence in his own guidance level.

In other words, Xu Ming has absolute confidence in the "Zhi Dao Guidance System".

It's not Xu Mingchui - as long as you give him enough hanging points, even the Supreme Being can point out flowers for you!

After dismissing the disciple named "Muchengyun", Xu Ming walked back towards his attic - after that, Xu Ming did not come out to "show up" to accept his disciples.


Not long after walking, Xu Ming's eyes lit up - he actually saw an acquaintance.

Saying they are acquaintances is actually just a one-sided relationship; however, Xu Ming has saved her life! —The woman in Tsing Yi who walked ahead is the "Lin Lan" that Xu Ming met in the ancient relic world.

At that time, Lin Lan was being hunted down by the Wan Jie Sect; the battle between the two sides affected Xu Ming, who was cultivating.

Originally, Xu Ming didn't necessarily want to meddle in his own business; however, the Wan Jie Sect not only made a rude remark, but also insisted on coming together to make revenge against him. Then, Xu Ming killed all the masters of the Wan Jie Sect who came to ask for trouble.

As for saving Lin Lan, it was not intentional.

But no matter what, Xu Ming has saved her life.

"Huh?" At this time, Lin Lan also discovered Xu Ming, "Brother Ming, why are you in Wendao Mansion?"

Lin Lanlian stepped forward and said, "I see - you came to Wendao Mansion to be your teacher, right?"

From Lin Lan's point of view, although Xu Ming is the genius of the top chaotic secret realm in the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm, it is normal for him to come to Wendao Mansion to apprentice! After all, the teachers in Wendao Mansion can teach their disciples without reservation in order to obtain merits; even some teachers, in order to allow their disciples to achieve good results in the "Wendao Mansion Competition", do not hesitate to give gifts of heaven and earth. Disciple practice!

There is no doubt that Wendao Mansion is definitely a paradise for cultivation! In this regard, even the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm is slightly inferior.

In addition, at the time when the new students entered Wen Dao Mansion, Lin Lan of course subconsciously thought that Xu Ming was also here to apprentice.

"Brother Ming, who are you going to be your teacher? Do you need me to introduce you?" Lin Lan asked.

"Uh..." Xu Ming glanced at the other side awkwardly and said, "Actually... I'm a teacher!"

"Teacher?" Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Ming carefully before saying, "Brother Ming, you must have just broken through to the realm of all things, right? It's just... with your cultivation level, it should be difficult to receive disciples, right? ?"

It's really not easy!

However, of course Xu Ming couldn't say this; after all, he still wanted face!

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming said, "It's okay, I've accepted a few disciples, but I haven't received all twenty-seven!"

Lin Lan thought to herself: Hearing the power of the Dao Mansion, with Xu Ming's cultivation, even if he could receive a disciple, he would definitely be at the bottom! Those disciples, it is impossible for him to earn merits!

After thinking about it, Lin Lan made a decision in her heart and said, "Since Brother Ming, you haven't received all your disciples, then I'll be your disciple!"

"You?" Xu Ming looked at Lin Lan.

Back then, Lin Lan was at the seventh-order prehistoric realm; now, she has broken through to the eighth-order prehistoric realm!

You must know that it is difficult for Xu Ming to accept disciples in the Chaos Realm and Xuanhuang Realm, let alone in the Great Desolate Realm!

An eighth-order prehistoric realm is willing to be his disciple, of course he can't ask for it.

"But..." Xu Ming asked, "Don't you have a teacher yet?"

"I've been practicing in Wendao Mansion for hundreds of millions of years, so of course I have a teacher!" Lin Lan said, "But... Brother Ming has saved my life! Now that Brother Ming has come to Wendao Mansion to be a teacher, then I Whatever you say, you have to help Brother Ming earn some merit!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at the other party in surprise - this Lin Lan was a gift of gratitude. Since the other party is grateful, Xu Ming will definitely not treat her badly.

However, to accept Lin Lan as a disciple, after all, there is a suspicion of digging someone's corner...

Xu Ming pretended to be: "Is this bad?"

"I will explain to my teacher!" Lin Lan said.

"Okay, you can go!" Xu Ming said immediately.

"Uh..." Lin Lan was speechless - a moment ago, wasn't she "embarrassed" by saying "it's not good"?

However, Lin Lan was sincere in repaying her kindness, so she ignored these details; she continued, "I'll go and explain to the teacher now!"

Switching to other teachers is naturally not a good thing. Since Lin Lan had made such a decision, she naturally had to explain it to her teacher.

Dragon Blood Emperor.

The pinnacle of Nirvana realm! He is also an elder of Wen Dao Mansion! —In terms of strength and Blood Emperor is in no way inferior to "Elder Chaos".

At this time, the Dragon Blood Emperor was enjoying tea in the courtyard; his next teacher, Gu Yanying from Wendao Mansion, sat respectfully and listened to his "bragging".

"On the way I came, I saw Elder Longxue lined up with disciples outside your door, all wanting to come to worship you as a teacher!" Gu Yanying said flatly, "Among the new disciples this time, there are quite a few good seedlings. ;I don't know...Did the elders of dragon blood have any eye for it?"

"There are one or two, I'm a little interested!" Elder Dragon Blood said lightly.

Moreover, the quota for his disciples is almost full, and he can only accept one or two more! Unless some old disciples leave the apprenticeship, or are driven out by him.

"However... the new disciples came to Wendao Mansion for the first time. After all, it is impossible to contribute much merit!" Elder Dragon Blood shook his head and said, "The ones who can really help me earn merits are those old disciples!"

"Elder Dragon Blood, your merits should be exchanged for a place to go to Jiuzhongtian soon, right?" Gu Yanying looked at the other party with admiration.

"It's still a little bit worse! It's still a little bit worse!" Elder Dragon Blood seemed to be very humble, but he couldn't feel any humility in his posture.

"Elder Longxue, you are humble!" Gu Yanying immediately followed up with a flattery, "Also, as far as I know, among the disciples of Elder Longxue, there are several peerless geniuses! - For example, Lin Lan, from After returning from the ancient relic world, it seems that she has undergone a rebirth, and her strength has soared rapidly! With her potential, in the near future, there is not necessarily no hope of winning the 'Wen Dao Mansion Grand Competition'! At that time, the dragon blood elder will be able to go to Jiuzhongtian It's so good! It's enviable!"

When Elder Dragon Blood heard the words, he was hypocritically modest there.

At this moment, Lin Lan walked in, knelt down in front of Elder Dragon Blood, and said, "This disciple is unworthy. If you want to withdraw from the teacher, please ask the teacher for permission!"

(End of this chapter)

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