Break Into Another World

Chapter 1729: Wu Yuan

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Xu Ming directly entered the "black hole" - Xu Ming has an "immortal mark" hanging on it, even if he dies, he can be resurrected immediately; therefore, Xu Ming does not need to worry about danger, nor does he need to worry about the Divine Phoenix Realm Will the Lord pit Himself?


Xu Ming's figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the "black hole". The closer he got to the black hole, the smaller his divine body became; soon, it became a point that even the Divine Phoenix Realm Master could not see, and disappeared into the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

At the same time, Xu Ming felt that the endless darkness was constantly magnifying around him; soon, the entire world where he was located turned black.

In this darkness, I did not know how long I walked until I saw a light appearing in front of me.

"There should be the Qinglei world!"

Xu Ming moved towards this light and walked quickly. The scene in front of him also began to change rapidly.

After a while, Xu Ming saw a huge body sitting majestically on a purple throne. Every particle of this huge body is composed of black lightning; his imposing manner is so strong that even Xu Ming feels a strong sense of oppression.

"I've seen the Realm Master Qinglei!" Xu Ming said neither humble nor arrogant.

In the eyes of Qinglei World Lord, thunder flashed. He looked at Xu Ming with interest, and smiled: "The realm of all things, you have realized the 'real self' third-order'?"

Xu Ming did not admit or deny it.

In terms of realm, Xu Ming is only in the "Illusory Self Realm", and has not yet reached the "Real Self Realm", let alone the "Real Self Stage 3". To be honest, compared to those geniuses of the realm of all things who have already understood the "third-order real self", Xu Ming is indeed inferior in realm by several steps - at least in realm!

But, you must know, how short is Xu Ming's cultivation time? -Those geniuses in the realm of all things who have realized the "third-order true self", at Xu Ming's "age", I am afraid they don't even know what the ultimate chaos is!

Moreover... Xu Ming's realm, although not at the "real level 3", but in terms of strength, he is much stronger than those geniuses who are "real level 3"! These, Xu Ming is not easy to explain to Qinglei World Lord; therefore, Xu Ming simply does not answer the question of Qinglei World Lord, it is regarded as a default.

"The talent is amazing! It's definitely the supreme potential!" The World Master Qinglei exclaimed—for a promising genius like Xu Ming, he was naturally happy to befriend him.

"Don't worry!" Qinglei World Lord said again, "Since I have promised Divine Phoenix World Lord to send you to Jiuzhongtian; then, I will definitely send you there! - You wait here for a while with me. Day, when the time comes, go to Jiuzhongtian with my geniuses from Qinglei Realm!"

"Thanks a lot!" Xu Ming said thanks, and naturally there was a subordinate of the Qinglei World Lord, who came to guide Xu Ming to rest.

Qinglei Holy Land.

It is the gathering place of geniuses in the entire Qinglei Realm. It is somewhat similar to the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm and Wendao Mansion in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, which is equivalent to a combination of the two.

This time, Qingleijie got a total of ten places to enter Jiuzhongtian's "Next Three Days". One of the places, Qinglei World Master has already given Xu Ming; the other nine places will be given to the geniuses of Qinglei Holy Land.

As for the domain master realm...

Domain master realm powerhouses cannot enter the "next three days" of the Nine Heavens, and can only go to the Fourth Heaven and above. As for the fourth day, it was already regarded as the "middle three days", and the places to go are even more precious.

Xu Ming held a talisman made of dead wood with the words "the next three days" written on it, which was the token for entering the Nine Heavens; without this talisman, it was impossible to enter the Nine Heavens.

After strolling around the Qinglei Holy Land at random, Xu Ming found that—

"There are more geniuses in Qinglei Realm than in Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!"

In Qinglei Holy Land, Xu Ming has seen several Nirvana realm powerhouses who have comprehended the "Second Rank of the True Self"; while in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, Xu Ming has never seen anyone who has comprehended the "Second Rank of the True Self". ".

"Looks like... This Thunder Realm has a deeper background than the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Actually this is normal.

The Qinglei Realm is a virtual universe that the Realm Master of Qinglei obtained a piece of chaotic pro-core and directly established; while the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is the new era of Chaos that the Divine Phoenix Realm ended the previous era of chaos and opened! In terms of the length of history, the Qinglei Realm far surpassed the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm; therefore, it is not surprising that there are more geniuses in the Qinglei Holy Land.

Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "When I crossed, if I was born in the Qinglei world, there would be more powerful opponents; then, would I rise faster?"

Immediately, Xu Ming shook his head.

If he was born in the Qinglei world, wouldn't he be able to meet Gu Hanmo?

If you can't meet Gu Hanmo, your vision will definitely be much lower; it is very likely that until now, you think that as long as you achieve the supreme, you are the supreme existence.

"Let's have a chance!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But no matter what, I have no regrets in this life! When I help Han Mo solve the enemy and bring my daughter Xu Yin home, it will be complete!"

As for the secret of the plug-in... Xu Ming didn't want to explore it deliberately!

If it is possible to untie it in the future, that is the best; if it cannot be solved, Xu Ming does not force it!

"Xu Ming?" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Xu Ming.

Xu Ming turned around and saw that it was a strong Nirvana realm with an aura of determination.

"Are you...?" Xu Ming asked with a haha! In the next Wuyuan! I just came back from the border of disorder, but I have already heard about Xu Ming's prestige! In the future in Jiuzhongtian, I hope Brother Xu Ming will take care of him! "

"Nice to meet!" Xu Ming also said.

Looking at the appearance of Wu Yuan, it is obvious that he has been in the disordered border for a long time, and his strength is not bad. Moreover, the other party also obtained a place to enter Jiuzhongtian.

"Brother Xu Ming, where are you going?" Wu Yuan asked again.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Just wander around!"

"Haha!" Wu Yuan laughed, "Since it's just a casual stroll, why don't you go to the 'Qinglei Battle Platform' with me!"


Wu Yuan said: "On the Qinglei battle stage, now there is a good show to watch!"

good show?

Xu Ming was actually not very interested.

However, in this Qinglei Holy Land, Xu Ming was unfamiliar with his life, and he was idle when he was idle. Coupled with Wu Yuan's gracious invitation, Xu Ming decided to go and take a look.

"Brother Xu Ming, come with me, and I happened to tell you some anecdotes about our Thunder Realm!" Wu Yuan seemed very enthusiastic.

Xu Ming only thinks it is, the character of the other party is like this; moreover, with Xu Ming's displayed talent, it is normal for people to take the initiative to make friends.


Xu Ming didn't notice that when Wu Yuan was talking, a dark and cold color flashed in the depths of his eyes. However, Wu Yuan was well hidden, and he was very enthusiastic; so that even Xu Ming didn't notice anything unusual.

"It's here!" Wu Yuan pointed at a "pillar" in front of him.

Above the Tianzhu is the Qinglei Battle Platform.

(End of this chapter)

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