Break Into Another World

Chapter 1702: classy master

Xu Ming flew to the periphery of the virtual universe, stood by himself, and observed the situation.

"The space-time membrane wall of this broken virtual universe seems to be very chaotic!" Xu Ming soon discovered, "Such a chaotic time-space membrane wall is filled with a lot of energy! , I'm afraid they will all be killed by this energy!"

Xu Ming finally knew what these powerhouses were waiting for! Wait until the time-space membrane wall returns to calm, or there is an entrance that can enter the virtual universe, and then set off!

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "The space-time membrane wall is so chaotic, what kind of chaotic scene will it be in this virtual universe?"

Xu Ming shook his head silently.

After that, he closed his eyes and stood still, detaching a trace of spiritual insight to realize the "imaginary realm". After all, Xu Ming had only just realized the "imaginary realm", and there was still a long way to go from the "imaginary realm".

The aura on Xu Ming's body was deliberately confusing, so that no one could see his true cultivation.

However, among the tens of thousands of strong people present, no one paid attention to Xu Ming. After all, most of the people who will participate in such occasions exist in the Nirvana Realm; moreover, most of them have realized the Realm of Self.

If you don't have enough strength, participating in such an occasion is completely courting death.

A dazzling figure suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of many powerful people.

"Domain Lord Realm Powerhouse!"

"Finally, a domain master is here! It's even more lively now!"

"Domain Lord Realm? So what? Some Domain Lord Realms with no potential are not as powerful as Nirvana Realm!"

The sign of stepping into the main realm of the domain is to condense the "flower of true self".

However, is it necessarily better to condense the "flower of the true self" than the one that does not condense the "flower of the true self"? uncertain!

You must know that everyone's "true self" is different! This leads to the same "real self", but also different strengths!

In the realm of disorder, the realm of self, is divided into three levels: first-order, second-order, and third-order.

Some weaker "real self" can't break through to "true self second-order", and can only condense "true self flower" with "true self first order"! In this way, becoming the domain master is the weakest and weakest, and is called the "low-grade domain master"; in terms of strength, it is estimated that it is similar to the "true self second-order" peak Nirvana powerhouse.

A low-rank domain master, even if he cultivates to the peak, he will not be able to step into the realm of the realm! The end of his practice is the peak of the domain master realm!

Those who step into the "Second Rank of True Self" and then condense the Flower of True Self are called "Middle Grade Domain Masters", and their talent and strength are obviously superior; Missed!

Only by condensing the flower of the true self with the "third-order true self" is the master of the high-grade domain, and there is a first-line possibility to step into the supreme realm. Of course, how difficult is the supreme realm? The possibility of this line is also very small!

Before Xu Ming comprehends the "Imaginary Realm", when the plug-ins are fully open, his strength can be comparable to that of the "Lower-Rank Domain Master", or he has realized the peak of Nirvana Realm of "Second-Order Real Self".

After comprehending the "imaginary realm", the strength has soared now; the plug-ins are fully open, and it can already be comparable to the "middle-grade domain master", or the peak of Nirvana realm who has comprehended the "third-order real self", such as being attacked by Xu outside the Temple of Despair Ming's enslaved prison life is the peak of Nirvana Realm who has realized the "third-order true self"; to be honest, he is indeed a genius!

As for the Nirvana realm powerhouses present at this time, Xu Ming estimated that most of them had realized the "first-order true self", and a small number of them had realized the "second-order true self". As for the "third-order true self", it is very rare, and it is almost impossible to exist on the field; after all, the third-order true self represents talent and potential, and there is a glimmer of hope to step into the supreme realm!

Although it is only a tiny glimmer of hope, not everyone can have this glimmer of hope!

After the arrival of the Domain Master Realm powerhouse, thousands of powerhouses came one after another. Obviously, after this virtual universe was shattered, news spread, and many powerhouses were struggling to get a share of the pie.

Moreover, those who can come have some confidence in their own strength. Each of them, in the future, will not be weaker than most of the 100,000 domain lords in the "Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm".

Among the thousands of powerhouses, several domain masters have also arrived.

However, Xu Ming found that the proportion of the domain master realm is obviously very low; there will be only one realm master realm in the thousands of Nirvana realms.

"This is also normal..." Xu Ming secretly said, "At the Nirvana level, there is infinite hope; for example, a Nirvana powerhouse of the 'Second Realm' would definitely hope to reach the 'Second Realm'! And the Domain Master Realm, The 'flower of true self' has been condensed, and most of them have already seen the end of their cultivation; for the domain masters, most of them will choose 'retirement' instead of being like the nirvana. Come out and venture out!"

boom! !

At this moment, an extremely tyrannical momentum shocked the audience. The strength of the momentum is obviously one or two levels stronger than the Nirvana powerhouses present.

"This is…"

"Yitao domain master, he actually came too!"

"Yi Tao, the highest-ranking domain master! It is said that he is seeking the opportunity to break through to the realm of the realm!"

"He's here, so we..."

"What are you afraid of! How huge is a virtual universe! After we enter, will be scattered in all directions; no matter how strong the domain master Yi Tao is, how many of us can he touch?"

"That's true! But... if anyone encounters the domain master Yi Tao, it will be unlucky!"

"Yeah! It is said that the Lord of the Domain of Yi Tao is extremely aggressive! But he does not dare to take action against so many of us, otherwise, he will not end well if we are besieged by us!"

"After entering the virtual universe, first observe the whereabouts of Yi Tao, just be careful!"

High-grade domain master peak?

Even Xu Ming glanced at Domain Master Yi Tao in surprise.

You must know that if you want to become a high-rank domain master, you must be at the level of Nirvana, reach the "third level of true self", and then condense the flower of true self! Obviously, when this Domain Master Yi Tao was in Nirvana Realm, he was also the top genius in the entire Destiny Heaven!

Xu Ming had to admit that even if he had all plug-ins enabled, one-on-one, he would still be one level weaker than the domain master of Yi Tao!

Moreover, Xu Ming couldn't enslave the domain master Yi Tao; because, to enslave the strong domain masters, level 20 hanging points are useless, they need level 21 hanging points and Xu Ming has almost none.

However, Xu Ming is not very afraid of the other party. After all, Xu Ming has the trump card of "infinite avatar"; it is only a gap in level, which can be completely made up!

"This friend!" At this moment, a voice transmission entered Xu Ming's mind.

Xu Ming turned his head to look, it turned out to be a strong man in white near him, looking at him.

"Under the 'Yunlin'! I think you are also alone. After entering the virtual universe, you might as well travel together, okay?" The other party looked at Xu Ming and asked through voice transmission.

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