Break Into Another World

Chapter 1739: Born

The whole world, the picture seems to freeze suddenly.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Xu Ming in disbelief.

For a long time, panicked voices came one after another.


"how is this possible!?"


You must know that Feng Rulong and Ning'er are barely qualified to be on the "People List"! In the entire Silver Light City range, they are ranked in the top ten strengths!

But now, the blows of the two desperately fighting each other were caught so easily in their hands; the destructive momentum was instantly suppressed without a trace.

Everyone couldn't believe it - how strong Xu Ming's strength should be! ?

"Raise your hands to suppress the two strong people!?"

"What kind of strength is this? The strength of the 'Earth List'?"

"Even if it's not on the Earth Ranking, it's definitely at the forefront of the Human Ranking!"

"Who is he? How come you've never seen him?"

The most embarrassing ones were undoubtedly Feng Rulong and Ning'e. The two of them were naturally very confident in their own strength; they were also very clear about the power of this swearing blow.

But now, their weapons were all caught in Xu Ming's hands; but Xu Ming was unscathed.



The two looked at Xu Ming, not knowing what to say for a while.

Xu Ming casually threw the two of them' weapons and said lightly, "Go on!"

Xu Ming also knew that the two did not intend to kill Yun Tian or the Lone Gunner, but they were red-eyed during the duel, ignoring the surrounding audience. Therefore, Xu Ming was too lazy to care about them.

"Let's go!" Xu Ming wrapped Yun Tian and Lone Gunner with divine power, and disappeared in a flash.

Feng Rulong and Ning'e looked at each other: "Are we going to continue?"

This battle, even if we continue to fight, will definitely not be the same as before. Moreover, with the sudden appearance of Xu Ming, a master he had never seen before, the two of them would definitely not be able to rank up on the "Ren List".

"Forget it, forget it!" Feng Rulong said, "With our strength, if we want to be on the 'Person List', we are destined to be slightly worse! We should wait for our realm to reach the 'True Self Level 3', and we will naturally be able to get on the list. On the list!"

"Indeed!" Ning'e also said, "Today, we will stop fighting! When I reach the 'real self' third-order', you and I will fight again here!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ming naturally didn't know that with his departure, Feng Rulong and Ning'er also ended the battle.

At this time, Xu Ming was heading to Yinguang City under the guidance of Yun Tian and Lone Gunner.

"Why are you all in the first world?" Xu Ming asked curiously. He remembered that Lone Gunner's cultivation has long exceeded the realm of all things, so he shouldn't appear in the "First Layer World"!

"Brother Ming!" The Lone Gunner asked, "You just came to the World of First World, right?"

Only the "newcomers" who have just come to the world of First World will ask this kind of question.

"That's right!" Xu Ming said.

"Brother Ming, you must have entered the Jiuzhongtian from the entrance of the heaven!" The lone gunman said again, "But... I'm not the same as Yun Tian! We were born here by relying on the 'space-time secret room'! Those who were born like us will reshape the divine body under the rules of Jiuzhongtian; the cultivation base will be regressed to the realm of chaos, and even the memory will be erased..."

"The memory has been erased?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled.

"Yes!" Yun Tian also said, "In the Nine Heavens, those who are born below the realm of all things are not worthy of having memories! Only by re-cultivating to the realm of all things, will the previous memories be awakened - Yun Tian and I, too It’s not long before I cultivated to the realm of all things!”

"So..." Xu Ming understood.

What a fate!

The two of them had just cultivated to the realm of all things and had just awakened their memories when they met themselves!

At the same time, Xu Ming also understands the special features of "First Layer World"!

The World of First Layer is like a "shelter" - if the virtual universe is destroyed, or the era of chaos ends, then the vast majority of people in this virtual universe will fall along with it! And using the "space-time secret room" to send these people to the first layer of heaven to be born, they can save their lives; when they re-cultivate to the realm of all things, they can also awaken the memories of their previous lives!

Jiuzhongtian is equivalent to giving the incarnates a chance to live again!

Yun Tian continued: "The two of us are very lucky to be able to awaken the memories of our previous lives and meet each other! Many people who have been born have no chance to cultivate to the realm of all things, and they have already died in the world of the first layer of heaven!"

The world of the first layer of heaven is not safe, and it is the same as everything else in the chaotic universe - the weak eat the strong!

The Lone Gunner also said, "It's even luckier to be able to meet Brother Ming again!"

Unconsciously, the three of them have arrived at Silver Light City.

Xu Ming watched while watching the flowers, while continuing to understand the situation in the first layer of the world: "Are there many cities like Yinguang City in the first layer of the world?"

"A lot!" said the Lone Gunner.

"a lot of?"

"Yes! Brother Ming!" The Lone Gunner continued, "Brother Ming, you should already know the list of all things, right?"

Xu Ming nodded lightly.

"The list of all things is divided into the list of heaven, the list of the earth, and the list of people!" The Lone Gunner introduced, "The list of heaven is a ranking of the geniuses in the whole world of the first layer! The ranking of geniuses! And the ranking of people is the ranking of geniuses in 'The Land of One County'!"

Xu Ming was a little strange - what the Lone Gunner said, it seemed that it was completely irrelevant to what he asked!

At this time, the lone gunman said solemnly: "There are 10,800 states in the whole world of the First World! Each has 10,800 counties! Every county has 10,000 counties. Eight hundred cities!"

Xu Ming suddenly understood!

In a city like Yinguang City, there are "trillions" in the world of the first layer!

People list, one for each county, there are hundreds of millions of different people list!

There are tens of thousands of different land lists, one for each state!

"The world of the First Layer is really vast..." Xu Ming couldn't help sighing.

At the same time, Xu Ming is more looking forward to it!

You must know that Feng Rulong and Ning'e are both relatively strong beings in the "Second Rank of the True Self", and they are already close to the strength of the "Second Rank of the True Self"; and they are difficult to even rank in the list of people. ! In other words... the general level of the powerhouses in the human rankings must have reached the "third-order true self"!


How strong should a genius on the earth list be?

Tianbang exists, how strong should it be?

"It's interesting!" The more Xu Ming thought about it, the more he looked forward to it, "I am afraid that there are not a few geniuses who are above the 'high-rank domain master' in this world of heavy heaven!"

Originally, Xu Ming didn't take the first-level world in his eyes at all, and was ready to quickly go to the second-level world and the third-level world! But now, he is a little dignified to the world of First Layer!

"If I completely conquer the world of the first layer of heaven, I should gain a lot of money!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner naturally would not have thought that their brother Ming had just arrived in the world of First World, and he was already thinking about how to conquer this world.

"Brother Ming, we have arrived at the residence!"

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