Break Into Another World

Chapter 1711: full load

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Dozens of high-ranking domain master realm powerhouses all shot at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming smiled: "Ten clones?"

These strong people are still too naive! - Vision limits their imagination! They thought that ten avatars that were not weak were already very terrifying; as everyone knew, for Xu Ming, ten avatars were just a "base number".

At least ten clones must be summoned!

Can't summon fewer clones!

The overwhelming attack swept in. However, these attacks only injured Xu Ming at most, and were far from fatal. For Xu Ming, who had practiced "Divine Phoenix Immortality", such attacks would not pose any threat to him in a short period of time.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

And Xu Ming also launched an attack.

His deity directly attacked Jiang Taichu, who was the closest; the ten clones, at the highest attack speed, randomly released attacks.

When Xu Ming's long spear killed Jiang Taichu, Xu Ming's ten clones had become twenty clones!

"What!?" Jiang Taichu saw ten clones appearing, and in shock, he was directly blasted dozens of worlds away by Xu Ming.

call out-

The arrow of the domain master Yi Tao shot through the void and arrived in front of Xu Ming.

Xu Ming took an arrow and his divine body was damaged; but in a flash, under the effect of "Divine Phoenix Immortal", his divine body was restored to its original state.

While Xu Ming continued to kill Jiang Taichu, at the same time, his clones split again - twenty clones became forty!

" can there be so many clones!?"

The Domain Master Yi Tao, Jiang Taichu and other high-rank Domain Masters were all shocked and stunned!

Moreover, not only the number of avatars is terrifying; what is even more terrifying is that the strength of each avatar has reached the level of high-grade domain masters - these high-grade domain masters who besieged Xu Ming, the weaker ones are not the opponents of Xu Ming's avatars one-on-one. !

not to mention…

After just a moment, Xu Ming's clones changed from forty to eighty, eighty to one hundred and sixty...

Not long after the fight began, the high-ranking domain masters such as Yi Tao domain master and Jiang Taichu found sadly: "We seem to be surrounded by Xu Ming's clone..."


The number of Xu Ming's clones has been ten times that of the high-ranking domain masters who besieged him! And it seems that Xu Ming's avatar will continue to split...


For a while, the masters of Yu Tao and Jiang Taichu did not dare to continue their actions. Dozens of high-rank domain masters shrunk into a circle and looked at Xu Ming's terrifying number of clones in horror; it was like a group of little sheep, seeing a group of wolves surrounding them.

"Yitao Domain Lord, this..." Jiang Taichu looked at Xu Ming's hundreds of clones, and then looked at Yi Tao Domain Lord, with a stunned expression on his face.

"I..." Domain Master Yi Tao also didn't know what to do - when he shot Xu Ming, he never expected that things would turn out like this. How can this be besieging Xu Ming?

Other high-ranking domain masters are also confused - what to do next?

Hundreds of Xu Ming's avatars formed a formation to block time and space, completely preventing the group of high-ranking domain masters from having any chance to escape.

"Greed is the original sin?" Xu Ming smiled and looked at the strong men, "Now, do you still think that I take 30% of the treasures, is it too much?"

"Brother Xu Ming!" Jiang Taichu did not dare to call "Little Friend Xu Ming", but called "Brother Xu Ming", "We would like to give you 30% of the treasure! No, 40%!"

"Forty percent?" Xu Ming smiled, "Only forty percent? Don't you think it's too beautiful?"

"Then... how much do you want?" The Domain Master Yi Tao asked bitterly, and his tone didn't dare to be tough - he had to bow his head under the low eaves!

Xu Ming said lightly, with a natural attitude: "Ten percent!"

"Ten percent..." Lord Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes, but there was nothing to do.

"Also..." Xu Ming continued indifferently, "It's not just the treasures harvested from other powerhouses! Your own treasures must also be handed over! Of course, you can choose to die!"

The Domain Master Yi Tao originally wanted to argue, but when he heard Xu Ming's last sentence, "You can choose to die," he didn't dare to argue.

To be honest, Xu Ming was already very kind without killing them. As for treasures... If you don't even have a life, what's the use of treasures?

"Leave the green hills, don't worry about no firewood..." All the strong men comforted themselves in this way.

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted with satisfaction when he saw that the strong men knew each other. With Xu Ming's strength, it was not difficult to kill these strong men; however, it was impossible to stop these strong men from destroying their own treasures. .

If they all destroyed their treasures, it would be of no benefit to Xu Ming.

In Xu Ming's opinion, treasures are more important than the life and death of these powerhouses - as long as they can get their treasures, Xu Ming will not bother to care whether they are dead or alive!

After all, in the realm of disorder, Xu Ming is not afraid of revenge from others - as long as he returns to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, even the Supreme Being can't retaliate against him, let alone this group of cats and dogs!

"You are right here, help me collect treasures!" Xu Ming flew directly to the exit of the virtual universe, sat down cross-legged in the void, blocking the way for everyone to leave, "Wait for the strong in this virtual universe. , they are almost gone, you all leave!"

Obviously, Xu Ming directly regarded these dozens of high-ranking domain masters as free coolies to help him collect treasures.

The Domain Master Yi Tao, Jiang Taichu, etc., aside from smiling bitterly, could only accept them silently. However, deep in the eyes of the two, there was a strange look hidden in them.

in the next days.

Xu Ming leisurely blocked the closed his eyes and meditated.

And every strong man who came to the exit, saw the intercepting lineup at the exit, smiled bitterly, and then reluctantly handed over the treasure on his body - between treasure and life, most people's choice is still very wise .

The three black-robed powerhouses that Xu Ming had encountered in the Border of Chaos also came to the exit not long afterward. After the three black-robed powerhouses handed over the treasures to the Lord of Yi Tao, they saw that the Lord of the Domain of Yi Tao honestly handed the treasures to Xu Ming. You know, they had scolded Xu Ming when they were in the Border of Chaos!

The three black-robed powerhouses couldn't help but think - it's a miracle that they can survive until now!

"I...we were wrong!" The three black-robed powerhouses flew to Xu Ming tremblingly to apologize.

"Go away!" Xu Ming said indifferently - at the beginning, in the frontier of disorder, the three gave Xu Ming the word "go away"; now, Xu Ming returned the word "go away" to them.

"Yes! Yes!" The three of them didn't dare to hesitate at all, and crawled out of this virtual universe.

In the shattered virtual universe, nearly 10,000 years have passed—that is, nearly a year in the border of disorder.

More than ninety-nine percent of the treasure hunters in this virtual universe have already left.

In the long years, Xu Ming's realm has also reached the "peak of the phantom self", which is close to the "real self".

Xu Ming didn't bother to wait any longer. He scoured the treasures of the powerhouses such as Lord Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu, and left immediately.

"Returning with a full load, it's time to return to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!"

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