Break Into Another World

Chapter 1737: List of all things

good show?

Xu Ming did not expect that when he first arrived, he actually caught up with a good show. But since there is a good show, Xu Ming doesn't mind going to watch it.

"I don't know what a good show it will be?" Xu Ming secretly looked forward to it.

After all, he is not very familiar with the "World of the First World". If there is really a good show, he can take the opportunity to peek at the leopard and see some clues of this world.

So, Xu Ming followed behind these figures and flew towards what they called "a good show".

"The strength of these people in the realm of all things doesn't seem to be very strong..." Xu Ming observed silently.

These people in the realm of all things seem to have not even understood the "imaginary realm"; in Xu Ming's view, they are naturally incomparably weak.

"With such a weak strength, how did they get the places to enter the 'Nine Layers'?" Xu Ming thought to himself, "Or are they the 'indigenous' in the world of the First Layer?"

Xu Ming continued to observe this space of heaven and earth: "The time and space here are very stable; even me, I'm afraid I can't tear the space! Moreover... Chaos Supreme Dao is very orderly and pure here!"

Like in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, although "Zhao Dao" is everywhere, it is not as orderly here - it's like, Chaos Zhi Dao is mixed with magazines, and its power is greatly reduced.

As for the frontier of disorder, Chaos is even more chaotic.

"The Chaos Supreme Dao is so orderly, then, using the Chaos Supreme Dao to comprehend the 'real self' will be much more efficient!"

Chaos to Dao is like soil; "real self" is a sapling that grows on this soil.

call out-

Several people flew for about three days.

Finally, Xu Ming saw that countless figures appeared in the void in front of him—those were countless masters of the realm of all things!

In the "first-level world", the highest level of cultivation is only allowed to exist in the realm of all things; once the cultivation level exceeds this level, it will soar to the "second-level world". As for those whose cultivation base is lower than the realm of all things, they are too weak, and it is very difficult to even survive here, and they do not dare to show their faces easily.

Therefore, most of the people Xu Ming saw were those who cultivated in the realm of all things.

"There are so many experts in the realm of all things..." Xu Ming glanced, "I'm afraid there are more than 100,000!"

Immediately, Xu Ming discovered that so many masters of the realm of all things formed a circle in the void, watching something. The center of this "circle" is also the two masters of the realm of all things. Obviously, the two of them are the protagonists of this good show.

"Just these two people?" Xu Ming couldn't help being a little disappointed with the so-called good show - what kind of good show is this? Isn't it just a fight between two masters of the realm of all things? What a big deal?

Could it be that... the masters of the realm of all things in the world of the first layer of heaven have never seen a fight? When you see a fight, you are so excited that hundreds of thousands of people are watching?

However, Xu Ming also found that the two masters of the realm of all things confronted, the realm is obviously not weak, and they have reached the "second-order true self"!

You must know that in other places, Xu Ming has never seen it, there is no realm of all things that can comprehend the "realm of self", let alone "the second-order real self"! Even in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm and Qinglei Realm, even the Nirvana Realm powerhouses, not many people can comprehend the "Second Rank of the True Self"!

"The world of the first layer of heaven is indeed a place where geniuses gather! I just came in, and I actually met two geniuses in the realm of all things who have realized the 'second-order true self'! There are a lot of people who have realized the 'first-order true self'! "Xu Ming secretly said.

Of course, they are just two "real self second-order" geniuses in the realm of all things. Although Xu Ming was a little surprised, he did not take it seriously. With his strength, with a wave of his hand, he could suppress these two "true self". Tier 2".

"What are these two people doing?" Xu Ming casually asked the person next to him.

The expert with dragon horns on his head next to him looked at Xu Ming in surprise: "You don't even know them both? You must have just come to the 'Silver Light City', right?"

"It's just here!" Xu Ming said in a low-key manner despite his strong strength.

"It's no wonder!" said the Dragon Horn expert, "These two are amazing! In our Silver Light City, they are also quite famous powerhouses! Both of them have the strength to impact the 'Person List'!"

"People list?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"You don't even know the list of people?" The Dragon Horn expert said, "It seems that you must have just arrived in the world of the first layer of heaven!"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

"Since I have a chance to meet you, I'll tell you!" The Dragon Horn master said proudly, "Do you know that this Chongtian world gathers the most geniuses of the 'Second Quadrant' of all things! Among these geniuses of all things The best of the best, naturally have to set a ranking, divided into strengths and weaknesses!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming listened.

"So...there is the 'All Things List'!" The Dragon Horn master continued, "The All Things List is divided into the Heaven List, the Earth List, and the Human List! But even if you are only on the 'All Things List Human List', it is definitely the realm of all things. Among the peerless geniuses! - Feng Chenglong and Ning'e, all have the hope of being on the 'people list', but they have not yet made it!"

Feng Chenglong and Ning'e were naturally the two geniuses in the realm of all things that were the focus of the audience.

"So, they need a battle to prove their strength! I estimate that the one who wins the battle will be able to get on the 'people list'!"

"So that's it..." After Xu Ming learned about the situation, he suddenly felt a little dull. This kind of is naturally a rare peak duel for other geniuses in the realm of all things; but for Xu Ming, It's not much different from watching two ants fighting.

When he thought that he had run all the way to see two ants fighting, Xu Ming was speechless.

However, Xu Ming also met so many people and learned some information such as "Silver Light City"; after this boring battle was over, Xu Ming could easily find the location of Silver Light City, and then learn more Information about the world of Yizhongtian.

After learning enough information, Xu Ming has to think about how to find the truth of the universe and how to become stronger! - After all, Xu Ming came to the World of First Layer to improve his strength!


Not long after, the two geniuses of the "Second Rank of the True Self" finally made their move after exchanging a bunch of harsh words!

The terrifying power continued to collide and erupt in the void; however, the world of First Layer was extremely stable, and the space was not torn apart.

Even Xu Ming showed a slight expression of admiration: "It's really good to have such strength at the level of the realm of all things! Even compared to the geniuses such as Yu Xie in Qinglei Realm, I'm afraid it's not too much! And... such strength, I can only barely make it to the 'Everything's List'!"

Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to the Heaven and Earth Rankings in the list of all things. Maybe, the genius of Tianbang can give him some surprises!

"Huh?" Xu Ming looked around while watching the battle; suddenly, his eyes swept across two figures, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled, "Is it them...?"

(End of this chapter)

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