Break Into Another World

Chapter 1697: to the frontier of disorder

"I also want to know how much my strength will skyrocket if I accept the inheritance!"

When Chu Xie heard the words, he was suddenly delighted, thinking that Xu Ming had already taken the bait.

"But..." But then, Xu Ming's words changed, "However, I want to know more, where did you get this inheritance pool!"

Where did you get it?

Chu Xie was shocked, but he remained calm on the surface, and continued: "This inheritance pool is originally here! After I discovered it, I built the Temple of Death at this location!"

"Oh! It was originally here?" Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head and sneered, "The history of this inheritance pool is absolutely very long; could it be that no one has discovered it here for hundreds of millions of years, and you just discovered it?"


Chu Xie wanted to justify something, and Xu Ming went on to say: "And... can't I see that this inheritance pool does not fit well with the surrounding chaotic void; that is to say, the inheritance pool was definitely not there before. Here, it was moved from another place! Moreover, you said yourself that you did not hesitate to enter the realm of disorder in order to retaliate against the Hongmen Lin family; if I am not mistaken, this inheritance pool should come from the territory of disorder. Xinjiang? - Tell me, where did you get this inheritance pool!"

When he saw this inheritance pool, Xu Ming had already guessed that Chu Xie should still be "on the line".

Of course, Xu Ming was not satisfied, he just destroyed a desperate temple; he also wanted to follow the line of Chu Xie, follow the vines, and find more minions.

"You..." Chu Xie was powerless to argue, because what Xu Ming said was obviously the truth.

"Tell me the origin of the inheritance pool, or die!" Xu Ming said lightly.

The great powers in the Temple of Destruction all watched in a daze, the master of his own palace, beside his inheritance pool, was threatened by someone pointing his nose.

One by one powerful, whispering in secret:

"Who is this?"

"Too arrogant!"

"We Xingluoyu, is there such a number one person?"

"I..." Chu Xie felt a burst of humiliation. But then he thought, it seems that it doesn't matter to tell Xu Ming the origin of the inheritance pool; after all, that place is the super existence site behind him!

Thinking of this, Chu Xie said: "I can tell you, but I'm afraid you won't dare to go!"

"Don't dare to go?" Xu Ming sneered.

"Yes! As you expected, it is not in the endless chaos, but in the border of disorder!" Chu Xie looked at Xu Ming deliberately provocatively, and said, "Do you dare to go?"

"Sure enough!" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The border of disorder, Xu Ming will go sooner or later!

You must know that the universe can be divided into three parts: the real universe, the virtual universe, and the border of disorder!

If you want to go from the virtual universe to the real universe, you must cross the border of disorder!

With Xu Ming's current strength, of course, it is not enough to cross the border of disorder; after all, the deeper the border of disorder, the more dangerous it is. However, it is enough to leave the endless chaos a little and go to the edge of the disordered frontier! - In order to go to the real universe in the future, Xu Ming should go to understand the frontier of disorder first!

Moreover, Xu Ming estimated that with Chu Xie's strength, at most, he was only wandering around the edge of the disordered border!

If the disordered frontier is compared to the sea, the place where Chu Xie goes can only be regarded as a beach at most!

"Humph! Don't you dare to go?" Seeing that Xu Ming didn't answer for a while, Chu Xie said deliberately.


The answer to Chu Xie was a loud slap from Xu Ming: "Brother Ming, is there any place I dare not go?"

This sentence is really not Xu Ming boasting! - Anyway, Xu Ming has an "immortal mark" hanging on it; even if he falls, he can be resurrected at any time. What are you afraid of?

"I..." Chu Xie, who was dragged to the side, looked at Xu Ming pitifully, daring to be angry and not saying anything - just go if you dare! Why are you still beating people?

However, after being drawn, Chu Xie learned to be smart, and asked honestly: "Then... when do we set off?"

"You can set off right away!" Xu Ming said lightly, "But... You, the Temple of Destiny, doesn't seem to have the need to exist anymore!"

"Huh?" Chu Xie's face suddenly changed.

You must know that at this time, there are many "backbone forces" in the Temple of Death! These backbones have not been killed in the "one move to kill hundreds of millions" just now; but obviously, it is impossible to escape this disaster!


call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Immediately, all the great powers of the Temple of Destiny flew towards the outside of the Temple of Despair. It's a's too late!

As soon as Xu Ming's voice fell, his divine sense shrouded the entire Temple of Despair! You must know that Xu Ming has already reached the state of "integration of mind and spirit", and mental attacks are as tyrannical as other means of attack; Xu Ming's mental attacks are crushed down, and all the high-level executives of the Temple of Despair are completely destroyed!

You know, the mind is the foundation of a person! The heart world is shattered, and it will definitely die even more completely than the annihilation of the divine body!

For these "minions", Xu Ming will not show mercy at all!

Chu Xie gritted his teeth and watched, but there was nothing he could do. He could only think fiercely in his heart: "Just be arrogant! When you reach the border of disorder, you will regret it!"

At this time, Xu Ming looked at the masters from all sides of the endless chaos who had not yet had time to enter the inheritance pool to accept the His voice faintly rang in the ears of thousands of masters: "By the way, who of you wants to continue to accept the inheritance, you can continue! But well..."

Xu Ming didn't say anything further, but the threat is too obvious - those who have accepted the inheritance have basically been killed by him!

The masters from all sides of the endless chaos, how dare they continue to jump into the inheritance pool! After all, jumping in is courting death! Immediately, the masters of all parties rushed to leave the Temple of Despair.

Xu Ming was too lazy to chase after them—after these people left, the situation of the Temple of Death would spread in the endless chaos; in that case, if there were forces similar to the Temple of Death in the future, when others wanted to join, I’m afraid they would also You have to think about it first, and you won't join blindly like you are now.

After a while, the entire Temple of Despair became empty, leaving only Xu Ming and Chu Xie.

"You clean up here! It's better to block the entire Temple of Destiny first. In the future, maybe I will use this inheritance pool!" Xu Ming said lightly, "I will wait for you outside the temple! Don't think about escaping. , you know, in front of me, you can't escape!"

Saying that, Xu Ming flew out of the Temple of Despair and entered the endless chaos.

As for Chu Xie, he just obediently followed Xu Ming's order and began to block the Temple of Despair.

Xu Ming glanced at Chu Xie, and quietly hid his figure in the endless chaos, preventing Chu Xie from discovering: "Before entering the frontier of disorder, I have to do one more thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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