Break Into Another World

Chapter 1678: 5 Yunzong

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The next morning, the fog was thick like clouds.

Xu Ming and his party continued on the road.

However, whether it was Xu Ming, Hong Lingge, Jiang Bi, or Wei Hai's three younger brothers, they all kept a certain distance from Wei Hai subconsciously. As for the reason... Naturally, there is no need to say much.

Although, after chasing down a few big birds last night, Wei Hai jumped into the spring water and washed them all night. However, no matter how he washed, the people present could not forget the scene of Wei Hai being submerged by the sky last night.

Wei Hai also has self-knowledge, silently walking by the side of the team, not approaching other people, so as not to humiliate himself.

Originally, Wei Hai liked to mock Xu Ming yesterday; but now, he didn't even dare to mock him - he was afraid that if he started mocking, Xu Ming would talk about what happened last night.

Moreover, originally, Wei Hai always liked to brush his presence in front of Hong Lingge; but after last night's tragedy, at least for a few days, he didn't have the courage to brush his presence!

This face... lost too much!

Until now, Wei Hai couldn't understand why thousands of big birds suddenly flew out last night to attack him and cast "fly" at him. Of course, Wei Hai would not suspect Xu Ming. After all, in his opinion, Xu Ming was just an ordinary martial artist.

In this way, a group of seven people spent a few days and passed through the Black Wolf Mountains all the way.

In the Xiantian Realm, in a relatively barren place such as the Black Wolf Mountains, it is difficult to encounter any danger; therefore, the seven people have no pressure along the way.

"Out of the Black Wolf Mountain Range, the Wuxian Sect is ahead!" Wei Hai said.

However, at this time, Wei Hai, both in tone and attitude, seemed much more humble; obviously, the blow that night was still relatively big for Wei Hai, which changed his temperament a bit.

Xu Ming nodded secretly in secret: "Wei Hai behaved more obediently, then forget it! If not, I will definitely stage the attack that night and stage it again!"

Five Aggregates.

Built on the top of Xiongshan.

When Xu Ming and the others arrived, there were already many geniuses gathered at the foot of the mountain.

At the gate of the mountain, there are several disciples of Wuxun Sect, guarding them majestically.

After waiting for a while, an old man who looked like an elder walked to the front of the mountain gate, overlooking the martial artists, and said indifferently: "Those who want to enter my Five Aggregates Sect can enter the mountain gate! - The rules of the assessment are very simple, enter the 'Five Aggregates Pagoda'. ', if you can pass the first floor, you will be a disciple of the outer sect of my Wuxun sect; if you pass the second floor, you will be a disciple of the inner sect; if you pass the third floor, all the elders of my Wuxun sect will rush to accept you. For a direct disciple; to pass through the fourth floor... Haha, there are only five floors in the Five Aggregates Pagoda, and throughout the ages, only one person has passed through the fourth floor; so, there is no need to say!"

Having said that, the elder motioned for the disciple to open the mountain gate.

"Those who want to enter my Five Aggregates Sect can enter the mountain gate now!"

Immediately, thousands of teenagers rushed towards the mountain gate. Among them, there are quite a few geniuses in the innate realm, but more of them are at the internal training level.

Wuyun Pagoda, standing on the top of the mountain, exudes a faint luster.

However, when the teenagers flocked to the Five Aggregates Pagoda, no one dared to go up—almost everyone wanted others to go up for the assessment first, so that they could see what was going on.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Wei Hai took a step forward, "Since I don't dare to go up, let me, Wei Hai, come first!"

While speaking, Wei Hai couldn't help but sneak a glance at Hong Lingge, as if to see how Hong Lingge would react.

For the past few days, Wei Hai has been very aggrieved because of the "birds throwing their way"; he didn't even dare to speak to Hong Lingge! Finally now, it's time for him to show his strength!

"I'm only seventeen years old this year!" Wei Hai secretly said, "As far as I know, if I enter the Wuxian Pagoda at this age, the opponent on the first floor should be the peak of internal training; the second floor is the early stage of the innate! Passing through the first two floors is as easy as the palm of your hand; if you are in good condition, it is not impossible to pass through the third floor! - Hong Lingge probably hasn't really seen my strength yet! Let her see what a genius is! "

Obviously, Wei Hai wanted to use his talent to conquer the beauty.

"Huh?" Xu Ming saw Wei Hai's thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help frowning slightly - it was really three days without a roof! It seems that it is time to be ravaged again!

Xu Ming had already planned how to ravage Wei Hai later.

"Innate Middle Stage!"

As soon as Wei Hai stood up, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

There are not many middle-stages of Xiantian who come to participate in the Wuxunzong assessment; especially, Wei Hai's age is not big at first glance, so it naturally attracts more attention.

Even the old man who presided over the assessment, "Elder Li", his eyes lit up slightly, and he secretly said: "If this child has a solid foundation, he has the potential to pass the third floor and become a direct disciple! It is also a sure thing! - It seems that I have another disciple of the Inner Sect of the Five Aggregates Sect!"

For every sect the disciples of the inner sect are absolute treasures, and they are the future of the sect!

Seeing Wei Hai's extraordinary potential, Elder Li looked at him with a softer look.

Wei Hai raised his head and stepped towards the Wuyun Pagoda.

"Wei Hai!" Elder Li said, "Will you make your battle scene in the tower public?"

The disciples participating in the assessment are free to choose whether or not to disclose the battle scene.

Wei Hai has absolute confidence in his own strength, but he came to cross the third floor, so he naturally said arrogantly: "Open!"

With that said, Wei Hai walked directly into the Wuyun Pagoda.

The other geniuses who participated in the assessment were staring at Wei Hai's every move, wanting to see the details of the assessment. In this way, when they start the assessment later, they should be prepared.

After Wu Yun Pagoda tested Wei Hai's "Bone Age", soon, the formation on the first floor transformed into an opponent - this is an ordinary peak of internal training.

"The peak of internal training?" Wei Hai's mouth twitched with disdain - of course he has the right to be disdainful! After all, his cultivation base is in the middle stage of the innate; it is naturally easy to deal with a peak internal training!

However, Wei Hai did not know that at this moment, Xu Ming outside the Wuyun Tower had a playful smile on his face.

"Just tease him!" Xu Ming secretly said, "It's impossible for him to enter the inner sect!"

Hong Lingge is definitely going to enter the inner sect.

As for Xu Ming, he was reluctant to put Wei Hai into the inner sect and haunt Hong Lingge all day long. Then... at most, we can only let Wei Hai enter the outer sect.

"The first floor is free for him to break into. As for the second floor...hehe!" Xu Ming smirked in his heart.

With Xu Ming's strength, it would not take a single thought to destroy the entire chaotic world. By secretly manipulating this weak Five Aggregate Pagoda, it is naturally easy to do it without anyone noticing.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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