Break Into Another World

Chapter 1735: time pause


Xu Ming, who was flying fast, stopped suddenly, with shock and disbelief on his face: "Yuan Zun!?"

You must know that this is the heaven, not the endless chaos, and it is not the ancient world!

Yuan Zun is the real body here, and he can exert the real power of the existence of the Supreme Realm!

And Xu Ming, even if the plug-in is madly turned on, he may not be able to compete with the weakest realm... The existence of the supreme realm is completely unattainable for Xu Ming at this stage!

"Why did Yuan Zun suddenly appear here?" Xu Ming was shocked and suspicious, "Also, he appeared so punctually?"

You know, as long as you give Xu Ming a little more time, Xu Ming will be able to enter the Nine Heavens! Once he enters the Nine Heavens, Xu Ming's cultivation will go to the First Heaven; and Yuan Zun, it is impossible to enter the First Heaven - at that time, Xu Ming will be safe!

But now, Yuan Zun is standing in front, obviously it is impossible to give Xu Ming a chance to enter Jiuzhongtian!

"This..." Xu Ming really couldn't think of any way to fight against a Supreme Realm existence, "This time... It seems that it is likely to die here!"

Death... For Xu Ming, it's not very likely! Anyway, he has an "immortal mark" hanging on it, and even if he falls, he will be resurrected immediately!

It's just that once you die, the talisman to enter the Nine Heavens will be gone!

"Xu Ming!" Yuan Zun's mouth curled with a grim smile, "I didn't expect that we will meet again so soon!"

"I didn't expect it!" Xu Ming shook his head and laughed at himself. If he had known that Yuan Zun would appear here, Xu Ming would have been cautious before he came to the heavenly realm, "Yuan Zun, I want to know, why did you appear here?"

How vast is "Destiny Day", even if it is a supreme expert who is good at deduction, it is impossible to calculate Xu Ming's whereabouts in Destiny Day.

"It's not easy to find you?" Yuan Zun sneered, then waved his hand and grabbed Wu Yuan beside him; after that, Yuan Zun continued indifferently, "As long as you find a few eyeliners, you will know. , when did you come to Jiuzhongtian?"


Seeing Wu Yuan standing beside Yuan Zun with an expression of soliciting credit, Xu Ming immediately understood everything - obviously, Wu Yuan was Yuan Zun's eyeliner.

It's just... Xu Ming still has a question he doesn't understand.

"Wu Yuan!" Xu Ming asked, "Since you have become Yuan Zun's eyeliner, why are you so quiet and silent, and you deliberately try to get closer to me?"

Wu Yuan laughed and said, "Know yourself and know your enemy!"

"Alas!" Xu Ming sighed heavily, "I didn't expect that I just resolved the crisis of life and death for you, and in a blink of an eye, you were sold!"

Although Xu Ming killed the geniuses of the Temple of Despair, the main reason was not to help Wu Yuan, but to take revenge on the Temple of Despair; but in any case, Xu Ming did help Wu Yuan to resolve the crisis!

Now I find that I have been sold by Wu Yuan, this feeling is really bad!

Moreover, Wu Yuan is now standing beside Yuan Zun, even if Xu Ming wants to take revenge, he can't do it!

"You help me resolve the crisis of life and death?" Wu Yuan sneered disdainfully, "That's your stupidity! And... even if you don't take action, Yuan Zun will definitely save me!"

Really heartless, faceless and skinless to the extreme!

However, Xu Ming really had nothing to do with him!

"Yuan Zun!" Xu Ming ignored Wu Yuan for a while, but looked at Yuan Zun, "What do you want? - You should know that your avatar was not carried by me, but was left by me in the endless. Chaos! If you kill me, you'll never get your avatar back!"

"Kill you?" Yuan Zun laughed, "What you think is simple, I spent so much effort to find you, why should I kill you? Haha! I won't kill you, but... enslave you!"

Yuan Zun laughed wildly.

Obviously, from his point of view, his deity has already been there, and Xu Ming has no chance of slipping away from him!

The word "Supreme" is not a casual word, but represents absolute strength!

In Xu Ming's mind, he was quickly thinking about the escape plan.


It is absolutely impossible to escape! It's too late to open "Coordinate Transmission"! - If this makes Xu Ming escape, Yuan Zun can also find a piece of tofu and kill him!


how to spell? - This is the Supreme Realm powerhouse! Even if Xu Ming relies on "life and death" to hang, there is an extremely slim possibility to kill Yuan Zun directly; but in fact, Xu Ming's attack may not fall on Yuan Zun at all!

Even the attack can't fall on Yuan Zun's body, how to trigger the instant kill effect of "life and death"?

Even Xu Ming couldn't even commit suicide! Once he has suicidal intentions, Yuan Zun will definitely take action to suppress him immediately! And now, the reason why Yuan Zun hasn't made a move is because he wants to play a game of "cat and mouse" before enslaving Xu Ming.

"Yuan Zun should not be able to enslave me!" This is Xu Ming's confidence in Xiaohang - before, Xu Ming has been "enslaved" by other strong men; however, Xiaohang forcibly protected Xu Ming and did not Let him be enslaved by anyone!

After all, if Xu Ming was enslaved, wouldn't it mean that Xiaohang would also be exposed?

"But... I still can't give Yuan Zun a chance to enslave and attack!" Xu Ming secretly said Although Xu Ming has confidence in Xiaohang; however, the other party is the Supreme Realm after all! In case... Xiaohang couldn't do anything, wouldn't it be a tragedy for Xu Ming?

You know, being enslaved is worse than dying! After death, Xu Ming can still be resurrected; but if he is enslaved, Xu Ming can't even be resurrected!

"Why, Xu Ming, still want to struggle?" Yuan Zun joked, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance! Just try your best to try, can you escape from me... Hahahaha..."

By all means?

Xu Ming will naturally do everything possible.

Now, Xu Ming can only rely on his last hole card - "Time Pause"!

The hanging points consumed by the "time pause" hanging depends on the difficulty of the time pause area! With the hanging point that Xu Ming has now, it is naturally impossible to create a time-suspended area on Yuan Zun! But... Xu Ming can create a "time pause area" around him!

Pause the time around you, so that no matter what you do in the time-pause area, no one else can see it! Even if Yuan Zun is aware of the time suspension, it will take some time for him to break the time suspension area; this time may be enough for Xu Ming to rush into Jiuzhongtian!

"That's it!" Xu Ming made a decision in an instant!

As for whether it can be done or not, it depends on the will of God!

"Don't you dare to escape?" Yuan Zun sneered, "If you can escape, I can call you Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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